Ancient Aliens


Senior Member
According to Ancient Aliens, and ancient astronaut theorists, these multiple gods many cultures have recognized throughout Earth's human history were flesh-and-blood ETs. And I get what GoldenEagleFeather is saying. I suppose he's implying that God has incarnated himself in multiple forms on Earth, as well as on other planets. That may or may not be what he/she was thinking, but that is what I'm thinking.

Well, then here is what I think...There is GOD, There is God and there is god....

There is One GOD for each Universe...That is that. And He/She is so big like a Super Sun sized Energy that He/She can not come in as ET or whatever format in to a planet....but can talk to you anytime any place ...that is our GOD....

But, there are many other Gods...that are still in Energy format. Only low level God can come in as humans or ETs....the high level are over 7 Billion year old in our Universe and can not have humanoid form period, because they are too big. And GOD uses them to do stuff in the Universe.

Then the next level god are very high level ETs like one Billion to five Billion....sometimes, some are only 100,000 years advanced to us and can work as gods....They are the ET types...with varying degree of capabilities. Some have Molecular Technology and Transdimensional ability. They were here in the last Interstellar War....American Indians know them very well...

That is where I was going at...Thanks...


Senior Member

These pictures are in the movies and in a lot of UFO type web pages that I have seen in the past...the interesting part is now that China and India people are connecting, it would be very interesting...

Last interstellar war was between 105,000 years and 12,350 years for Earth (actually it was 200,000 years old war in multiple galaxies, we got it late) all kinds of stuff could be there....

The swastika part may be a hoax or designed by Lord Rama Civilization...who knows...better to check them out...

More intresting stuff:
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Senior Member
I just learned that a god is now a God....that bypassed all the other gods...that is amazing...that means we have faith in the system...

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Well, since this is the kind of forum where I could probably get an insightful, intelligent opinion from sharing my beliefs, I think I will. xD

I'm one of those Ancient Aliens nutters. I mean, full out - I think modern humans are the result of complex genetic engineering on the part of a highly advanced alien civilization that came to Earth looking for resources.

I could go into really, really deep detail about it, but the gist of the story is that on Nibiru (the Annunaki's home planet) there were succession wars over their throne, which eventually led to one brother trying to off the other.

The first brother failed, hops in a spaceship and bails, and eventually finds Earth which he promptly lands upon. After discovering that Earth has massive quantities of gold, he radios back with the information (tying to redeem himself and keep himself from being executed, likely) and Nibiru sends several expedition teams to retrieve large amounts of gold.

Gold is important to the Annunaki because of their planets delicate atmosphere. Their planet has a long, elliptical orbit around the sun, and the length of their orbit is 3600 years to their one year. The planet sustains life because of its highly active volcanoes, which spew debri into the atmosphere, which traps the heat and keeps the planet warm enough to sustain life.

Well, the volcanic activity had been slowing down for a while, and the atmosphere was thinning. Crops were dying, people starving, and war was being threatened to break out. Annunaki scientists decide that gold (an extremely rare material on their own planet) in powdered form added to the atmosphere could easily compensate for the atmospheric loss, so the discovery of large amounts of gold on Earth was a godsend.

The Annunaki expedition teams come to Earth, and for the first few Annunaki years (3600 years per Annunaki year) everything was fine. Then, Annunaki miners revolted against the leader of the mission, Enlil and refused to work. Enlil's half brother, Enki proposes to make workers out of the primitive creatures he has seen inhabiting what they call the Abzu (Africa). Enlil, after initial hesitation agrees to let Enki and Ninharsag (Enki and Enlil's half sister, and chief medical officer) to "tinker" with the species.

After several initial failures (resulting in crossbreeds that could not reproduce) Enki and Ninharsag work out a species that could reproduce, but apparently still retained the ability to copulate with the species before it. This could explain the disaproval of God before the Deluge. This species, essentially devolving itself back into the primitives before it, didn't suit the needs of the Annunaki very long.

Enki and Ninharsag get back to work, but this time, instead of just splicing different breeds of the humanoids together, they splice human DNA with their own, basically creating what we now know as modern humans.

The point I'm making with the genetic engineering part is that gap where there seems to be no evolutionary link - isn't empty. That's the timeline for this event.

Now, the Annunaki had already been through civil wars over slavery on their home planet, and decided that instead of enslaving this new race, they would teach it the essentials of civilization in exchange for the expected labor.

This resolved the labor problem, and also explains why Africa still has the largest gold mine known to man.

Now, I'm going to warn people - this next part could be interpreted as a racial thing, but it is nothing of the sort! These people (whom the Annunaki called the "black headed people") had dark skin. The Annunaki apparently noticed that they were also genetically compatible with these new humans. So...yeah. Apparently some of these alien types got it on with the new race of humans and bore children, which led to the introduction of the genetics needed to carry the white skin trait.

So the theory that Africa is the cradle of civilization is probably extremely correct, and that through interference of the sexual nature, the "gods" (as the humans called and treated them) created a sub race with a different skin colour. And as the gods spread around the world (looking for gold, amongst other things) establishing cities and warring with each other, these races spread across the world with them.

My favourite theory about the Giza Pyramids is that they were built by these gods as basically a fancy landing pad that goes across the Sinai peninsula. There are structures around the world, which mimic exactly the positioning of these pyramids, and found in regions where these cultures wouldn't have the ability to interact with each other.

It is also recorded in the Book of Enki that during the second Pyramid War, Marduk (the firstborn son of Enki) was sealed in the tomb of the Giza pyramid (to die) after going hostile against some of Enlil's sons, but released when Ninharsag and Enki diplomatically stepped in.

What I'm saying is, the Sumerians and even the Maya record these events. They have recorded these events and have treated it like the sacred history it is - and if it was completely made up, why would cultures that would have little contact share so much? Almost all cultures of the world share a story about the Deluge, about creation, and about the actions of the gods.

When the information gets so accumulated as to have reached a critical mass, it is impossible to ignore that we have a lot more to learn about our past than we previously thought.

If anyone wants to actually do some reading on the subject, I highly recommend the 12th Planet series of books by Zecheria Sitchin.
ancient aliens yes I have all the dvds on that the series or season but since I've watched them all I hear they found large amounts of metal mercury under the pyramid in Mexico so maybe the so called quicksilver metal mercury said to be used in ancient Indian crafts is true and anti gravity can be generated using this in a way we haven't yet discovered , ive got the article save on my pc somewhere about the metal mercury discovery


Senior Member
MERCURY: It takes about 6 different items to make serious magnetic structure where you can get over 40,000 Tesla...or more...and the main item is Mercury that is create a no resistance system ...the catch is one has to start building it...that can handle the magnetic flux...(think about Hot Fusion) I think our big guys already did that but can not say anything because it will cause serious industrial Trillion Dollars worth stuff...There are documents in old Indian write-ups at Puri...One other item I know is Gallium....I have no idea about the other ones but can be tested to get there...It is basically a Hyper Conductor Magnetic System...that can create all sorts of motorized gadgets for car, train, plane and space ships....

The same process can create a tunnel in space where two circular gadgets one in Los Angles and the other in New York can move products immediately like a Star Gate. That is where it can create an Economic Mess unless everyone gets in to it big time...Thank you. Please do not ask me unless you have serious money and UN support...
