TT Discovery?


This media outlet is known for their sensationalism, but it is an interesting read.

NASA SHOCK: How blackhole DRAGGED spacetime, scientists on brink of time travel discovery?

Professor James Miller-Jones, of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, said: “Like many black holes, it is feeding on a nearby star, pulling gas away from the star and forming a disk of material that encircles the black hole and spirals towards it under gravity.

“What is different in V404 Cygni is that we think the disk of material and the black hole are misaligned.

“This appears to be causing the inner part of the disk to wobble like a spinning top and fire jets out in different directions as it changes orientation.”

The shock discovery has led some observers to question whether the black hole presents an opportunity for time travel.


Temporal Engineer
It's complete fiction. There has been no discovery of a black hole anywhere in our universe. Only in the minds of men.

Jikan Yugami

It's complete fiction. There has been no discovery of a black hole anywhere in our universe. Only in the minds of men.
Actually Einstein, not sure if you been following but just this year, about a month ago we got the first picture of a black hole ever.

Jikan Yugami

It was a bogus claim. If you were gullible enough to believe it. Your first clue would be that black holes don't give off radiation.
Could you link me to this claim? I don't mean to attempt to discredit you, but I would like to see all evidence before I progress any further.


Temporal Engineer
Could you link me to this claim? I don't mean to attempt to discredit you, but I would like to see all evidence before I progress any further.

I have to rely on your critical thinking skills. Look at the released picture of the black hole. There was a picture. That is impossible. Black holes don't give off light. Maybe you need to educate yourself on black holes.



Senior Member
They can generate a great deal of light as they break apart stars while feeding on them. The light from the material spiraling into the black hole is not generated behind the event horizon.

If we are talking about a black hole just cruising along out the black of interstellar space then, sure, don't expect to see much but a black spot in your field of vision.


Temporal Engineer
They can generate a great deal of light as they break apart stars while feeding on them. The light from the material spiraling into the black hole is not generated behind the event horizon.

If we are talking about a black hole just cruising along out the black of interstellar space then, sure, don't expect to see much but a black spot in your field of vision.

Exactly! If a black hole passed in front of something, that something would appear to have been extinguished. Your detectors would stop detecting. But no such detection has occurred.

Jikan Yugami

So @Kairos we are both seeing the same thing, the black hole is not giving off light but instead what we see is actually a silhouette of a black hole as we cannot see light past the event horizon, therefore my initial assessment is correct and the photo is legit.


Senior Member
So @Kairos we are both seeing the same thing, the black hole is not giving off light but instead what we see is actually a silhouette of a black hole as we cannot see light past the event horizon, therefore my initial assessment is correct and the photo is legit.

Everybody is arguing semantics rather than reality. I for one consider "photographing a black hole" to be accurate when, in fact, we are talking about the light emitted by stars being pulled into the event horizon. That is a confirmed detection of a black hole, by the way.

But if you define the black hole as everything from the event horizon inward, then you can only say we indirectly proved the existence of black holes.
