What's up guys?

Re: What's Up Guys ?

thanks, its good to be back. I am just not myself when I don't get my daily fix of wierd news . oh yeh gotta throw in a couple laughs too
Re: What's Up Guys ?

Yeah, always good to think of different things. Real life is sometimes pretty ordinary and repetitive.
Re: What's Up Guys ?

yeh my little brother always says when ask whats up
oh not much just plowing in a rut same ol same ol
I realy think thats why he's a drunk. he never do, or look for anything new it realy pisses me off too cause he's a smart guy. with just no reason to keep striving for the next step on the ladder. he works, then go home to get drunk, works, gets drunk, just plowing in a rut sad just sad
Re: What's Up Guys ?

At least he has a job. A lot of people don't even have jobs, and don't do anything with their lives.
I don't know why, but when I'm writing that, I'm thinking of GLP lol.
Sorry, GLP posters aren't bad at all. Let's say that some of them have been online for too long !
Re: What's Up Guys ?

or maybe there hair has been consumeing there brains for fertulizer and now that there brains are gone there hair fell out too ya know.
the hole balled headed idiot thing.ha ha ha
Re: What's Up Guys ?

Last activity 4 days ago, she must be on vacation or something. Brent is pretty quiet to. Looks like people are busy this month ! More busy than I can be !
