9/11 Revisited Again

Re: 9/11 Revisited Again

Cary; I thought I'd heard about this before. Rense has another page onsite concerning the polygraph, and I'm doing some more research on the 81st FA in Germany 1976 (interesting side note, I was stationed in Augsburg, Germany just south of him at the same time). Anyway, the polygraph actually took place back in 2002, have a look at:


Seems to me the only way to validate this is to get supporting testimony from some of the others in the study. Since there are some names, I'll see what I can find.

Re: 9/11 Revisited Again

Geez...what's our country (America) coming to? Is our Goverment really that crooked and if so whens the revolution goin to happen?! I just find it sickening that this could be happening and our leaders who we elect are behind it!
Re: 9/11 Revisited Again

heh the truth is stranger than fiction.

I've learned to be careful about where and to whom i talk to about regarding some spesific material of this matter. Someone "up there" don't seem to like it. Goverments have allready confiscated my computeres 2 times as well as some cell phones. Got one of my cell phones back but never saw any more of the computers. Oh and yeah I suspect my cell phone is now monitored, strange things happend with it after I got it back.,
Re: 9/11 Revisited Again

I've got some time, so I'm making some posts. Sorry for the multiple posts. Ignore 'em of it's too much. The link lays out the pictures and related links, etc. much better than is produced here. I hope I lined up the right comments and links with the right pictures. Again, go to the link for a better laid out article.



I would submit that none of the other buildings were hit by a heavy aircraft moving at 500 miles per hour, which sheared off many beams, support structures, etc. The shock to the tower must have been tremendous! Isn\'t this obvious?</span></span></span>[/indent]It may be \"obvious\" that a heavy plane hitting a skyscraper would deliver a \"tremendous\" shock, but it doesn\'t follow that the building must therefore collapse. In 1945 the Empire State Building was hit by a B-25 bomber, but it was still standing last time I saw it. \"Ah yes, but it was the impact plus the fires!\" Well, when the B-25 hit the Empire State Building \"its fuel tanks were reported to have exploded, engulfing the 79th floor in flames\", as we read at <a href=\'http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0112/News/News8-0112.html\' target=\'_blank\'>Empire State Building Withstood Airplane Impact</a>.

? \"Ah, but none of the buildings mentioned above were struck by a 390,000 pound aircraft traveling at 350+ m.p.h.\" Well, each of the Twin Towers was still standing 50 minutes after being hit, so it was not the impacts which caused them to collapse. \"Ah, but the intense heat of the burning jet fuel!\" Actually, according to NIST\'s chief WTC-investigator the jet fuel burnt itself out in less than ten minutes. Don\'t believe it? Read through <a href=\'http://www.serendipity.li/wot/pop_mech/reply_to_popular_mechanics.htm#6\' target=\'_blank\'>Reply to Popular Mechanics re 9/11: Claim #6</a>. Then go to the top and read it all. Then follow the links to other articles on this website showing that the official story is bogus. Then follow the links to the many other websites which demonstrate that 9/11 was an inside job. Too busy? Oh, well, then, if you don\'t care to know what really happened on 9/11 ...

? <span style=\'font-family:Callisto MT,Georgia,Book Antiqua,Palatino,Times New Roman,Serif\'>What you have heard ever since 9/11 on network TV and in the mainstream media such as the New York Times and all the other corporate-controlled newspapers is simply <a href=\'http://www.serendipity.li/wtc2.htm#twin_towers\' target=\'_blank\'>the official story</a>, repeated over and over, on the assumption that if a lie is repeated often enough then people will believe it. Especially if it is a big lie. The idea that elements of the US government were responsible for planning and carrying out acts which killed about 3000 people is so outrageous that most people (most Americans, at least) reject it reflexively. But it is precisely because it is so outrageous that the perps assumed that no-one except a few fringe thinkers would ever take it seriously, and that they would get away with this act of mass murder. What they didn\'t count on was that thousands of websites would minutely examine the evidence available (such evidence as was left, mainly photographic, after New York Mayor Giuliani order every scrap of physical evidence removed from the WTC site as quickly as possible, with nothing but a token forensic examination, and shipped overseas to be melted down in blast furnaces). An examination of the evidence which remains leads inexorably to the conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated by elements within the US government (probably going back before Bush came to power in 2001) in order to justify US military aggression against any country which stood in the way of its aims of global economic, financial and political domination. This website presents much of this evidence, and there are many other websites which also do so. There is now no excuse to plead ignorance.

Re: 9/11 Revisited Again

Excellent read CaryP! I would be somewhat cautious though just cause what DarkBreed posted right before you about his computers being taken away. Is it safe to ask you DarkBreed what you were posting? You could PM me if you don't want to broadcast it. If not no big deal either. I actually think my phone is tapped cause I hear weird noises on it. My mother in law used to live here in this house and she would write the president about the chem trails and other brave topics. Seems like after that the phone started making the strange noises.
Re: 9/11 Revisited Again

My mother in law used to live here in this house and she would write the president about the chem trails and other brave topics. Seems like after that the phone started making the strange noises.

Modern phone taps don't make any noise.
Re: 9/11 Revisited Again

Cary, that 'plan' done by that Army LT. sounds more like a Feasablity Study. It's not unheard of to have things like this done up by one branch of the services to be used by another branch. A possible case of the 'left' hand having no clue as to why it is performing a function to be used later by the 'right' hand. The less connections in a Chain Of Command structure AND a different branch utilizing that information is a means to hopefully avoid inspection and culpability if things go The Cluster ___ type of formation with it's inherent and unavoidable results.
