An initiative to sensibilize beyond our forum


Junior Member
Dear all,

I am worried, I am pretty sure according to my researches that wicked magi try to mindf*** people and even the peoples to fulfill their ideological agendas through fakely innocent pop-culture.
You knew that, we already discussed of that notably here:

I know that several among you agree with this statement. But, your ears cannot satisfy me: I would be glad if people who normaly do not agree with us here could give their attention.
I do not expect a full agreement with our discoveries, I only hope that we are able to convince honest scientists to study if:
1) there is a phenomenon of reality shifting or soulbonding due to specific pieces of media independently to the initial state of mind on the side of victims;
2) this can lead to harmful experiences;
3) this is imputable to an intention from the creators of such piece of media.

As a result, if you know a serious scientist who can initiate such a working, thank you!
I tried and failed many times. I hope one of yours would success in.

In addition, I hope that this initiative can turn into a first try that similar moves will follow on other subjects.
As I have previously written, I believe that our chats between us are somekind of futile if we cannot convince other people including skeptical minds, at least make them beware there is something to worry.

Have a nice weekend!
Were you convinced of these things when you heard them first?
Or did you find your own path to them?
You cannot force people out of cognitive dissonance, and besides anything else all the proof of all of this is right there for the reading, theres more proof than you could ever read in a lifetime. But people don't suffer from ignorance, they are suffering from nescience, the illusion that there is no proof. Well, that and ignorance, and stupidity. but meh.

If people are on the prebirth planned path to wake up they will do so in their own time just as you did, if they aren't they never will be. Not by the end of this cycle anyway.

I would invite you to take care of your own hologram and let other people take care of theirs. And if they come to you, which they often, do then the best thing you can do is be ready with resources for them.

Unless you feel that you are being called to add to the list of scholars already studying and writing about this kinda of thing. In which case, have at it and good luck.

8thsinner, thank you for your response.
I understand your point: I came to this topic through a chain of personal events. So, why would I expect other people develop interest on by pure curiosity?
Actually, I hate letting someone in actual or potential troubles. More largely, I trend to become stubborn since I refuse to give up.
I must have been a shepard dog during a previous life XD
More seriously, I wanted to attempt at least a trigger for a collective action since my individual moves did not succeed.
But, you are right: I cannot force other dudes to focus on if they are not ready, we cannot.

8thsinner, thank you for your response.
I understand your point: I came to this topic through a chain of personal events. So, why would I expect other people develop interest on by pure curiosity?
Actually, I hate letting someone in actual or potential troubles. More largely, I trend to become stubborn since I refuse to give up.
I must have been a shepard dog during a previous life :LOL:
More seriously, I wanted to attempt at least a trigger for a collective action since my individual moves did not succeed.
But, you are right: I cannot force other dudes to focus on if they are not ready, we cannot.
Don't get me wrong I do sympathize with the plight and struggle you mention.
I have the knowledge and learning that enables me to cure basically 90 of any diseases from the energy perspective, but people cannot be cured when they don't want to change. You learn very quickly in this field that, and once you can see it you realise that everything is energy, and tends to follow a cause an effect system, all that is required is to correct that energy alignment/resonance. People cause their own cancers because of their actions and lack of self responsibilities. The only ones who survive the mustard gas treatments(chemo) and (yes thats what it actually is as measured by spectrographic analysis) are the ones who WANT to live, and WANT to change. Their beliefs and incarnation plan taking precedence.

Towards the end of last year I found out an ex lover of mine, through another ex lover, both of which i'm still friends with, that she had recently been given a terminal diagnosis...I met her coincidentally about 6 weeks later, had a brief discussion on her condition and very quickly realised, it was clear she doesn't want to live then about a month ago I had to rescue her in the astrals from a matrix trap and escort her to her sister and mother or mother like figure waiting on the other side. You can't save everyone, she choose to leave. She was always choosing to leave.
I could get pissed of and think that I failed her but her life is not my responsibility, She is in a much nicer place now, one that I envy very much in point of fact.
Truth be told we had kinda gone our separate ways in life and if would be a harder struggle when you are closer to someone but that lesson is always the same.
She came to me when she needed me (in her death transition)
I would have preferred it be sooner but it wasn't my call.

I have another friend, jabbed, whom would scream black and blue that her diet is making her cholesterol is diet dependent and the doctors telling her she has problems there, when in reality it doesn't work that way, cholesterol is a hormone regulation her the doctors are her gods...

Another friend who is giving herself dementia because she is unwilling to face the awakening symptoms shes been having for I don't even know how long now, several years at least. Her mind is clashing with her programming and it's a constant fight in her and the programing so far is winning, she is losing the ability to speak...I am struggling with this one more because we had been quite close still. All I can do right now for my own sake is walk away but keep communications open incase she survives to reach that fuck it (what have I got to lose) desperation point.

This is the problem with brainwashed people, they are incapable of thinking outside of what they have been programmed with, and it takes courage to face that idea. The idea that every fucking thing they have ever been told is a lie. To face that idea is beyond panic inducing, it is quite literally a breaking point on the edge of insanity.

All we can do, is live to our highest potential given our situations in any given moment and be ready to guide those who seek us out because and when they have faced that fear by themselves, because they have demonstrated the courage to face the lies they keep telling themselves and the lies they believed so naively. Only at that time are they ready to listen and want to change.
