UFO Whistleblower David Grusch and the Bipartisan UAP Disclosure Act


Temporal Engineer
I look at it with a lot of skepticism. The US government has a long history of lying.

I believe I came across a statement by Steven Greer where he stated that the Tic Tac UAP was actually made by Skunk Works a division of Lockheed Martin.

Of course I've been doing my own research too. Gravity control doesn't require a complex level of intelligence in order to comprehend it. What surprises me is that we didn't discover it before the electromagnetic theory was developed.


I look at it with a lot of skepticism. The US government has a long history of lying.

I believe I came across a statement by Steven Greer where he stated that the Tic Tac UAP was actually made by Skunk Works a division of Lockheed Martin.

Of course I've been doing my own research too. Gravity control doesn't require a complex level of intelligence in order to comprehend it. What surprises me is that we didn't discover it before the electromagnetic theory was developed.

As much hate as Greer gets in the UFO community, the current state of things makes it very difficult to know who is telling the truth anymore.

I agree, the government is known to lie all the time about anything they don’t want getting out, some famous examples being things like Watergate, MKUltra, and the NSA.

What I do know is, something sketchy is going on because either this UFO whistleblower and others are telling the truth, or high level government officials are spinning a really wild tale trying to get people to believe this stuff, or something even worse than an alien/advanced tech coverup is happening and UFOs are being used to draw attention to it. There are other possibilities but those are the big ones.

Whether it is aliens or not, something fucky is going on and I doubt it’s good for anyone outside a select few groups.

I’ve got more than a decade of research on the subject and I take all the information I can find to see how everything fits together, comparing to proven government coverups and disinformation campaigns, etc.

Personally, I believe there are aliens here and they have been here for a while.

But, it remains to be seen what these hearings and the bill will produce. The government has had 90 years or more to tighten security and compartmentalize.

Edit: That being said, Lockheed, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and other contractors are thought to be heavily involved in the alleged reverse engineering while Battelle is believed to have or had the bodies at some point.

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Temporal Engineer
Steven Greer has been warning us for more than 10 years that the US government is going to stage an alien invasion. The idea is to create a new world order to unite us all under one government. So doesn't it seem kind of strange that the whistleblower divulges info on a UAP actually made by Skunk Works to get us all to believe we might have a bigger threat to worry about?


I think Greer is wrong about some of his assumptions regarding the aliens and their motives,
but I think he is right that there is a coverup of extraterrrestrials.

Definitely a possibility. A lot of people claim Greer is a grifter (with good reason) or a disinformation agent.

Whether he is telling the truth or not though, a lot of people go to him with claims that could be more credible than his own, so either way he is someone to pay attention to as the situation develops.


Senior Member
Steven Greer has been warning us for more than 10 years that the US government is going to stage an alien invasion. The idea is to create a new world order to unite us all under one government. So doesn't it seem kind of strange that the whistleblower divulges info on a UAP actually made by Skunk Works to get us all to believe we might have a bigger threat to worry about?

It's suspect. We're in weird times right now. Might be on the brink of some huge revelations.
It will be tough to know what to believe. I think another thing that is suspect is that
the government used to mock UFO believers and now they're giving them credence
all of a sudden. It's all too conveniently timed.
But does that mean fake alien invasion? Or could it also mean a real alien
invasion disguised as friendly aliens that the government will promote?


Steven Greer has been warning us for more than 10 years that the US government is going to stage an alien invasion. The idea is to create a new world order to unite us all under one government. So doesn't it seem kind of strange that the whistleblower divulges info on a UAP actually made by Skunk Works to get us all to believe we might have a bigger threat to worry about?

Yeah, and I recall others have claimed similar about the NWO, first that comes to mind is Von Braun.

However, I’ve also seen some say, can’t quite remember the source so I’ll have to track it down at some point, that the False Flag alien invasion is meant to unite the world prior to an actual alien invasion.

That itself could be very interesting because it supports claims that the government is in contact with ETs, who would surely be more likely to know about stuff like that.


Senior Member
My only real beef with Greer is that he undermines the abduction phenomenon
which ironically is FAR more common than the contactee phenomonen (to my knowledge)
and he believes aliens are all inherently friendly.

I do think that it's interesting the government labels the
UAP real life X-Files office a "threat identification program"
when they claim before they knew nothing of an alien threat,
so how do we automatically know it's a "threat"

Greer could be right that there are good aliens
that want to help us and the government doesn't
want us to meet them. IMO there are
both good and bad ones but to claim either way is foolish and naive
when the universe is so big. Can't possibly be just evil or just good.


When all this started up I checked out The Day After Roswell.

Corso became exponentially more credible in my eyes, and I’ve mostly been trusting in him, Luis Elizondo, and David Grusch, as well as a few others like Robert Salas and some pilots whose names I can’t remember off hand.
