Ufos And Multi-dimensional Reality

Have you ever seen a UFO?

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The most common view on UFOs today is that they are extra-terrestrial. This brings up some complications, including 1. the physics of traveling between stars 2. the chances of a habital planet with an advanced intelligent civilization 3. and one that is not only capable of intersteller travel, but able to locate us among billions of stars and also be interested in us.

The current understanding of the universe is one with 11 dimensions, in which our 3D + time physical reality exists as a membrane. (mTheory) This introduces the possibility of parallel physical realities. Different probable/possible outcomes at critical control points in the past would result in a branching of earth's timeline into parallel histories.

For instance, at one point in our history, the ancestors of homo-sapiens had their population reduced to around 20,000. This would be a critical control point. Our ancestors could have become extinct. In this event, some other species could have evolved into the dominent, intelligent species on earth. Their reality would be parallel to ours or to say it another way, sideways in time.

Lets get back to the concerns with the intersteller view of UFOs. How would they apply to the possibility of some parallel intelligent species being the source of UFOs? There are no concerns with the physics of intersteller travel. This is a habitable planet, located in the Goldilocks Zone. Locating us would not be an issue. Both "us" and "them"are in the same location, only existing in different timelines. Why would they be interested in us? Well, if I became knowledgeable in how to visit alternate realities of the world I live on, I would be VERY interested in checking them out.

But, there is one concern with this possibility. Our understanding of physics does not have an explanation for how motion sideways in time could be accomplished. However, with the intersteller view, physics cannot explain FTL. In either case, we can't explain how its done.
Since the sideways in time takes care of the other 2 objections, my vote goes with that possibility.



Welcome to Paranormalis! :)

I never saw a UFO, it's a shame. I know some people who experienced some powerful white silent light coming from above them in the woods. They didn't see anything other than this powerful light and didn't hear anything either.

We had a similar poll a long time ago, I'm curious to know if somehow more people have seen UFOs in the last few years. This old topic back then didn't cover the interdimensional side of things and I don't think it was even suggested in the entire topic. I like to consider that UFOs are in fact visitors from a parallel Earth. What do you think is the more likely? A spaceship coming to Earth from its home world, some 100 million light-years away, or a spaceship coming from a parallel Earth, or perhaps parallel solar system?

You seem to be knowledgeable regarding UFOs and interdimensional travel. I look forward to read more. :)

Max X

Junior Member
The most common view on UFOs today is that they are extra-terrestrial. This brings up some complications, including 1. the physics of traveling between stars 2. the chances of a habital planet with an advanced intelligent civilization 3. and one that is not only capable of intersteller travel, but able to locate us among billions of stars and also be interested in us.

The current understanding of the universe is one with 11 dimensions, in which our 3D + time physical reality exists as a membrane. (mTheory) This introduces the possibility of parallel physical realities. Different probable/possible outcomes at critical control points in the past would result in a branching of earth's timeline into parallel histories.

For instance, at one point in our history, the ancestors of homo-sapiens had their population reduced to around 20,000. This would be a critical control point. Our ancestors could have become extinct. In this event, some other species could have evolved into the dominent, intelligent species on earth. Their reality would be parallel to ours or to say it another way, sideways in time.

Lets get back to the concerns with the intersteller view of UFOs. How would they apply to the possibility of some parallel intelligent species being the source of UFOs? There are no concerns with the physics of intersteller travel. This is a habitable planet, located in the Goldilocks Zone. Locating us would not be an issue. Both "us" and "them"are in the same location, only existing in different timelines. Why would they be interested in us? Well, if I became knowledgeable in how to visit alternate realities of the world I live on, I would be VERY interested in checking them out.

But, there is one concern with this possibility. Our understanding of physics does not have an explanation for how motion sideways in time could be accomplished. However, with the intersteller view, physics cannot explain FTL. In either case, we can't explain how its done.
Since the sideways in time takes care of the other 2 objections, my vote goes with that possibility.



hey Max what happened we read that already whats your take on the stuff....
up untill just a few weeks back I had never realy seen anything I was not able to figure out... and even now that I have seen lights in the night sky that don't make sence I'm still not going to call them a visitor from another world.. so far its just an odd light flashing in the night sky. it has been in the same spot every night for a couple months now and displays only diffrent colored lights red,green,yellow...odd but nothing to wright home about..


The most common view on UFOs today is that they are extra-terrestrial. This brings up some complications, including 1. the physics of traveling between stars 2. the chances of a habital planet with an advanced intelligent civilization 3. and one that is not only capable of intersteller travel, but able to locate us among billions of stars and also be interested in us.

The current understanding of the universe is one with 11 dimensions, in which our 3D + time physical reality exists as a membrane. (mTheory) This introduces the possibility of parallel physical realities. Different probable/possible outcomes at critical control points in the past would result in a branching of earth's timeline into parallel histories.

