Why all the topics of doom?

Why all the topics of doom?

A Simple Guess.
Why aren't there post of Happy, and Joy?

Doom is "drama", People like "Drama"! Humans have always preferred "Drama" over well non drama. If you want proof, look throughout history. We really only write down the negative. Sometime a little possitive is thrown in to show how strong the negative really is. Even all the books of religion talk about the hard times, and the drama. Also, tell me a future without some type of doom and gloom? If you think of one, is it a place you would enjoy to live in?

- Dr FF

... These are just my thoughts, I love the drama of doom and gloom. :devil: When, all the bad happen. It help me relize how my life is really good. I become grateful and more willing to help the ones that don't have it as good as me. Plus, compasion is part of the things that make us different from animals. :) ...
Why all the topics of doom?

Predictions of doom are the most likely because mankind is flawed. Predictions of a bright future without war is unrealistic because men will always be at war. All it takes is one bad apple to spoil the barrel, as the saying goes; we have bushels of bad ones.

\"Organized religion\" tends to operate on nothing but fear if people need to be kept in the dark to control them. Similar to the way the current president stays in power, mass hysteria is manipulated so that people will surrender their individual wills and common sense. Under a regime of fear and control, people predictably abandon their moral values as well. An interesting side effect under a \"moral values\" administration.

American moral values, in case anyone has forgotten, traditionally include faith, hope, and charity; foreign aid, citizen welfare, generosity, liberalism, and tolerance of others' beliefs and customs. They also include equal opportunity, minimal government, and fair treatment.

Ironic that American moral values are based on principles derived from religion.
Why all the topics of doom?

Ironic that American moral values are based on principles derived from religion.

While this may be true, then we are not abiding by the morales the Constitution has set before us. Separation of Church and State. Bless me President, as I sit in Sunday Mass.

And this would explain also why we fear, fear. ;)
Why all the topics of doom?

Pyro, you find in the Constitution where it mentions a "seperation of Church and State".

EDIT: And the Constitution does not set morals, it sets rules for how the government may govern, what it's limitations are, and what the rights of the governed are.
Why all the topics of doom?

While it may be absent from the Constitution, it came from some document.

And with all due respect, I don't think we need the Bible governing us, when some don't even believe in it.

Does that mean, that i have to listen to Bush's ###### about the Bible? Nope, and I never intend too.
Why all the topics of doom?

It came from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson about the need to ensure that the government never establishes it's own church. At the time, Britain had a government church, and the idea was not that the government and those that worked in it should completely divest itself of religion, but that the government should never be allowed to adopt one single religion and promote it above others. That means that Bush can't adopt Christianity as the government religion and force everyone to go to his church. That doesn't mean that kids shouldn't be allowed to pray in school.

Does that mean, that i have to listen to Bush's ###### about the Bible? Nope, and I never intend too.

You don't have to listen to anything. But that doesn't mean he can't say it.
