Analyzing Peragro (Reloaded)

Analyzing Peragro (Reloaded)

Not yet - but bubbachug did tell me he prefers his highschool nickname of SpaceDog LOL.

I will email him right away and see how far he got last weekend :-).
Analyzing Peragro (Reloaded)

Printing presses run just fine on steam power, or set up the place by a large river and have it all run by water wheel power. I wonder just how many Linotype machines are left in the world collecting dust in some company's basement. Hmmm and all the Hand Type letters for setting type by hand. They would have to remake all that 19th century technology. Unless of course a "new" power source is released.

Anyways, I hope he knows the difference between a old camp fire and a "black streak" in the ground.
Analyzing Peragro (Reloaded)

Quick update: The library search for marked or known caves turned up nothing. It is actually good news that there isn't a well known cave in the map area marked. At least I'm thinking that way. It has been quite awhile since this information was given to Satan so the less people tramong around there the better! Visual search for the cave tomorrow.

Starlord: I will be sure my brother knows campfires don't count as black streaks LOL - but I'm thinking anything around a campfire might count as forensic evidence eh?

I'll keep you posted . . .

Analyzing Peragro (Reloaded)

Here's the UPDATE:
Email from my brother 8/8/04 . . .

Hi Cidny,
You must be living right. I went to the location on your map-it is a cemetary. However the grave digger knew all about **** cave as he played in it as a child. From the location marked on your map you must travel **** .

This is the property of Mr. ****. Mr. **** was not home. I guess he is attending the Ozark Empire Fair being that he lives on a farm. Duh! I left a note in his mail box and hope to hear from him soon. If I should not receive word from him I will revisit him until I get his permission or his refusal for further exploration.


The library at SMSU is closed on Sunday or else it is closed until fall. As this is the most extensive map collection in the state I will visit it ASAP and get precise information (Aerial Photos, Topo map, etc) now that I know where to look.

Seeing how that Mr. Grave Digger knew the Cave as **** I am confident it will be marked on Geological Survey Maps.

Love Ya Chug

So - progress!

From the edge or maybe a little beyond . . .

