what is it like to land in another time period?

brian jj

I had an experience a few weeks ago where I was in the lobby of a large apartment building in nyc. As many of you know nyc has many prewar buildings. Some were built in the late 1910 and early 1920's. One common characteristic is that the artwork inside the building has a definitive style which is no longer made or even thought of. with flower and vase forms molded into the ceiling. I meditated on the artwork and felt transported to that era. I felt what it was like to exist back to that era. You literally feel the smaller population size of the world. It as almost for every person born and living in the world they add to the agitation one feels everyday. An old person would never be able to relate because he got used to the population increase over time. but a time traveller would instantly feel a big difference in the atmosphere. You could feel the calmness and serenity.
For the corollary going into the future would make one insane because your not used to the number of minds that are alive.
Hi Brian:
There are a lot less people in the future due to a nuclear war. In the 2150's there are lotsa flying cars in our air.

Back in the 1800's there was a lot less pollution than now. People were nicer.

My two favorite eras are the 50's early rock and the 20's jazz age.

