A Rant about Elon Musk


Not seeing the point you're trying to make here.
Also, not sure what sort of moderation changes you expected.
I have only been on twitter a handful of times, and it is literally the pits. It's a sewer, but a sewer full of self-absorbed idiots.
Musk apparently was concerned more about the nefarious stuff they did to people they didn't agree with. Any place like twitter needs MORE moderation - don't see that as a free speech issue as much as shadow banning is.


I guess I was hoping he would disagree with the shadow bans, but instead, they just tightened mine…tonight….. sigh.


Give it some time, it can't get any worse than before Musk took over.
Most of the things he's said up to now seem pretty reasonable to me. Getting rid of bots and fake accounts, among other things, is going to be a huge relief. I'm glad he's been tackling this issue first.

Gotta be patient, change is hard and takes time to
Shadow banning isn’t reasonable. They tightened mine tonight for no reason. I wonder why they don’t just suspend me and get it over with.
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Didn't Musk say he'd look into it? I believe removing shadow bans clearly has to be part of the adjustments and improvements he intends to bring to moderation.

Do you have any idea why you'd be shadowbanned? I fail to understand why you'd be a target.


Didn't Musk say he'd look into it? I believe removing shadow bans clearly has to be part of the adjustments and improvements he intends to bring to moderation.

Do you have any idea why you'd be shadowbanned? I fail to understand why you'd be a target.

No, he didn't. In fact, a bunch of people complained last night about shadow bans and they got worse. Elon and Yoel are calling us trolls. He asked for feedback on a voice announcement. We gave it to him, and those who complained got a bigger axe.

So, I just deleted my tweets again. Not worth my time anymore.


Didn't Musk say he'd look into it? I believe removing shadow bans clearly has to be part of the adjustments and improvements he intends to bring to moderation.

Do you have any idea why you'd be shadowbanned? I fail to understand why you'd be a target.

They've only shadow banned conservatives and now Elon is suppressing people who don't agree with his new, even heavier, censorship. All you have to do is read Elon's latest tweets to see what I'm talking about. I really think he is working with the Biden regime and they want to suppress strong voices. I can write well and make strong opinions, and apparently that scares the heck out of them.


Holy Crapola BatMan!

I'm not a user of FB or Twit....And it doesn't appear as though I ever will.
Doesn't look like I'm missing a thing.......?

I can see it already, man.
Just one....ONE...non-politically correct thingy about WALMART shoppers or cat barf





I’ve made a decision. I’ve been published 3 times in newspapers. I’m going to forget about Twitter and write more op eds. Maybe this was the fuel I needed to light the fire.


Active Member
Like the video said, word lists and filters is how they do it. They feed those into the algorithms and the computers take it from there. I've never gotten much intelligence out of machine learning. It's a hot topic, but I can write search parameters that are 100x faster than AI that do the same thing. The video talks about people doing manual bans, but I doubt support gets into the loop unless there are a lot of other people flagging the tweets for content. There's probably some threshold number. If a tweet gets a few inappropriate flags and not much else, the AI probably runs it through some filters to determine if something should be done.

I'm not sure about you getting even more shadow banned. Maybe there are weights assigned to it (that would make levels of banning).


I have a hard time believing that actual employees take part, manually, in moderation. They must let 99% of it to algorithms and programs. The only manual moderation some employees have to do must be when something huge happens, like when they banned Donald Trump, for instance. Or when the police, FBI, etc are into it and they need to react ASAP. That must be about it.

Did a quick Google Search, here:
Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted on Twitter, corresponding to over 350,000 tweets sent per minute, 500 million tweets per day, and around 200 billion tweets per year.

How on Earth can you moderate all that shit? And yep, most of it is shit. Well, you let a program do the heavy lifting for you and you have a team manage the remaining <1% that requires a brain and common sense to process.

I don't doubt that shadowbans do exist. It's a pretty classic - perhaps a little lazy - tactic. But what I fail to see, is why they'd target people like us. Unless I'm clearly missing something, and you (@PaulaJedi) have a literal TON of followers, like 10K to 100K to 1M + and you (and your audience) can make waves on Twitter.

I'm also curious as to how you can measure how shadowbanned you are. What makes you say it got worse overnight?

Well, outside of all that, you're probably better off not using Twitter at all. Don't use products you don't enjoy. It should be simple as that. Maybe you'll prefer Tumblr, Pinterest, or Instagram, for instance. To each their own.
