Who is going to have the Covid Jab?

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
History will be our judge Einstein, however it’s worth considering that COVID wasn’t exclusive to the good ole US of A. The real conspiracy was the creation of the virus itself but the conspiracy theorists have latched onto the vaccine and are being played.
No one latched on to the vaccine "conspiracy", that was pushed on people by the media until that was all there was on the news cycle. Probably to draw attention from the fact that More and more medical professionals around the world started to question the origin of the virus. Or to draw attention away from Fauci's blunders. Regardless of why, people are being banned from social media for even questioning the official narrative.

But you are right...people are being played.


We only get to see the world through the eyes of our lying news media. We have no idea what the vaccine actually does. But there seems to be a massive propaganda effort to get the vaccine into all Americans. With the propaganda belief that co-vid is a killer virus. One scenario is that drug companies succeed in killing off Americans. That would suggest a foreign power is behind the drug companies. With no more America to stand in their way. Without America I'm sure China and or Russia would love to pillage the world. Latest statistics I've seen say around 50% of Americans will not take the vaccine.

Bingo. We have a winner. (seriously, not sarcastic). I posted this on facebook without your name.

Witch Hunt

Senior Member
I personally know probably 20 people that have had the Covid 19 and some died before their time.
Do you have any idea just how rare of a person you are? There are doctors who are treating this "pandemic" in hot spots who haven't seen 20 deaths

You should buy lottery tickets


Senior Member
No one latched on to the vaccine "conspiracy", that was pushed on people by the media until that was all there was on the news cycle. Probably to draw attention from the fact that More and more medical professionals around the world started to question the origin of the virus. Or to draw attention away from Fauci's blunders. Regardless of why, people are being banned from social media for even questioning the official narrative.

But you are right...people are being played.
Good points. I feel though what originally occurred, was the vaccine makers, wanted to start a type of virus, based in a simple corona virus, to where this virus made in a lab, would be effective, but the vaccines would be pre-made and these companies would come in like the rescuing cavalry saving all smart enough to get vaxed.

Where the flaw in your logic seems to be is the adjustment that I'm offering here and this is, > covid 19 was a laboratory fashioned and designed virus, with the elements of bat mRNA and rabies added, but in an unknown way,..however the last grouping of people in labs and this would have been starting with Prez Trump's say covid through his white house handed to him intel, was started in the EU, THEN the company moved to the northern US and Canada and this is by pictures and other evidence 2015 and THEN in about 2017 the company moved once more to the Wuhan Institutes Of Virology, to where the company was reformed.

*The problem is or was, that the upper level administrative staffing allowed a local lady who also goes by the name of the Chinese Bat Lady, for her to take top level administrative presidents in the company. The senior staff was simply told to step aside and this lady, who I feel was virilologically incompetent, then took prescience in the management of this company, be installing raw unrefined bat mRNA into the vat held samples of corona virus.

Conditions then, were so bad at this facility that workers became depressed as they felt that they were NOT GOING TO GET PAID, because of both the direction and who now was managing the project. So this person may have been an idiot and regular Chinese authorities may not have realized the direness of this situation.

So say in your thinking that a covid 21 could now be engineered out of this past mess and this would make society fall apart? This probably won't happen as if there would have been slightly more alternations to the existing escaped virus that became covid 19, say a tweaking either in the existing viruses, or still another virus added, then this virus could literally become a super killing virus and exterminate all life on Earth.

*Know and I want to get this to you as even now it's not fully understood, we came very very close in us buying it all, because of the past creation of this virus. So my predictions is that they've assembled negation hit squads, to eliminate both personnel along with labs in your ventured say, that would created covid 21. ' I'm not kidding on this one, as early covid was so ferocious, that it scared the crap out of the military viral people.

So more than likely an insane inept idiot, had made covid 19.


