Who is going to have the Covid Jab?

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Just putting this out there...

Breakthrough Covid cases: At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive

WASHINGTON — At least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for Covid and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News.The 125,682 "breakthrough" cases in 38 states found by NBC News represent less than .08 percent of the 164.2 million-plus people who have been fully vaccinated since January, or about one in every 1,300. The number of cases and deaths among the vaccinated is very small compared to the number among the unvaccinated. A former Biden adviser on Covid estimated that 98 to 99 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated.But the total number of breakthrough cases is likely higher than 125,683, since nine states, including Pennsylvania and Missouri, did not provide any information, while 11, like Covid hotspot Florida, did not provide death and hospitalization totals. Four states gave death and hospitalization numbers, but not the full tally of cases.And vaccinated adults who have breakthrough cases but show no symptoms could be missing from the data altogether, say officials.Watch Gabe Gutierrez on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt tonight for more on this storyHealth officials continue to caution that breakthrough cases were expected, extremely rare and not a sign of vaccine failure. For example, according to Erin McHenry, spokesperson for the Minnesota Department of Health, "Our most recent data shows that 99.9 percent of Minnesotans who are fully vaccinated have not contracted the virus. Even among those very rare breakthrough cases, we have seen very few illnesses serious enough to require hospitalization."
More at the link


I have had no bad reactions from the vaccine....

....It kinda likes my humour.

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New Member
Considering that the whole coronavirus pandemic has been presented to us as pure propaganda, I think I'll pass! The reported death count just from taking the vaccine is at 9000.
Always respected your posts Einstein since way back at The Anomalies Network but what is your proof of this figure? Any links to credible sources or are you just participating in further propaganda?


New Member
I have to say it’s sad to see you peddling this nonsense Einstein, I remember the days when conspiracy theorists at least had the ability to use critical thinking. Heres a quote from the website you provided - ‘After careful review of the additional data, doctors have decided that there is no evidence at all that the vaccines contributed to the other patient deaths. Nonetheless, the CDC and FDA will continue to investigate every single report of death (and other adverse events) reported to VAERS’ Surely it doesn’t take an ‘Einstein‘ to figure out that hundreds of thousands of people die of natural causes every day in the world and just by doing the maths, many of those people, especially the elderly will now have been vaccinated. Perhaps there will be issues with the vaccine long term, but without proof you are just part of the propaganda problem.


Temporal Engineer
Sure! I can play your game.

"Between December 2020 and July 19th, 2021, VAERS received 6,207 reports of death (0.0018% of doses) among people who got a vaccine, but this does not mean the vaccine caused these deaths."

That is quoted right from the link I posted. It's the same kind of bullshit they used to create the 600,000 deaths from co-vid. So was it 600,000 from co-vid? Or something else? I'm just putting this out there that there were 0 deaths from co-vid. Of course I have the John Hopkins researcher to thank for my conclusion. Since she reported that people stopped dying from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and respiratory deaths, all to be replaced by co-vid deaths. Which actually means the U.S. had no additional deaths over the normal amount last year.

So I have to ask. Who is peddling the nonsense? Is it you?