For instance, at one point in our history, the ancestors of homo-sapiens had their population reduced to around 20,000. This would be a critical control point. Our ancestors could have become extinct. In this event, some other species could have evolved into the dominent, intelligent species on earth. Their reality would be parallel to ours or to say it another way, sideways in time.

Lets get back to the concerns with the intersteller view of UFOs. How would they apply to the possibility of some parallel intelligent species being the source of UFOs? There are no concerns with the physics of intersteller travel. This is a habitable planet, located in the Goldilocks Zone. Locating us would not be an issue. Both "us" and "them"are in the same location, only existing in different timelines. Why would they be interested in us? Well, if I became knowledgeable in how to visit alternate realities of the world I live on, I would be VERY interested in checking them out.

But, there is one concern with this possibility. Our understanding of physics does not have an explanation for how motion sideways in time could be accomplished. However, with the intersteller view, physics cannot explain FTL. In either case, we can't explain how its done.
Since the sideways in time takes care of the other 2 objections, my vote goes with that possibility.


I forgot to include a couple points for the parallel reality source of UFOs. Visitors of this type would be accustomed to our gravity, atmosphere and temperatures. Visitors from another planet, in most cases, would have very different conditions on their home world. That's it.

Max X

Junior Member
The thing about UFOs is kind of complex since there are ETs already stationed and living on Earth, UFOs from other times or dimensions orbiting the Solar System who are watching our progress and ascension, and also ETS either fooling around or watching us in order to help who are from:

1. The inner Earth, or Agharta also known as the hollow earth and that includes UFOS from Telos under Mount Shasta, Shambala and other cities of light down there, UFOS from secret military bases and cities of both the light and dark who dwells in several huge caverns within the 800 miles thick crust of the planet.

2. Flying Saucers built by the US government using technology taken from the future and/or back engineering advanced crashed or captured flying saucers from others.

3. UFOs from the Pleiades

4. ETs from the Sirius system of constellation Canis Mayor

5. UFOS from the star Arcturus

6. UFOS and ETs from the Sun

7. UFOs both of the light and the dark who both share our artificial and hollow so-called moon

8. ETS both of the dark and the light from what we consider our future

9. UFOs from parallel realities including other versions of Earth

10. Flying saucers from Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter and that include crafts from their hollow interiors and their astral version of their planets

11. UFOs from our own future in our present timeline, and dissimilar timelines

12. Reptilian and Grays space crafts

13. American military UFOs

So we cannot just say that flying saucers comes from Mars because and as Rosco says we are dealing here not only with an incredibly immense populated universe but with the reality of the existence of several dimensions, timelines and parallel realities to complicate the matter.

NOTE: Don't ask for evidence: the evidence has been supplied by hundreds of contactees, and chanellers plus the evidence reflected on the traumatic life style we are apparently living on this planet.


The thing about UFOs is kind of complex since there are ETs already stationed and living on Earth, UFOs from other times or dimensions orbiting the Solar System who are watching our progress and ascension, and also ETS either fooling around or watching us in order to help who are from:

"...it is as impossible to confirm UFOs in the present as it will be to deny them in the future." ~Dr. Wernher von Braun

1. The inner Earth, or Agharta also known as the hollow earth and that includes UFOS from Telos under Mount Shasta, Shambala and other cities of light down there, UFOS from secret military bases and cities of both the light and dark who dwells in several huge caverns within the 800 miles thick crust of the planet.

My issue with the inner earth hypothesis is the subsurface temperatures. The rocky crust we live on is only about 32 miles (40 km) thick before reaching the upper mantle. The mantle is about 1,700 miles (2,750 km) thick. The mantle gets warmer with depth; the top of the mantle is about 1,600° F (870° C); towards the bottom of the mantle, the temperature is about 4,000-6,700° F (2,200-3,700° C).

2. Flying Saucers built by the US government using technology taken from the future and/or back engineering advanced crashed or captured flying saucers from others.

I have a friend that worked at Area 51 back in the 90's and another currently working there. The first has no knowledge of any UFOs on base. The other has no comments. Since there are UFOs, I cannot discount the possibility of at least one being recovered and studied. I tend to agree with the notion of another hidden base SW of 51 where this may be taking place. With Area 51 taking all the attention, this would assist in maintaining its secrecy.

3. UFOs from the Pleiades

The cluster is dominated by hot blue and extremely luminous stars that have formed within the last 100 million years. Astronomers estimate that the cluster will survive for about another 250 million years, after which it will disperse due to gravitational interactions with its galactic neighborhood. I feel that this limits the possibility of ant intelligent life originating there.

Billy Meier published some books with photo and videos back in the 70s. These were dedicated to UFOs from the Pliades. I had the opportunity to review these. In the video, the motions of the UFO looked very much like an object on a string being moved in a circular motion. This caused me to seriously doubt the validity of his tales and books.

