Why time travellers aren't talking here


New Member
I dream of rain, I dream of gardens in the desert - From Desert Rose, by Sting & Cheb Mami > To sleep, to venture into other times and fields. To be able to experience the imagination as real and not regret one iota of it all. By Lamdo

Nice friggin video. I laughed out loud by myself.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
I share a little secret: We have a mid sized blue car that can go extremely fast!
Now I wait and see if anyone here is the real deal?
No need to make contact with me...Just sit back and smile!
My teacher was the brother-in-law of Phil Corso and the one that shared secrets with me back in 1965.
I waited until he died before sharing what he told me.
what did he tell you before he died i like to hear it all


Senior Member
Nice friggin video. I laughed out loud by myself.
The sad thing about it, is that some of the Montauk time travelers reported showing up at New York. When they put down in the area, they themselves were alive. But reported nothing outside of the area they were in was alive. Furthermore, these was a giant statue of a horse, within that square.

If you look at the book cover at on The Montauk Experiment, there's an all metal house rearing up on its haunches.

The study of time travel is a touchy proposition due to the fact, that while what you discover, can strike you as very funny, Or it could be a note of dire disposition, or a factor that could kill you, if one is not careful in respects to handling what they see. It's in this respect, that lack of respect, allows time travel to be a very dangerous art, as the viewer on this chessboard, can become one of the chess pieces, to be moved.


Senior Member
Not the Golden Horse?

"OK one of the strangest stories about the Montauk Project is that a group of aryan children were sent in a time machine to 6037 AD to see a golden horse statue with a clock in its belly to test their memory. This was in the middle of the town square, but the city was in ruins. The Montauk Golden Horse Statue in 6037 AD is one strange saga."


walt willis

Senior Member
Phil Corso's brother-in-law shared secrets he got from his visit with Phil when Phil worked with the folks at Las alamos lab during his summer brake back in 1965.
He said our government was working on back engineering alien technology from the Roswell crash in NM.
He explained how we were able to achieve an 89% reductions in gravity, reduce inertia, and time with the use of spinning mercury
at 50 to 60 thousand RPM's.
He also said we informed about the ability of non humans to travel around in space/time.
I had to promise to never tell what he told me as it was way above top secret information.
A very few humans were give time travel technology in exchange for aliens on earth secrecy.
Leo Zagami has more info of the secret Rothschild family and how they became rich.
It's time we took back our earth from the filthy rich by telling the world about their time travel secrets.


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Senior Member
One question, whom was responsible for negotiating (A very few humans were give time travel technology in exchange for aliens on earth secrecy) this deal?

walt willis

Senior Member
One question, whom was responsible for negotiating (A very few humans were give time travel technology in exchange for aliens on earth secrecy) this deal?
It was a very long time ago and way above my pay grade at DHS to be told. If you follow the money you may find the answer? What group of humans are super wealthy? The answer may be found in the group you may never criticize in public forums?
Now how hard was that!


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Senior Member
Not the Golden Horse?

"OK one of the strangest stories about the Montauk Project is that a group of aryan children were sent in a time machine to 6037 AD to see a golden horse statue with a clock in its belly to test their memory. This was in the middle of the town square, but the city was in ruins. The Montauk Golden Horse Statue in 6037 AD is one strange saga."

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ALLEGEDLY there was many Montauk boys abducted whose ages ranged from 6years old upto 22 years old and were programmed by a group of satanists at Montauk to act as "sleeper agents" for the secret governments future operations....More on that later...

The "programming" of the Montauk boys consisted of brutal methods such as the placing of high voltage electonic stuff on specific parts of the boys bodies...The boys would then be beaten to within inches of their lives until they were mentally broken...

Most of the boys were of the Arryan race, blue eyes and blonde hair, although a few did have darker hair and skin...the Arryan reason they were chosen was for some psychic genetic factor, and the survivors of the programming were teleported to Mars in 6037 AD to see if they could survive time-travelling..

At a given time in the future the Montauk Boys who were the "sleeper agents", were suddenly "awoken", by a telephone call or someone saying a specific word to them in the street, which started off the real purpose of their programming..

