

Go to UFOCity.com or Alienexistance.com. Read up on Timothy Good, he has a web site also.
You may need to dig a bit as they are popular websites and cover may topics, but much of the info is there.

Also look up Majestic 12 or MJ 12.

You will see who runs the world, and what they have been up to.

Alienexistance has many hits per month from the US Govt and the US Military plus others, and I am talking HUNDREDS of hits per month from authority.

They sure are curious as to what has hit the public domain. ;)

Judge Bean

Senior Member

Originally posted by deepthought@Jul 18 2004, 10:47 AM

Alienexistance has many hits per month from the US Govt and the US Military plus others, and I am talking HUNDREDS of hits per month from authority.

They sure are curious as to what has hit the public domain. ;)

How can you tell how many times government people are "hitting" on a subject? Since they know everything about the issue, and the people have no important facts, they must be trying to find out how much the people may have found out, making sure we are still in the dark.

Look up the corporation Science Applications-- its CEO was Bobby Inman, who accidentally admitted in an interview that UFOs were being backengineered. The company is a serious govt contractor, and was involved in such things as remote viewing.


Senior Member


During the cold war, both USSR and USA had clairvoyants and people able to leave the body to go and view on each others experiments, new technology, secret meetings ad infanitum......... this was very real and is not BS.

The CIA took top students in Universities and Tested them with LSD thinking they would make them even smarter and impart a "super intelligence" I lost a cousin that way, he's still with us, well part of him is any way, he's just not 100%.
I am not 100% sure that the LSD testing was linked to remote viewing.


Conspiracy Cafe

Originally posted by StarLord@Jul 30 2004, 08:03 PM

During the cold war, both USSR and USA had clairvoyants and people able to leave the body to go and view on each others experiments, new technology, secret meetings ad infanitum......... this was very real and is not BS.

The CIA took top students in Universities and Tested them with LSD thinking they would make them even smarter and impart a \"super intelligence\" I lost a cousin that way, he's still with us, well part of him is any way, he's just not 100%.
I am not 100% sure that the LSD testing was linked to remote viewing.

Remote viewing... Possible? Plausible? Humans broadcast Alpha and Beta waves all day long, depending on the mood and state of consciousness. These waves are generated by our thought processess and typically reresent what we are thinking at that moment in time. It is thought that by having Alpha/Beta frequency and density parity, two humans can send and receieve. The fly in the ointment being this, we all have waves patterns/density/frequency/amplitute as individual as our fingerprints, so logically this kind of Esper activity is implausible.

Twins to a certain extent stuff this argument up a tad. Twins are documented to share feelings, emotions, experiences over incredibly long distances as they happen. When measured, these mind wave patterns are recorded as competely different signatures. So, where does that leave this phenomena then.

Okhrana (?), NKVD, SS, KGB, CIA, FBI, MI6 and Mossad departments, amongst others, have all worked on this subject for decades with little research being published. As late as 1989 it was possible to get funding, in the UK at least, to research Esper phenomena, then the funding dried up and little was later heard about this paranormal activity.

The last line of thinking was that the brain could be used like a radio and encouraged to tune in to people's thoughts, this know as the Twin Effect as it believed that when stressed a twin can basically hail on all frequencies and get picked up by their counterpart. Poeple who could consciously influence the Brain's emissions in these area's were to be selected for a number of project's and sent to remote places here and there for further testing. Then the whole thing went quite.

The greatest argument that I see for the development of successful remote viewing is the current level of Scientific silence on the subject. It is still being researched, but with no were near as much ferocity as it was, that I find curious.

I did research, poor and unpublished, on the subject of Deja-Vu, which is connected to the Esper phenomena I believe. It got so bizarre in places that my Professor ordered me to change my research paper. But, here is what I was trying to conclude;

When you enter a new place, a place that you have never been, you sometimes get the feeling that you have been there before. Even rarer, you may feel that you have experienced an event there, or know what is beyons the next door. Which always freaks people out no end. It is mostly explained away by stating that you may have been there in a past life, have had a premonition of being there as you got to the threshold of this new place, or by arguments similar. I was, and am, convinced that you are picking up Temporal Psychic echoes embedded in the surroundings, not from your past life, but someone else's.

A person, walks into this new building and has a powerful emotive response to this new surrounding. These powerful emotions cause us to transmit peak Alpha wave activity, just for a few seconds, then they are gone. Years later, you walk into the same building, or place, and have the same feeling. This opens you up to the inherent Psychic resonance of a place and you get the echo of this other persons feelings... Deja-Vu.

I digress...

I believe in remote viewing, I could be encouraged to believe in UFO's, the Universe is too big for us to be alone or at the top of the Tech tree.



UFOCity closed its doors last week after 4 1/2 years. It was run by Peter Robbins, who co wrote Left at East Gate with Larry Warren, the USAF airman who went public on the Rendlesham UFO affair.

I do not know which subjects were scrutinized at AlienExistence, but the site owner/moderator knows exactly who hits on the site.
With a websiteof that name, it is obvious what they are looking for.

There was a program(me) on remote viewing on UK television a few years back.
Very convincing. they spoke to people involved in the US.

The B******S are up to something! ;)


Senior Member

StarLord removes a small star on the end of a special chain (you just know it's special cause those suckers are real hot)

The tiny star settles into a smooth pendulous movement back and forth, back and forth, back and forth......

"Thats it, keep your eyes on the little star Grayson, repeat after me"

"Phone Home,......Phone Home,.........Phone Home,.............Me & My Homies We Be Chillin With ET,.............Some Of My Best Friends Are ET,..........He Aint Heavy He's ET,............Grayson Use The Force,...........Use The Force,..........Luke, I Am Your Father,.........There's No Place Like Alpha Centauri,..........There's No Place Like Alpha Centauri,...........


Conspiracy Cafe

Originally posted by StarLord@Jul 31 2004, 12:00 AM
StarLord removes a small star on the end of a special chain (you just know it's special cause those suckers are real hot)

The tiny star settles into a smooth pendulous movement back and forth, back and forth, back and forth......

\"Thats it, keep your eyes on the little star Grayson, repeat after me\"

\"Phone Home,......Phone Home,.........Phone Home,.............Me & My Homies We Be Chillin With ET,.............Some Of My Best Friends Are ET,..........He Aint Heavy He's ET,............Grayson Use The Force,...........Use The Force,..........Luke, I Am Your Father,.........There's No Place Like Alpha Centauri,..........There's No Place Like Alpha Centauri,...........

"Starlord! I can feel it... I can feel it, the Farce, I can feel it... :love:

Judge Bean

Senior Member

Why would the government contractor involved in backengineering UFO technology be headed up by a former head of the CIA and also be involved in Remote Viewing?

May the Farce be with you.
