Titor's 2001 Predictions Compared to 2011 Curent Time


Junior Member
Titor SAID they wouldnt find any weapons of mass destruction and who declared war while congress punked out and said "ok". Who said your either with US (AFE) or the terrorist! Strange he is wanted for war crimes.

"A no ARMER and no Legger" Good old middle east!

First, Titor never said that no WMD's would be found. You need to take a closer look at the actual post - and not the synopsis on JohnTitor.com. Second, Titor was trying to be cute with the "no armer and no legger" quip. That was made in response to my post where I said that it was a "no brainer" for him to suggest that there would be a war in the Middle East. We were at war in the Middle East, Iraq to be precise, at the time that Titor made the suggestion. We were bombing Iraq on a daily basis in the No Fly Zone throughout 2000-2001.

But we both digress. Your post above didn't address the questions in the post that it is responding to.


Junior Member
George Bush Jr. and Sr. are both murderers. George W. Bush is a convicted War Criminal found guilty of War Crimes: http://www.favstocks.com/bush-and-blair-are-now-convicted-war-criminals/28855494/

The verdict of the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal, however, was immediately taken up on appeal to the Sixth Street Rolling 8's International Court of Appeals located in Launceston, Tazmania and overturned.

In other news it is reported that Billy Ray Smith has been convicted of grand mopery with the intent to gawk by the Duchy of Grand Fenwick International Military Court of Uncommon Pleas. The President of the Court, Field Marshal Tully Bascomb, stated that it was a "no brainer - armer and legger" decision by the trial court - and will ultimately boost sales of the Duchy's renouned Pinot Grand Fenwick wine.

Convicted by the "Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal", indeed. ;)
First, Titor never said that no WMD's would be found. You need to take a closer look at the actual post - and not the synopsis on JohnTitor.com. Second, Titor was trying to be cute with the "no armer and no legger" quip. That was made in response to my post where I said that it was a "no brainer" for him to suggest that there would be a war in the Middle East. We were at war in the Middle East, Iraq to be precise, at the time that Titor made the suggestion. We were bombing Iraq on a daily basis in the No Fly Zone throughout 2000-2001.

But we both digress. Your post above didn't address the questions in the post that it is responding to.

i think your trying to be too slick for your own good, off memory, im pretty sure, he asked, would you be surprised if we used a wmd excuse to get into iraq, hmm seems off though, something like come to find there was none, and a covert bombing campaign is far different than full fledged war, john alluded to wmd excuse as a guise to get us into war with iraq, which if it was such a no brainer, how come no one else was saying it? and how come no one was saying sadamm doesnt have wmds?


Senior Member
Hi ren:
I read Alas Babylon. People claimed the book was the inspiration for John Titor. Others claim he copies his information from an rpg. Well, I do not think so. BTW, here is how I picture the farmer general that lead us to freedom in the civil war.


"Daniel Day Lewis Photo as Abraham Lincoln Hits the Web"...I never would have recognized him! :)


Junior Member
i think your trying to be too slick for your own good, off memory, im pretty sure, he asked, would you be surprised if we used a wmd excuse to get into iraq, hmm seems off though, something like come to find there was none, and a covert bombing campaign is far different than full fledged war, john alluded to wmd excuse as a guise to get us into war with iraq, which if it was such a no brainer, how come no one else was saying it? and how come no one was saying sadamm doesnt have wmds?

OK - here's what he actually said on the "I am from 2036" thread:

Posted by John Titor on 02-25-2001 08:00 AM

Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?

I'm not working off of memory. I have complete copies of the original threads. You might be pretty sure that he asked "would you be surprised if we used a wmd excuse to get into iraq" but that was not the case. He flat out stated that Iraq has nukes. His question [to Doug] was whether his surprise at the revelation was real or contrived; and if contrived, to be used as an excuse for accepting the next war [with Iraq].

and a covert bombing campaign is far different than full fledged war

There was nothing covert about the daily bombings in the No Fly Zone. The military gave daily press briefings on combat operations in Iraq. That the NY Times, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. chose to back page the activities didn't make them a secret war. It was just a political choice by certain US news agencies to fly CAP for Clinton. By 2000 we did have alternate sources for the daily news, the Internet being the major source where one could get international coverage. Likewise, for the past 3+ years we have still had daily contact with enemy forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the previous Administration's term of office the same news agencies noted above gave daily, blow-by-blow, death-by-death, detailed reports which were immdiately followed up with stories noting how illegal, brutal, "he lied people died" the actions were. Since then, though the wars are still not secret, they've gone back to flying CAP for the current Administration. And never is heard a discouraging word from the anti-war segment relative to the current Administration - even when it committed US forces to the invasion of a soverign nation without even consulting Congress let alone obtaining a declaration as required in Article I, Sec. 8 of the Constitution.

As to "a full fledged war", try explaining to the troops on the receiving end as a couple of F-15's pass overhead that they needn't worry too much because they are not in the middle of a real full fledged war. A "low intensity" war is only low intensity if you're watching it as video on the TV or computer monitor.
OK - here's what he actually said on the "I am from 2036" thread:

I'm not working off of memory. I have complete copies of the original threads. You might be pretty sure that he asked "would you be surprised if we used a wmd excuse to get into iraq" but that was not the case. He flat out stated that Iraq has nukes. His question [to Doug] was whether his surprise at the revelation was real or contrived; and if contrived, to be used as an excuse for accepting the next war [with Iraq].