4. ETs from the Sirius system of constellation Canis Mayor

The link: http://www.unmuseum.org/siriusb.htm covers the Dogon and their knowledge of the Sirius system.
Very interesting.

5. UFOS from the star Arcturus

"Arcturus is the highest civilization in our galaxy," said Edagr Cayce, a prophet who lived between the years of 1877-1945.
The idea of an alien life form that has been visiting Earth from Arcturus is frequently associated with the writings of Edgar Cayce.
According to Cayce, the Arcturians are a "fifth dimensional" lifeform. They are highly advanced both technically and spiritually.

I have read much of Cayce's works. While not 100% on everything, much of it has a high degree of validity.

6. UFOS and ETs from the Sun

See http://unhypnotize.com/ufos-ets/65680-mass-ufos-seen-orbiting-sun-june-26-2011-a.html for photo evidence of UFOs in near sun proximity. I do not believe that UFOs are from the Sun, rather they may use the sun for some purpose.

7. UFOs both of the light and the dark who both share our artificial and hollow so-called moon

I believe that the earth/moon system was born in a collision of planetary bodies in the early stages of our solar system's formation, hence not artificial or hollow.

8. ETS both of the dark and the light from what we consider our future

Time paradoxes bother me with this line of thought.

9. UFOs from parallel realities including other versions of Earth

Max, you know this is my favorite. See http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8vogz_parallel-realities-and-the-paranorm_tech

Scientist and paranormal investigator Philip Imbrogno discussed his research into UFOs and detailed how they may be emanating from parallel realities. He explained that the evolution of his UFO research has led him to see that the phenomenon is much more than purely physical, "I was looking for the extraterrestrial hypothesis to this entire thing, but as time went on, I realized that UFO phenomena is more towards the paranormal." With that in mind, and in combination with emerging theoretical physics, Imbrogno now believes that UFOs and other paranormal activity may be the result of crosses between alternative dimensions.

10. Flying saucers from Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter and that include crafts from their hollow interiors and their astral version of their planets

I just disagree with these views.

11. UFOs from our own future in our present timeline, and dissimilar timelines

Same as 8. Time paradoxes bother me with this line of thought.

12. Reptilian and Grays space crafts

Reptilian and Grays space crafts. I do believe in different UFO species. But again, I believe most, if not all, are from parallel earth realities, not other planets.

13. American military UFOs

Same response as 2.

So we cannot just say that flying saucers comes from Mars because and as Rosco says we are dealing here not only with an incredibly immense populated universe but with the reality of the existence of several dimensions, timelines and parallel realities to complicate the matter.

NOTE: Don't ask for evidence: the evidence has been supplied by hundreds of contactees, and chanellers plus the evidence reflected on the traumatic life style we are apparently living on this planet.


I didn't use to think that way, but I'm more and more open to the possibility that most UFOs may come from alternate realities rather than deep space.


Junior Member
The most common view on UFOs today is that they are extra-terrestrial. This brings up some complications, including 1. the physics of traveling between stars 2. the chances of a habital planet with an advanced intelligent civilization 3. and one that is not only capable of intersteller travel, but able to locate us among billions of stars and also be interested in us.

The current understanding of the universe is one with 11 dimensions, in which our 3D + time physical reality exists as a membrane. (mTheory) This introduces the possibility of parallel physical realities. Different probable/possible outcomes at critical control points in the past would result in a branching of earth's timeline into parallel histories.

For instance, at one point in our history, the ancestors of homo-sapiens had their population reduced to around 20,000. This would be a critical control point. Our ancestors could have become extinct. In this event, some other species could have evolved into the dominent, intelligent species on earth. Their reality would be parallel to ours or to say it another way, sideways in time.

Lets get back to the concerns with the intersteller view of UFOs. How would they apply to the possibility of some parallel intelligent species being the source of UFOs? There are no concerns with the physics of intersteller travel. This is a habitable planet, located in the Goldilocks Zone. Locating us would not be an issue. Both "us" and "them"are in the same location, only existing in different timelines. Why would they be interested in us? Well, if I became knowledgeable in how to visit alternate realities of the world I live on, I would be VERY interested in checking them out.

But, there is one concern with this possibility. Our understanding of physics does not have an explanation for how motion sideways in time could be accomplished. However, with the intersteller view, physics cannot explain FTL. In either case, we can't explain how its done.
Since the sideways in time takes care of the other 2 objections, my vote goes with that possibility.


Hi R.J, great post. Iv'e been thinking a lot about this as well. Even with the 'adjustment' in scientific theory, i.e, quantum entanlement and all it's variables, I believe(for what it counts)that the most plausible theory would be parallel dimension/s. 71*