Some of the Montauk boys became assassins for the secret government, and others became known as the "disrupters", who also worked for the secret government and its satanists, and their job was to organise and use subversion techniques on anyone or group that the secret government thought would bring trouble to them...There were also long term sleepers who were programmed to become slave workers..
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New Member
I just wanted to let you know the reason why time travellers aren't talking here is because John Titor was a hoax.
There's no other universe or parallel worlds. To say he has a 'legacy' is ridiculous. This website has an entire forum dedicated to it which instantly lowers the sites reputation to zero. Time travellers also have to sign an NDA form not to talk about their experience, and even if they don't sign it they get their memory erased.

Not even going to bother telling any of my stories here, it will be as bad as the time travel reddit that believes in the multiverse theory and downvotes anything smart, upvotes cancer posting. Or the time travel discords that mash together "quantum theory and theory of relativity" into one text channel as if they're the same thing and that are just created so teenagers can feel smart and not to actually welcome time travellers or discuss time travel. There's only one active worldline at a time, the rest are dormant. There's only one timeline.
Sorry for my last post being rash. Over the past few weeks I've been remembering supressed memories from my childhood. This is my story. When I was 8 years old I was shown an old man with holes all over his body at an abandoned hospital and one of the two gangsters that tormented me as a child said "I went back and tortured him more" then the next day, I was taken to see somebody that wanted to see me, at the same abandoned hospital. He had holes all over his arms but not his body. My Psychosis nurse was in the room and my online friend from America was sitting on a chair outside of the room (I live in Paisley, Scotland)

My friend on the chair said to me as I walked in the room: "I'm _______ we're friends- we become friends later". I walked in the room.
I approached the old man, he said: "I got tortured so you don't have to", I walked away.
I looked around the room and saw the other people didn't have holes on their body, but the old man did. I'd remembered the room from before
but where everybody in the room had holes on their body. I walked back to the old man and asked "Is this me?" the gangster said "Oh no, he's going to think that's him!" and "What did he say to you?" I said "He said he got tortured so I don't have to" the gangster said "Is that what he said? He was getting tortured anyway!" my Psychosis nurse said "I'm his girlfriend" and she walked up to the gangster and hugged him from the side. I said "You're dating him!?" and she said "Well we used to date" and the gangster said "he ate her out twice" then my nurse walked up to the tortured man and said "I think I will marry you" and he said "Thanks ____" I left the room. My friend from the future outside and my nurse from the future looked 7 years older, so from 2028~ the old man looked about 70~ I'm 27. They said "Look there's no face tattoo, there's no X tattoo!" (I'd decided to get one of those but then remembered the conversation and decided not to) At the end when I walked down the corridor to leave, my friend said "You asked-or you were wondering who did this" "It's _____ kick ____ from the skype group chat- no kick him from the discord". I remember this part of the conversation about 5 days ago on 10/04/2021. I disbanded our group chat. I'd only started to remember details as a few members who'd temporarily joined left, so there were just three of us in the group chat. The gangster said "He was screaming in agony to me just yesterday, but he's so peaceful now. Because I time travelled"
(Later that day the old man gets tortured again and likely dies shortly after then they time travel him back to the day before to show me him with holes all over his body in a deathly state) if he didn't die from that, they likely continued torturing him for fun via time traveling until he died.

He wasn't tortured because of leaks in his conversations with his friends, they also mentioned some other reasons for him being tortured but they were just trying to use personal information on me to scare me into seeing how bad they could make my Schizophrenia. No leaks came from the group chat or from my friends, they were all from the old man who relentlessly got tortured. My friend outside thought maybe there was a betrayal, there wasn't.

When I was in the hallway I asked "Are you going to torture him next?" and gestured towards my future friend. I was worried for him. The gangster had been saying scary things that I can't recall on the way towards the dormitory. I went to the dormitory on a few occasions by my memory is fuzzy, I remember one time they wheeled everybody else out of the room except the old man.

I still don't know why they chose to target me, because I wouldn't have ended up in the hospital if they hadn't messed me up as a child, and they only started time travelling to meet me when I went to the hospital, even though I'd been running into time travellers from the hospital or connected to it my entire life.

I decided because of this not to mention anything about the future to my friends from the old group chat for their own protection. _______ was mistaken. It wasn't ___ that leaked information, it was me. He wasn't paying attention to our conversation and _______ didn't believe it. I made a few more friends and spoke to them about the situation, asked them for advice. A moderator on my discord gave me some really good advice and we talked about it for days as I began to remember the rest of the conversation.