There was nothing covert about the daily bombings in the No Fly Zone. The military gave daily press briefings on combat operations in Iraq. That the NY Times, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. chose to back page the activities didn't make them a secret war. It was just a political choice by certain US news agencies to fly CAP for Clinton. By 2000 we did have alternate sources for the daily news, the Internet being the major source where one could get international coverage. Likewise, for the past 3+ years we have still had daily contact with enemy forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the previous Administration's term of office the same news agencies noted above gave daily, blow-by-blow, death-by-death, detailed reports which were immdiately followed up with stories noting how illegal, brutal, "he lied people died" the actions were. Since then, though the wars are still not secret, they've gone back to flying CAP for the current Administration. And never is heard a discouraging word from the anti-war segment relative to the current Administration - even when it committed US forces to the invasion of a soverign nation without even consulting Congress let alone obtaining a declaration as required in Article I, Sec. 8 of the Constitution.

As to "a full fledged war", try explaining to the troops on the receiving end as a couple of F-15's pass overhead that they needn't worry too much because they are not in the middle of a real full fledged war. A "low intensity" war is only low intensity if you're watching it as video on the TV or computer monitor.

haha do you know what BS means? it means bullshit!!! he's asking so hes not telling us!!! a easy code of johns, at least i thought that was one everyone could understand, he clearly asks, or is that BULLSHIT TO WHIP US INTO ANOTHER WAR, and what war were we in at the time? war in kosovo/serbia? see how asking a question works? haha you wanna talk to me about war!? do you not see my screen name? what was i talking about when john showed his face? THE WAR IN KOSOVO/SERBIA!!! here comes videos from my familys home land to show you if i know what war is!!! and if i know what f-16's bombing are like... DUH WHEN I MET JOHN I WAS GETTING FLAMED CAUSE NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE ME WHEN I TOLD THEM THE SERBS SHOT DOWN A STEALTH BOMBER!!!

vids coming

back then we didn't have youtube for me to prove it, john believed me though! maybe they have youtube in 2036?

in the stealths pilots own words, and if i remember correctly they play the communication feed when it happened... now we move onto WAR!!!



see those were images of bombing now we get into WAR!!!

war is not just a one sided bombing campaign, the innocent fight back!!!

this is the brainwash i was trying to expose to people, you need to realize serbs were looked at as evil, more than muslims after 9/11 !!! when all we were doing is defending our selves!!!

sam i have 2 questions for you... do you agree clinton is a war criminal too? and if im not mistaken when i said titor asked me how it made me felt, how the media is handling the situation? do you still think it was about a segway? or was it cause he found someone who he could relate to? who no one else would listen to, cept a time traveler trusted me, and i trusted him, like i said, he and i, were cut from the same cloth... THE PAIN OF WAR!!!

who is the kla? the same terrorist organization osama bin laden trained with, right before 9/11 if you don't know that now, do you think a time traveler knew that? what if he found this link in 2000? went back to 97 to see how it all played out, since he did say his worldline lost a lot of history in the time period we were in... im continuing cause this is showing you a brief glimpse into the key titor may have found, when he bumped into some kid called TheSerbRyder

meanwhile as time goes on, after 9/11 nato still supports the osama faction, and this time with the illegal theft of the holy land of serbia known as kosovo

this is who the u.s media said were the good guys! now do you see why titor asked me how it felt, cause he knew, i knew the u.s media was all a lie, before everyone else knew, cause they didn't have a 9/11 to slowly wake them up to the lies they are fed!!!

these are the same people the u.s and nato still support!!!

they would still call us the bad guys if it weren't for TheSerbRyder exposing this!!!
america waged war on us cause we fought the same terrorist they supported that did 9/11 !!!
most of the world knows the real serbia, and knows we are and always been the good guys, they call us the guardians of the gate, keepers of the gate for a reason, our national anthem is god of justice for a reason!!! and i dont know, but maybe john helped me along the way, once he found out what i was doing!!!

serbia saves america in world war 2 and they thanked us by attacking us ever since!!!

they stood up and told the truth, when everyone called serbs the bad guys!

those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it!

God of Justice; Thou who saved us
when in deepest bondage cast,
Hear Thy Serbian children's voices,
Be our help as in the past.
With Thy mighty hand sustain us,
Still our rugged pathway trace;
God, our hope; protect and cherish
Serbian crown and Serbian race!

Bind in closest links our kindred
Teach the love that will not fail,
May the loathed fiend of discord
Never in our ranks prevail.
Let the golden fruits of union
Our young tree of freedom grace;
God, our Master! guide and prosper
Serbian crown and Serbian race.

Lord! Avert from us Thy vengeance,
Thunder of Thy dreaded ire;
Bless each Serbian town and hamlet,
Mountain, meadow, heart and spire.
When our host goes forth to battle
Death or victory to embrace—
God of armies! be our leader
Strengthen then the Serbian race.

On our sepulchre of ages
Breaks the resurrection morn,
From the slough of direst slavery
Serbia anew is born.
Through five hundred years of durance
We have knelt before Thy face,
All our kin, O God! deliver,
Thus entreats the Serbian race.
