I saw that bullet picture on the news a little while ago. That's an amazing once in a lifetime shot.
He and his regime trash talk Trump daily. If the CIA didn't do this, then their hate and lies incited violence. Biden has blood on his hands.
And the news is still doing it, but trying to hold back a little. Some are visibly sad that the shooter failed. They're actively trying to do victim shaming. I mean, really??? They desperately need professional help for their Trump Derangement Syndrome. They're setting up the scenario to happen again... which may be intentional.
If anyone watches a news source doing all this, TURN THEM OFF!!! (...unless you enjoyed being lied to and manipulated...)
a professional sniper would remain hidden and keep shooting until the target is down.
The guy did fire multiple shots. He ended up assassinating a fireman and wounding 2 others. Shameful.
As for the "anger" part, it appears that way so far. This is also the most easily concocted story. I heard he was a registered republican, but he also donated a small amount to some ultra liberal cause... so I doubt the party affiliations. If he really did start killing for anti-semetic reasons like some claim, then "The Squad" has quite a bit of blood on their hands... well, more than they had previously. If the shooter used the explosives in his van, then that could have been far more of a disaster.
Watching the news today, it was pointed out that the crowd didn't really run or panic in the face of a gun. It was more like, "Safe spaces? We don't need no stinking safe spaces! Bring the guy over and we'll beat him to death ourselves." I didn't think that Pennsylvania had people with cajones that big, but then again, that's the west part of the state, not the east.
The LWO media has been trying to shame Trump for his "Fight!" fist pumps as toxic masculinity. No, that's called IN YOUR FACE GRIT! If this had happened to Biden, he would have run off crying and whining... if he even knew that something happened at all.