To anyone, if time traveling to the past is possible or not, I need help to accomplish this.


Senior Member
Hello. First of all I want to tell you I've been framed at school, and the person who's the culprit is not punished, but is blaming everything on me. I'm sorry if I'm sounding ignorant. I've lost many of my friends, including the one person I have always trusted. My parents don't believe me, and neither do my teachers. I've had a very good relationship with my teachers, and now that's spoiled. Someone please help (if it's possible or not) me be able to time travel to my past so I can change it, and keep my self from being involved within it. I'm in desperate need to change it, because now I feel helpless. Thank you.
I think the best thing for you to do is read up on everything about time-travel that you can find...When you have done this you will be an adult that doesnt give a *+"% about what happened in your youth..Have fun LOL


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
You're lucky this happened when you're only a minor... That being said, it'll blow over... Stay away from the kind of people that'll get you into trouble! You're so young, you've got a future ahead of you with endless possibilities...I hope the true culprit gets what's coming to them.


There are devices that are supposed to help you time travel, but I seriously doubt it would allow you to actually change the past or anything that might help you out of this bad part of your life. :( I know you had hopes of such things, but while not impossible, that kind of solution is highly unlikely.

Let us know if everything is alright with you. Talk to you later, take care.


New Member
Thank you, all of you.

Also, Num7 what devices? Please message me and tell me more about these time travel devices. Although it's said to be unlikely to change the past, I would like to watch what exactly happened during the event. So I have a better, and clearer story to tell in hopes my parents, and friends would believe me better.


Junior Member
You know sometimes when something bad happens it is actually good in the sense that it puts u on a diff path, a better path. I had a similar experience and now looking back on it I ended up way better off. Also bad people always get exposed given enough time. If I was you I would go to my parents and let them know that you are telling the truth and it is hurtful that they don't believe u and as family shouldn't they be on ur side y ou know . Focus on that issue becomes that relationship is the most important.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Look ahead, stay in the right company, feel positive and do your best to ignore the darkness and fearlessly march on to the next step. Keep your head up and involve yourself in things that make an impact no matter how big or small. Sooner or later, you'll see yourself in a different light and the negative people and things will fade away.


Also, Num7 what devices? Please message me and tell me more about these time travel devices. Although it's said to be unlikely to change the past, I would like to watch what exactly happened during the event. So I have a better, and clearer story to tell in hopes my parents, and friends would believe me better.
I don't want to sound like I'm advertising it, but you can look into the HDR. I can't say it works or not, even though I tried it myself. The effects are a very hit and miss thing. At least it's an interesting device to research and look into.

My Very Own Hyper Dimensional Resonator | Mysterious Universe

A few people here have one.
