Timetraveler2063 Questions and Comments


Junior Member
Hello my brother! Are you talking about The book of Daniel 12:12?

Daniel 12:12: Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.

So September 16-17, 2012 is the 1335 days as spoken of in the Book of Daniel. (Good call Jaquon!)

You said earlier that December was the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Would that be December 21st? Does anything signficant happen in December to mark the beginning of the Tribulation, or is the September 16th date the marker event?
Nothing happens on that date in the physical world.


Junior Member
Timetraveler2063, Thank you for answering our questions. Thanks for your patience at our anxiousness for answers.

I did not understand your answer to my Question #7 about firearms.

7) Should we keep firearms/guns for hunting for food, or for protection?
Q:7 All the above.

QUESTION 1: When you said "All the above", do you mean we should keep firearms because of all the bad things that are going to happen, that were listed in the previous answers? If so, then next question...

QUESTION 2: During the Tribulation, does Jesus condone us keeping and using firearms for protection? Or are we supposed to turn the other cheek and rely on Him to protect us?

You said...
Q:12 Your government died in the 60's.

QUESTION: Do you mean our government died in 1964 when President Kennedy was assassinated? Or do you mean 2060's?

QUESTION 3: Is September 16/17-2012 the day the meter and earthquakes happen? (We are so close that I would think you could give us the answer without concern that the information would alter anything significant.)

QUESTION 4: If I make my faraday cage in one week, is that enough time? (I still have to get the materials.)

QUESTION 5: I have a dear friend in Melbourne, Australia. Will he be safe?

Thanks again for your patience and answers. Sorry for so many questions...again...but this is such a critical time and rare opportunity for answers. Your cooperation is much appreciated.


SORRY! I wasn't going to ask a bunch of questions, and then I did. :oops:
I can not speak to what Jesus wants but you should never give up your guns. Protect yourself.
Q:12 Yes it died with him.
Q:3 ------ You shall see.
Q:4 Yes that's enough time
Q:5 Anyone living by a large body of water is not safe.


Junior Member
Timetraveler2063, I just thought of an obvious question...Astronomers and Scientists always know way in advance whenever anything is approaching the earth, and we usuallly hear about it in the news. QUESTION: If a meteor is coming close to earth this year (that will cause devastation & earthquakes), why aren't the people being told by the authorities and/or experts?
The people who know what objects are coming to earth will not tell you at all. Numbered objects that you see on websites do not include objects that they know shall hit earth. You are on your own. Your government only looks out for itself. Therefore you have only our Lord to depend on. If he is for you who then can be against you?


Junior Member
Oh, I know you want 2063 to answer, but darn if we know yet how many asteroids and such up there, but here is good idea so far as to how many we do know:

International Dark-Sky Association

What we do


Near-Earth Object Program

Current Impact Risks

Minor Planet Center

The NEO Page

Planetary Society

The NEO Page

Near Earth Object Information Centre

Near Earth Objects

International Astronomical Union

Near Earth Objects | IAU

Near Earth Object Map

Near Earth Objects Map

Now, put shields on the lights so they do not shine up and light up the bottom of satellites crossing the night sky and fouling up the natural rhythms of the birds and animals so at least we can see the Milky Way Galaxy. Turn out the lights! (Shield the lights!)

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, we can't see you from afar!

Oh well, so goes this Planet around the Sun.
My friend you only know what they choose to show you.


Junior Member
Timetraveler2063 was Qronos1 talking about this when he said a book would be written about Art Bell telling the real story about him? From Art Bell’s Facebook:
“I am just about ready to tell the real story of my so called “Retirements”. I have asked Premiere to stop the Saturday Broadcasts and thus far they have not done so as is there legal right. Free speech remains my right, I will soon exercise it.”
Yes as Qronos 1 said there are many things about Art Bell and his situation the public does not know. It has taken longer then Qronos 1 said but this is what he was talking about.
Why has it taken longer?
Event's have happen that pushed back what Art Bell was going to do.


Junior Member
My question for some one in 2063 would be as follows.

What do we need after the catastrophe to reboot civilization?

Should we go all steam punk with steam power? Perhaps try to create an ecotopia? What do we need to restart our internet? Should we stock up on generators? How do we get things going again?


Hi timetraveler2063 I have two more questions for you what kind and type of time travel, teleportation, and invisibility will we have in the further future? also will we have virtual reality or cyberspace in the further future too?
