Ask a Time Traveler anything


Junior Member
Who is Jung and what are his explanations?

An event in 1958 led Jung to conclude that it was more desirable for people to believe UFOs exist than to believe they don't exist. One of his final works, Flying Saucers, was an attempt to answer why it was more desirable to believe in their existence.
Jung came to the conclusion that UFOs were examples of the phenomena of synchronicity where external events mirror internal psychic states. As usual, he saw the UFO situation in a broader perspective than most. For Jung the UFO images had much to do with the ending of an era in history and the beginning of a new one. In his introductory remarks to Flying Saucers he writes about the UFO events:

" As we know from ancient Egyptian history, they are manifestations of psychic changes which always appear at the end of one Platonic month and at the beginning of another. Apparently they are changes in the constellation of psychic dominants, of the archetypes, or 'gods' as they used to be called, which bring about, or accompany, long-lasting transformations of the collective psyche. The transformation started in the historical era and left its traces first in the passing of the aeon of Taurus into that of Aries, and then of Aries into Pisces, whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity. We are now nearing that great change which may be expected when the spring point enters Aquarius."
In a similar manner that the medieval alchemists projected their psyche into matter, Jung felt that modern man projected his inner state into the heavens. In this sense, the UFOs became modern symbols for the ancient gods which came to man's assistance in time of need.
The need perhaps was for wholeness again out of the increasing fragmentation of the modern world. In the early 50s and the beginning of the Cold War, when UFOs began to infiltrate popular culture, there was a great fragmentation in the world. Jung writes, "At a time when the world is divided by an iron curtain...we might expect all sorts of funny things, since when such a thing happens in an individual it means a complete dissociation, which is instantly compensated by symbols of wholeness and unity." It was very relevant to Jung that the shape of the flying saucers was round, the shape of the ancient Mandala, symbol of wholeness throughout history.


Junior Member
Is it possible for several of you to enter into a body at one time and what would be the result of that if it were possible?

are there any laws or rules you must follow while in someone elses body?

do you experience the coming in and going out of the body and what is it like if so?

is this transfer instantaneous or does it take a while?

Does the person have to be asleep or can it be done while the person is awake and engaged in activity?

has ther ever been acidents during this transfer and can you explain what happened during it?

if a transfer is not going to work how are you alerted to this and what happens then?

Now to break this down

Is it possible for several of you to enter into a body at one time and what would be the result of that if it were possible?
THEORETICALLY maybe. I don't know the limits of how much energy you can put in one brain

But quantum entanglement is connecting one particle to one particle so you would be splitting up the person your going into .....which would be pretty damned horrific

are there any laws or rules you must follow while in someone elses body?

Less laws and rules then cultural norms and values. There is no rule that says "and please, don't kill baby hitler." just the whole idea would be rather ludicrous to me. And to those people who it wouldn't be so ludicrous to.... we don't let them get access to time machines.

do you experience the coming in and going out of the body and what is it like if so?
is this transfer instantaneous or does it take a while?

There is a sensation yes... but I think its more from the brain getting new software thrown in it and being confused.

The amount of time it takes is so small as to be unnoticeable to the human brain

Does the person have to be asleep or can it be done while the person is awake and engaged in activity?
Sleep is preferable. While the time it takes to do the transfer is small... transferring into some one in the middle of operating heavy machinery COULD be a problem

has there ever been acidents during this transfer and can you explain what happened during it?

that .1% of the time. And the safety protocols are set up that if there is a problem in transfer it happens BEFORE the upload from your time happens. And we then transfer whats left over of the mind of the people in question back in their brains. effectively rendering that person schitzophrenic.

if a transfer is not going to work how are you alerted to this and what happens then?

If it fails you find out when your brains been butchered and your living in a padded cell


Junior Member
how is the person who sent you getting the information you gather? do they have to wait until you get back or is it being transmitted
somehow? if they can get it while you are here can you describe the way it is sent and recieved?

Can you communicate with them while you are here? are we able to ask the actual techs and scientists more complicated
questions that you may not know? how much were actually trianed on the technical parts of how this works?

how long are you going to be communicating with us on this web site?
To the first question: I am a field researcher so they wait till I get back. I am doing a participant observation study of the United States Political Economy in 2012. Going to take that in to some studies about how the modern (for you) state imploded before the rise of the modern (for me) construct of the state.

And while I COULD communicate back... we wouldn't do that. I hate to be all "prime directive" but what would be the point of your being given the answers to everything. Coming to peace and perfection without knowing how you got there will just mean you will break it. So why would we do anything silly as telling you these sorts of things.

