Unknown presence in forest


Senior Member
What if this particular military camp happens to work on mind control programs?
It crossed my mind Num, but it really doesn't meet the signs of it.

I would put money that it would end up being something Ghost or even Crypto.

A singular light, potentially a Will-O-Wisp? In European folklore, these lights are held to be either mischievous spirits of the dead, or other supernatural beings or spirits such as fairies, attempting to lead travelers astray. Really Ball Lightning would be a likely cause, the feelings you all had could of been the Static in the Atmosphere

I actually did find this also

See also: Min Min light
Min Min Light is the name given to an unusual light formation that has been reported numerous times in eastern outback Australia.[18][19] The lights have been reported from as far south as Brewarrina in western New South Wales, to as far north as Boulia in northern Queensland. The majority of sightings are reported to have occurred in Channel Country.[18]

Stories about the lights can be found in aboriginal myth pre-dating western settlement of the region and have since become part of wider Australian folklore.[18]Indigenous Australians hold that the number of sightings has increased alongside the increasing ingression of Europeans into the region.[18] According tofolklore, the lights sometimes followed or approached people and have disappeared when fired upon, only to reappear later on.[18][19]

Night Templar

Junior Member
Maybe it is just me but if I didn't know 'what" I was dealing with, my first inclination would be to leave whatever is out there alone. May sound cowardly but until I had some idea what was there, I surely wouldn't go looking for it. "Curiosity killed the cat", so I have heard, as an "old wives tale" and based on what was presented, I could appreciate what just might have happened to that cat.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\



Junior Member
One thing I have learned about the paranormal, it is important (although sometimes extremely difficult!) to stay calm, and contain your fear. Once it knows your afraid, it will not let up with torment. It knows what scares you, and will do whatever it takes. If you show you are not afraid, and establish that, it has a harder time drawing energy to frighten you. Easier said than done, that is the truth. It took my years to do this. Don't acknowledge it's presence, show no fear, but don't stay in that area either. Calmly get out, continue to pray to yourself (if you are religious) ...I have found that it works for me. I wouldn't go back there though. You don't want anything to attach itself to you. Stay calm, and move on B)


I've heard several times that if you are afraid, it makes you more vulnerable against evil entities. You must stay strong at all times by any means possible.