One of the gangsters said "He tried to throw Thonk (moderators from my discord's name) under the buss! (He then specifies that the moderator changed his name then changed it back to see if it would appear in my 8 year old self's memories, it did.) He was a mod but he removed his mod powers and he changed his name and he heard this entire conversation when he was a kid" he said this to the other gangster. They were both big guys about 5'11, very bulky and wore black with black hats similar to fedoras.

One day I'm going to go missing, when I'm old. And I'm going to be relentlessly tortured and asked why I didn't save my doctor's children (she time travelled from 2030~ to tell me she had two miscarriages and time travelled from May 2020 to August 2018 pretending to be my sister and my one year younger brother fell for it and we spoke to her for a while. She was just doing a doctors check-up, but this moment sealed my fate, or rather the future that triggered this event did. Her future self likely enabled her past self to time travel. Her future self visited me twice in a period of 8 days. Then after then she turned back into 2020 Dr.______

In 2010 my friend told me she met me in a hospital and I didn't say hi. She also told me that a birdhouse broke and somebody propped it up with a brick in a mental hospital and she was wondering if I'd seen it. In 2020 I met her self from 2010 at a mental hospital and didn't say hi, because it would have created a paradox so time would keep getting erased until I didn't say hi, because she only became friends with me because she time travelled and saw me at a mental hospital and I couldn't have shown that I recognised her. I looked at the birdhouse a lot though.

In 2016 I had a painful dream where my genetalia was cut off. I was handcuffed to a bed and had been drugged, I looked right and saw the woman who'd cut it off walking slowly around the bed. My eyes followed her forward. I looked left whilst unable to scream for some reason and saw the two gangsters talking in the hallway. I didn't recognise them. My memories were still repressed. I'd only remember them in 2020 and see them in my back yard walking towards the door then leaving. I woke up and it was 2016. I told my friends in the Skype group chat. In 2018 I went on a date with the same woman from my dream and this time said no to the 'antibiotic' and didn't sleep overnight with her. I walked her back to the train station having realised hours ago that this scenario was exactly the same as the dream from 2016 with the pain.

In 2020 due to Psychosis I suddenly developed 30 voices in my head, some higher quality than others speaking in my head and drank litres of paint, overdoses, put needles through my arm. I threw up the blue paint and recalled the time in 2017 when I was 73kg when I ran faster than a car for over 1 mile running to catch a Snorlax in Pokemon Go. I said "I'm blue, I run faster than cars, I'm spiky and I protect my friends. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!" I also punched myself over 1,000 times in total, headbutted concrete outside whilst running and screaming. At home I rambled a long speech to my non-existent son Boruto and thought Naruto was full of references to my life. I edited some pictures of my town with Boruto characters from the Anime. I threw up most of the paint, now blackened and went to sleep. A few days later I fell unconscious randomly and headbutted the floor whilst screaming "I'm sorry" over and over again and begging not to be tortured with needles and fire.

I remembered memories of being tortured from erased time due to the grandfather paradox where large 10p coin sized holes had been put in my arms at the age of 6, 7, 8 and 15, like the old man. I also remembered hot needles being put through my skin but in bundles to create many holes at once.

I went to a mental hospital that day and escaped believing I was going to be tortured like the old man. I was captured after an hour or so by police. I met my doctor from 2030 who visited me the next day on April 29th 2020 and said "I'm Doctor ______ I've had two miscarriages". I remember as a child being tormented and asked why I didn't save Doctor ______ children. Seeing potentially my future self being tortured is what put me into the hospital and gave me Psychosis and Schizophrenia in the first place.

On the day my Psychosis was particularly bad, I was taken in by police who saw me walking around and taken to a hospital. Whilst sitting waiting for an appointment with the doctor at around 2A.M, one of the nurses said "I've been watching him since he was seven" and in the room I met two doctors, leaving the room with the nurses and police officers who I recognised from my childhood in a place I called the 'lab' from when I was 8, that I'd found a drawing I drew of it a few days prior. I recognised the two doctors as two people from my childhood who were at the 'lab' with the gangsters and talked to them for a while. The woman was almost crying. The man said "You're not a kid anymore ______" the woman asked "who is it that's testing your IQ?" (Something I mentioned to my doctor was that a delusion I had was that my IQ was being tested in my dreams and that my dreams were being invaded by the voices)

In the end I'm somebody with Schizophrenia who's down to just one voice that if anything, I hear for 5 seconds a day. Nobody is going to save me. I can't ask anybody for help, and even if they do want to help me now, I don't know whether the old man is 68 or 80 or 73. He could be a variety of ages. I acquired Schizophrenia from my childhood and at the age of 14 it evolved into hearing voices in running water then in 2020 turned into 30~ voices on at all times then dirndled down to 10 voices. I had the delusion that to win a game I had to be Friaza Hyuga from Scotland with 1 super power and that it was 'Paisley Park', from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. I know super power's aren't real now of course.