If you look in the Bible (metaphorically) Hashem (and yes I am Jewish) gives the Israelite people everything they need... and they get angry at him. God does this several times and it never ends well. If god can't do it... well how the heck can we do it?


Junior Member
I think you know what an angel or a demon is. I am talking about an entity of evil negative energy or an entity of holy positive energy.
did any of you ever encounter such a thing when trying to possess another body?

Do you have any religion that you believe in?

would you know if anyone ever tried to possess your own body and switch you and has this ever happened to you?

What is to stop other countries from trying to do the same thing to their leaders if they had the same technology
and do you try to stop it if it does happen? How do you try to stop it? or maybe you dont.

if you are using quantum entanglement is there ever instances where one would pop back into their own body again
without you actually trying to do it through whatever method you use?

Are you able to enter a female body if you are male or a male body if you are female?

what are some other ways this technology has been used beside entering other bodies?

Angels and Demons can be an internal manifestation of a persons psyche

I have encountered that. While we download out some ones software ...... some times things are left behind.

Anything external is another matter.
would you know if anyone ever tried to possess your own body and switch you and has this ever happened to you?

I don't know about people from my future.... I find it less pleasant to think about. Because that would mean I became interesting enough to study.

if you are using quantum entanglement is there ever instances where one would pop back into their own body again
without you actually trying to do it through whatever method you use?

I have heard stories it happened in some of the first uses of the tech.... but I think that's scuttlebutt

Are you able to enter a female body if you are male or a male body if you are female?
I COULD in theory..... but that would lead to some mental disturbances for me and the person we took..... it would just be a general unkindness to do that. And I am a man

What is to stop other countries from trying to do the same thing to their leaders if they had the same technology
and do you try to stop it if it does happen? How do you try to stop it? or maybe you dont.
Our political system doesn't work that way. Management and Regulation of time travel functions at a human level of government. Stakeholders from as far away as Mars get involved in supervision of time travel.

And as I said countries (such as they are) focus on country level things


Active Member
if you are jewish then you are well aware that angels are real beings and not just a manifestation of someones psyche.
I am a christian and I love the jewish people and am very much aware of the writings of the old testament.

and remember you are the one who said "ask a time traveler anything." so I did.

I could go on and ask thousand of questions but I sure as hell wouldnt want to become a "person of interest." to your people
especially knowing I could end up as a schizophrenic or in a padded cell if they decided to study me.

especially knowing every thing you write here is probably going to be known to them.


Active Member
if you are jewish then you are well aware that angels are real beings and not just a manifestation of someones psyche.
I am a christian and I love the jewish people and am very much aware of the writings of the old testament.

and remember you are the one who said "ask a time traveler anything." so I did.

I could go on and ask thousand of questions but I sure as hell wouldnt want to become a "person of interest." to your people
especially knowing I could end up as a schizophrenic or in a padded cell if they decided to study me.

especially knowing every thing you write here is probably going to be known to them.

Yes to Jesus Christ king of king and lord of lord amen and amen.


Active Member
you did not answer my question what is the Men in black doing here on Earth?? also why is there ET/Alien in a spacecraft(ufo) in the sky and taken some human being to underground for study now how are you going to answer that question Mr time traveler.


Active Member
oh what about the heaven and hell place how do you get the soul out of hell and put them in a body for so we can have them go to Heaven instead of hell.
tell me about that Mr. Time Traveler...


Junior Member
if you are jewish then you are well aware that angels are real beings and not just a manifestation of someones psyche.
I am a christian and I love the jewish people and am very much aware of the writings of the old testament.

and remember you are the one who said "ask a time traveler anything." so I did.

I could go on and ask thousand of questions but I sure as hell wouldnt want to become a "person of interest." to your people
especially knowing I could end up as a schizophrenic or in a padded cell if they decided to study me.

especially knowing every thing you write here is probably going to be known to them.

Oh no no no

the person they would try to send into your body would go schizophrenic and in a padded sell

Because if it breaks down on the download we can stop it... but we can't on the upload


Active Member

I have another question...if the body you were in happened to die like in an accident what happens to your "essence"?
Does it go back to your original body or do you just die here?
same with the other guy what if an accident happens on the moon what happens between you two? are you forever stuck here
or do they just find another body for you to go back into in the future?

if someone is being transfered here in this time and we were to observe them and they were not asleep what would we notice about
the person? what would we see going on with them if we were right in the middle of talking with them? also when they come back here would
we observe the same thing about them or is it different?

is there any kind of quirks we can look for to recognize someone who has been transfered and are not actually themselves?

how old are you? and is the body you are in younger or older?
