This is hard to believe this was written in 2005


Well we are going to break this down! For all debunkers and sheep alike! Lets start with this!
Russian Soldiers To Train At Fort Carson « CBS Denver

20 Russian soldiers is a lie! Other reports say there is more! The militias in America are SLOWLY and I mean SLOWLY discussing this and want no Russian or other troops on our soil. 90% of Americans see no big deal TODAY!
Are we this blind!

Wonder why nobody likes us in 2036 or more in the future. We are lazy ignorant sheep according to Titor! We are the same according to Qronos!

Nato summit: 20 May 12

Read the reports! Don't you feel something BIG is going to happen?

Titor said "SOMETHING does happen in 2012 but he will let it be a suprize!"

Qronos gave us a bigger hint! And it doesnt look good! I like how Sammy breaks the comparison down!

Hard to debunk whats going on now compared to what he said DEBUNKERS!




Ok! Remember when we were kids and we have to check the math? Lets check the math! Sam help me, your the Titor expert!

IRIS Seismic Monitor This is a Seismic Monitor. Quite a few earthquakes world wide! Over 7 thousand within a 30 day period. The USGS is hiding some and we now have activity at yellowstone.

2)John Titor said. "Something does happen in 2012 but it will be a suprize!" something to that effect.

3) Why does John and Qronos1 keep mentioning GOD? (Dont you just smell trouble?)

4) "Rita will do what she is meant to do,take out more of the heart of the USA.The power of this storm is stronger right now then they even know.But will not be a Katrina.Bush is what I would say or what we call in our time a crazed loon.He is the one who has caused GODS wraith." -Qronos1

How about an earthquke for money scheme! Ask Bush, Obama & Clinton. 13 TRILLION dollars and weres the money for Hati! (investigate that one)

5) Forien troops on our soil! Tell me thats a confirmed hoax. As I type. We have confirmed reports of Russian troops in Denver. Russian military advisors training with the national guard RIGHT NOW! IN THE MIDWEST! (Check out youtube for Russians training with Kansas National Guard) But this is a comfirmed hoax.

6) "Let's talk about the time from which I come.But first let me say this.The sun is not a good place to live or get close to.It's going to spit it's hot fire towards the earth, soon.I can not say anything other then that." May 2012. Whats that giant sunspot doing today?" -Qronos1 I think you should check google on whats happening TODAY!

Scientific facts can beat a scientific hoax! Between John Titor,Qronos and Al Bielak. I think people are starting to believe. They tell the same story about earth changes.

Right now I agree with John Titor and Qronos! We are lazy ignorant sheep to let forien troops on our soil!
For my generation to have let the new world order just rule. Strange how titor said we win by 2020 and the 100 million deaths (1/3 of this country) wont be known until 2021!

Whats the order that titor said(help me Sammy) Disease, Stavation, bullet wounds or something to that effect!
Sounds like a crashed economy. Well I have to go! I have to have a talk to a few patriots!


Senior Member


Senior Member
Glad you getting out of California. It wont be there in years to come! :ROFLMAO:

I'm only leaving to be near my oldest son. He had to move there 2 years ago, due to his job relocation. We're very close, and we don't like being apart, so I'm moving there.

I have always had a fear of tornadoes, and Texas has lots of them. I feel much safer in California, but my love for my son outweighs my fear of tornadoes. I'm working on a Storm Shelter Fund as soon as I get there! :eek: When those tornadoes come, I'll be calling out to Jesus to stop them, seriously! :D


New Member
I don't know if i believe this time travel stuff. I watched the tail end of a news report on CNN earlier about qronos1 they were asking who is he and how did he know so much. So I did a search for him and it lead me here. Was this guy real??