In 2019 I met the woman I had intercourse with in 2018 and she didn't recognise me, she lived hours away but seemed to casually be playing Pokemon Go in my town. She also looked three years younger than she should have. She looked 20 when in April 2018 she was 21. She should have been 22 or 23, I can also tell when a time traveller doesn't recognise me because they haven't met me yet. I went up and talked to her and her friend for a moment then left, she seemed shy. She wasn't that shy in 2018, when she was older.

In 2016 I passed a man on the street who said "I know you, we met in _________ hospital, you have Psychosis" I said "no, you have Psychosis" due to the grandfather paradox time would be erased in a loop and tachyon pulse memories would be sent back until the time paradox loop stopped. Meaning I couldn't have heeded his warning or talked to him. However I did become friends with him at the hospital because of this, however me and the other time travellers deleted our social media.

When I was 15 years old I was taken to the mental hospital for 'half an hour' but it was actually at least a few days due to time travel, at some point in time. I went to both the mental hospitals I'd go to in the future, however my past self likely hasn't time travelled yet. I was told that if they were going to help me more, I'd need to sign an NDA document. I told them I might write a book on it so I wouldn't sign the NDA document. The man said "You're not going to remember any of this, just that you went to a mental hospital for half an hour."

The next day in Biology class I told a friend of mine that I went to a mental hospital for half an hour and somebody behind me said "You don't go to a mental hospital for half an hour"

They likely used time travelling hospital patients to get help with their mental health sooner as an excuse to gain access to time travel, but then end up using it torture people instead. There are time travellers in the police, nursing staff, doctors, FBI agents that watched me in 2018 and hospital patients.

In 2018 somebody posted a 2021 Attack on Titan spoiler on my discord from the 2nd last chapter and said it was 'AOT fan art' there was some discussion about it and somebody that had read the manga said "That's not in the manga, I've read the manga" and somebody else said "There's AOT spoilers in Friaza's discord"

I also was made to pick up glass with my cousin who they time travelled as well to pick up glass together from the floor. I can't remember what, but if I failed to pick up all the glass there was some sort of punishment. I also remember not being able to eat for periods of time and then finally getting to eat dry cookie crisp, but them saying if I ate, she couldn't eat, so I wouldn't eat until they finally let me eat some dry cookie crisp. She got out of the situation though, not that I'm certain what she went through. They kept us separated a lot of the time. I remember her future self time travelling as well and being with the gangsters from 2020 but in the past, 2001 I believe.

All I can pray for is that he wasn't tortured any further. I've been trying to think of a plan to save my family, friends and the old man since I was a kid. But now that I'm older I realise they never had any intention of letting him leave and they took him to a point in time where the gangsters and corrupt doctors/nurses own the hospital and use it to torture people. I made it so that my father didn't get hurt by the gangsters anymore, that my sister didn't get tormented and neither did my little brother or mother. My friend online was in the hallway outside of the room, I came up with a plan to save him today and that's this post. Rather than him being interrogated for the information or me potentially being tortured for it, which I probably will be anyway, I'm just giving the time travellers all the information I remember.

They told me they weren't after me because I'd only been to the mental hospital twice and because I'd paid off my student loans (Again this could be an attempt to gaslight me to give me schizophrenia and psychosis which I had bad cases of in 2020 and still have mild schizophrenia)

The gangsters tried to scare me by saying that for every £100 on my student loan they'd put a hole in my arm or if I went to the mental hospital for a 3rd time they'd torture me. So I'm paying it off very soon and will avoid going to the mental hospital for a 3rd time. They said they mostly torture people with loans or that go to the mental hospital three times. I still don't know why they're doing this to people, so their could be some truth in it given the doctors, nurses and police involved at the place I called the 'lab'

The old man showed me the left side of his face, neck or stomach. He didn't have any tattoos, meaning that if I get a tattoo on the left side of my stomach, it will mean I'm not him. Like an X shaped tattoo or a star.
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