Debate Time travelers posting online: Are they all fake?


Something else occurred to me in regards to the post edit function. That can also be used to post exact lotto numbers and headlines. So are those still the facts that support claims of being a time traveler for you?

I imagine using the numbers to actually win the lottery would go a long way to providing ample proof.


Temporal Engineer
Something else occurred to me in regards to the post edit function. That can also be used to post exact lotto numbers and headlines. So are those still the facts that support claims of being a time traveler for you?

Something like that would get noticed with a lotto number. But mundane stuff can get overlooked.

But if you suspect the edit function is being used, just copy his predictions down when he makes them. That way you can bust him when he edits later on.


No one ever predicts where and when with precision. And please be aware that some sites have a post edit function which earthquake predictors have been known to abuse.

We could make a new thread and have everyone use psychic abilities ONLY to try to precisely predict one earthquake each -- when and where - - and then see if any of us get it right... LOL


No one ever predicts where and when with precision. And please be aware that some sites have a post edit function which earthquake predictors have been known to abuse.

We could make a new thread and have everyone use psychic abilities ONLY to try to precisely predict one earthquake each -- when and where - - and then see if any of us get it right... LOL

As someone who is probably a complete psychic null, if such things exist, I'm game. :D


Active Member
No one ever predicts where and when with precision. And please be aware that some sites have a post edit function which earthquake predictors have been known to abuse.

We could make a new thread and have everyone use psychic abilities ONLY to try to precisely predict one earthquake each -- when and where - - and then see if any of us get it right... LOL
The old "time traveler" that was used as an example for that was using a science website that made predictions of based on past and present seismic activity. It was an earthquake in Japan or Singapore if memory serves me right. I think he was in a few decimal places of the Richter scale I think he was also within a few minutes of the quake.

So he wasn't using psychic abilities only. But if you want it as a "fun game" to ease the tensions. I think it would be interesting. See how close people get within time long,lat distance from epicenter and richter scale. From that we could use the data to find average error, standard deviation of that error. From that we could test the hypothesis if it is within the realm of chance, 95% confidence level, for people to just be lucky and guess a correct earthquake. We could also compare standard deviations between people and see if there is statistically significant differences between peoples predictive ability. I would suggest using Einstein's original 24 hour rule. Hmm I would say going to the second on time three digits on the latitude and longitude, tenth place on richter scale, and km in depth.

I suspect we will begin to do better over time but hit a plateau. Who knows maybe some will start becoming psychic in their everyday life from the practice. ;)

Here is a website we can use to check our predictions against.

Earthquake Hazards Program


Junior Member
I find this a very interesting thread!

I could never put myself in a position to definitively know one way or the other if time travel was possible.
I wouldn't immediately have a biased opinion on someone claiming to be a time traveler, I wouldn't automatically discount nor believe their claim.

What WOULD be a verifiable fact? I think it's in the eye of the believer (hence the difference of opinions here)..

Are all time traveler claims a hoax? I couldn't say with any certainty.
Look at the story of Victor Goddard in 1935. He was a sane, well respected pilot who encountered a glimpse at the future when faced with potential death when his plane spiraled out of control. What did he have to gain? Or even prove? I believe he encountered a future for a split second while in a dire circumstance.


Junior Member
I meant to say:: (unless i actually experienced it first hand) then I could never put myself in a position to definitively know one way or the other if time travel was possible. That would be a definitive fact for me.. I'm from the show me state ;-)


Are all time traveler claims a hoax? I couldn't say with any certainty.
Look at the story of Victor Goddard in 1935. He was a sane, well respected pilot who encountered a glimpse at the future when faced with potential death when his plane spiraled out of control. What did he have to gain? Or even prove? I believe he encountered a future for a split second while in a dire circumstance.

You're right. Nobody has disputed him and it was never solved, either. It makes me wonder, though. Was he about to be sent to an alternate universe because he was about to die? I read a story on another thread that suggested that we don't truly die but switch universes.
