Titor's 2001 Predictions Compared to 2011 Curent Time


I see when John said there will be no democrats or republicans in 2020-36. They are all traitors! It's going to be around 9 years before this AFE will be totally defeated! This bill was passed yesterday and now its up to Obama to veto this bill!

Backers of military detention of Americans -- a measure crafted by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) -- came out swinging against Udall's amendment on the Senate floor earlier Tuesday. (Imagine that Serb!)

Watch the fireworks Ren: Veto=bounce! ;)

10th amendment! and if they continue to be traitors, i will die restoring we the people constitution. rather than die being detained for telling/knowing the truth
The stock market today was up 490 points, yesterday it rose 300 and settled 236 up. According to the debunkers this means that all is fine and I am crazy. However, this is like putting a fresh coat of paint on an old rusted out car. There are problems you cannot paint over. OK guys, they are gonna prop it up.

Please do not let them fool you. Problems are systemic and getting worse. China already told us we were going into a global recession. Debunkers can giggle, but the problems remain. Expect them to get worse.

Also, do not expect a recovery in europe. They are not going to turn a corner any time soon.

John Titor said:
Wavering western support for Israel is what gives Israel's neighbors the confidence to attack. The last resort for a defensive Israel and its offensive Arab neighbors is to use weapons of mass destruction.

concerning stock market, they are pumping up the prices for the crash
It's nice to know someone else who's well informed. :)
For those who don't know about Nazi's in U.S. government, watch these videos.

Prescott Bush (George W. Bush's grandfather), Nazi

Bush's Grandfather Led Nazi Coup Against White House in 1933 (Part 1)

Bush's Grandfather Led Nazi Coup Against White House in 1933 (Part 2)

JFK II: The Bush Connection (MUST SEE!)
(George Bush Senior's involvement in JFK assassination)
Last year I visited the Book Depository Museum and the scene of the crime in Dallas, Texas.

operation paperclip
Good question and yes Titorite I know about Prescott Bush's atrocities. But look at it this way. Say if the nazi's won the war and America. Nothing would have happened to the Bush family because he financed the nazi's. On this worldline he got caught and got a slap on the wrist (camel through the eye of a needle) His son's became presidents and one was the head of the CIA.

The militia movement in america has been growing in the 80's. They went to congress in 1995 and congress could'nt care less. Today, in 2011 the movent is strong and not going away. The OWS movement has even captured Austrailia (Titor mentioned Austrailia.) Im sure the AFE isnt too happy:)! Someone asked Titor "What would you say to a future leader today?"

"Revel in your confidence today. You won't have tommorow!"

I'm sure with a few earthquakes here in there, It will be hell in this country. A civil war with earth changes! (hmm)


apparently im not an expert but, try looking up george scherf everyone if i spelled it right ;)



and lib hmmm this ones for ya hmm

^^^ version with lyrics on screen, well i guess this version is what happens when war songs turn religious haha i gotta find the original version

haha man if i was living in the first civil war i'd totally be for the union! how relevent... still looking for the original union song
Hi ren:
I read Alas Babylon. People claimed the book was the inspiration for John Titor. Others claim he copies his information from an rpg. Well, I do not think so. BTW, here is how I picture the farmer general that lead us to freedom in the civil war.

looks like honest abe
I don't know why, that photo gave me chills! Who is the picture of? Great choice of photo for the Farmer General. It just 'feels' right. He almost looks like a modern-day Amish.

when john described his worldline, it seemed like a future amish world to me, seriously... he even said he doesnt think we'd like the future very much, when we asked him if he could take us there

It's a bit one sided to say that "Bush" financed Nazi Germany. The US had no trade embargo with Nazi Germany before or even during the US involvement in WWII. IBM, DuPont, General Motors, Ford, Lockheed, Standard Oil and many other US companies traded with Germany after 1933. FDR could have asked the advice and consent of the Senate to approve a trade embargo, but he didn't. The democrats, and specifically the Kennedy Family while Papa Joe, Sr. was Ambassador to Germany, were not interested in stopping trade with Nazi Germany.

You want a real "atrocity"? How about the atrocity of the MS St. Louis? The St. Louis was a German ocean liner. In 1939 the Roosevelt Administration denied the ship permission to dock in the US and off-load it's 937 Jewish political refugees who were requesting asylum in the US. It ultimately had to return to Europe where at least 250 of those passengers were eventually murdered by the Nazis.

Or how about Harry Truman supporting Chang Kai Shek and his KMT Party's move into Taiwan to become Nationalist China once we had run the Japanese out following WWII? The Taiwanese people are not ethnic Chinese and they don't speak Chinese. Taiwan was not part of China when the Japanese invaded it at the turn of the 19th century. Taiwan was a soverign nation. The Taiwanese are Asian-Pacific Islanders. They didn't want the Japanese taking over their country nor did they want the People's Republic of China or KMT taking over their country. But Truman forced the issue - and Chang's KMT murdered a whole lot of Taiwanese.

Are the Kennedy Family and the Roosevelt Family, the two most prominent Democratic Party family dynasties in our history, murders? Was Truman a murderer? No. Nor is the Bush Family.

refer to the link on george scherf i posted... if you have the discipline to read the intel, you shall fill quite a bit of missing holes, prescott bush was one of hitlers biggest founders, from what i know, he was not the sole founder. i meant funder, yet for some reason i make these weird typos when i post here, so im gonna leave it how i originally wrote it... odd
making this in a seperate post cause ill probably exceed my vid limit for a post

when johnny comes marching home... hmm

john browns truth goes marching on... hmm?

meanwhile on my journey to find the original hymn, i stumbled across this, bad ass song, but hey video has a lot of symbolism, hey words do too... then found a very relevent song...

reminded me of a time traveling man
