Titor saga not over until 2015 is over


Sorry, non-believers. Although it seems that March 12th was hypothetical, remember that Titor warned us about 2015 and that's what got people guessing the date to begin with. I'm afraid you'll have to hear about this until the year is over.

Check out the news. We are being distracted with Hilary Clinton's e-mail issue. (Who the hell really cares about that???) In between all that hoopla, you'll see that Russia is up to something and Putin is in hiding for some reason.

2015 isn't over.


Yea, well I'm not willing to let some internet meme influence my life... :rolleyes: Thx! :D


Senior Member
He also warned us about 2004, 2008 and 2012.

None of it happened.

Titor was over before that though.

What's going on today is just the nerve spasms sometimes observed in a dead corpse.

But Titor and his story will always be real to the chronically astonished.

Their eyebrows are forever stuck in the "yipes" position.

They aren't gonna stop with this flapdoodle.



Junior Member
I believe John Titor was real, because I had a personal experience with him, which I have written about in its own thread so I will not get into it here. But his presence here change the timeline enough that everything he came here to talk about has not happened in most likely will not happen, the only thing that's going on in Russia right now is that they're setting up for the May Day celebration which one attracting a lot of protesters because of the issue going on in the Ukraine, will also attract a lot of the neo-nazi protesters and so on and knowing Russia these people will probably show up a week and a half ahead of time and not leave for probably 3 weeks after please remember we're talking about Russia things have a tendency of getting out of hand really quick so they prepare for everything which means massive staging beforehand up to a couple of weeks before I've made a thread about what's been going on with this too because this is going nuts on all the conspiracy / paranormal forums right now and nobody's actually taking the time to think critically about this


Senior Member
He also warned us about 2004, 2008 and 2012.

None of it happened.

Titor was over before that though.

What's going on today is just the nerve spasms sometimes observed in a dead corpse.

But Titor and his story will always be real to the chronically astonished.

Their eyebrows are forever stuck in the "yipes" position.

They aren't gonna stop with this flapdoodle.

you know.i.am not fond of your no.armor no legger commet. i think you take it out of context. you relate to nimrods sahing it meant a lack of armour on humvees. i have alwYs taken it to mean the amount of amputatations in the iraq afgan war.

in the new war on terror against iraq and afganistan the usa has had tbe lowest amonut of casualties ever in any war... BUT we have suffered a huge amount of amputations. he.ce the comment "no armor no leggers" it has nothing to do with armor and everything to do with vets coming home with missing limbs.

i just had to share that.

titors timeline was his own.

our is ours.

their are similarites but on different paths.


Senior Member
He also warned us about 2004, 2008 and 2012.

None of it happened.

Titor was over before that though.

What's going on today is just the nerve spasms sometimes observed in a dead corpse.

But Titor and his story will always be real to the chronically astonished.

Their eyebrows are forever stuck in the "yipes" position.

They aren't gonna stop with this flapdoodle.

you know.i.am not fond of your no.armor no legger commet. i think you take it out of context. you relate to nimrods sahing it meant a lack of armour on humvees. i have alwYs taken it to mean the amount of amputatations in the iraq afgan war.
Or amputations in any war. I'm with you there.
I wish I hadn't read the post making that claim, but I did. I'm not exactly fond of it either. Which is why I state it as an example of some of the crap that comes out of the Titor entourage of unfortunates. I assure you, it is exactly what I described it to be - a poster saying that "an arm or a leg" was Titor warning us about the lack of armor on the Humvees (remember that flap?) - in a secret sort of way to avoid upsetting our timeline.

I kid you not.



I believe John Titor was real, because I had a personal experience with him, which I have written about in its own thread so I will not get into it here. But his presence here change the timeline enough that everything he came here to talk about has not happened in most likely will not happen, the only thing that's going on in Russia right now is that they're setting up for the May Day celebration which one attracting a lot of protesters because of the issue going on in the Ukraine, will also attract a lot of the neo-nazi protesters and so on and knowing Russia these people will probably show up a week and a half ahead of time and not leave for probably 3 weeks after please remember we're talking about Russia things have a tendency of getting out of hand really quick so they prepare for everything which means massive staging beforehand up to a couple of weeks before I've made a thread about what's been going on with this too because this is going nuts on all the conspiracy / paranormal forums right now and nobody's actually taking the time to think critically about this
You are just trying to get money for a book online , (read his other thread if ya don't bellieve me, that this Robert guy is not telling the truth, and trying to make money) . sorry Robby, I don't believe ya
