Another Inside the HDR Thread: Dissecting my HDR

Tenacious Tape: I am impressed with this tape
Scissors were not working well, so i got out the scalpel.
Tracing the wires with the scalpel and then pulling off the tape worked best.
There is a copper plate under the diode board;
I know Steve was trying some models with copper screen instead of plate, and then switched back.
He was concerned that the screen (because it's construction mimics a "caduceus" coil),
may create an artificial vortex within the HDR.
My camera battery died; so I need to recharge it so I can download photos.
Be back in a few


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Correction to previous post:

Steve thought the copper screen may have "Mobius Coil" type properties;
due to the screen wire crossing itself in it's construction design.

Steve wanted to also see if a copper screen could act as a base for the rubbing plate
in place of the wound Caduceus Coil.

But Steve dropped this idea on the concern that an artificial vortex may be created
between the two screens inside the HDR.

Steven was Not a fan of "artificial" vortexes; and always discouraged me from trying to create one,
on the belief that it would be too easy to create a "negative" vortex.

But that never stopped me from my "research". ;)
Correction to previous post:

Steve thought the copper screen may have "Mobius Coil" type properties;
due to the screen wire crossing itself in it's construction design.

Steve wanted to also see if a copper screen could act as a base for the rubbing plate
in place of the wound Caduceus Coil.

But Steve dropped this idea on the concern that an artificial vortex may be created
between the two screens inside the HDR.

Steven was Not a fan of "artificial" vortexes; and always discouraged me from trying to create one,
on the belief that it would be too easy to create a "negative" vortex.

But that never stopped me from my "research". ;)
What happens when you use an HDR is a part of you is sent to a destination. The question is in reference to another version of a person being made, is temporarily where is that stored? Is there an aether-stance version of oneself held in the rubbing plate wishing well parts of an HRD, of is this a facsimile kept in components, such as capacitors, timers etc?
Cool; you own an HDR too.
No, I had a twin who I was joined to from leftover body cells from the era of Atlantis. When her & her Pleiadean cohorts showed up at the Billy Meier Farmstead starting in 1975, she time traveled with Billy. Because of my cellular connection to her I was taken all the way back into prehistoric times as an unwilling guest.

Part of me was joined to her and her to me, so this jaunt through time was not only unsanctioned, but endangered by her and I to where one received a casualty. This was a huge time travel irregularity they tried to cover up, but couldn't because they came to Earth espousing, they knew everything about anything, which of course in this case they didn't

On top of that they were trying to run a confidence game, which is most sat systems if execution and or jail. I got slammed physically and mentally from them pulling this stunt and if I had the right lawyer among ETs, I could have sued the living Hell out of them.

One of the complications from them traveling through time, was me turning into a vampire, or which I think it was either the vamp hemiarches or the Army bio-weapons people had the right anti-turn stop injection or bite to stop me from becoming a full vamp. I would not have been able to live in a house like that, but would have ended up some sorry assed denizen, living in the wilds or a big concrete round culvert, as a result of her erasing my resistance to the David Hatcher Childress said plagues.

I learned a whole lot about time travel, weather I liked it or not.
No, I had a twin who I was joined to from leftover body cells from the era of Atlantis. When her & her Pleiadean cohorts showed up at the Billy Meier Farmstead starting in 1975, she time traveled with Billy. Because of my cellular connection to her I was taken all the way back into prehistoric times as an unwilling guest.

Part of me was joined to her and her to me, so this jaunt through time was not only unsanctioned, but endangered by her and I to where one received a casualty. This was a huge time travel irregularity they tried to cover up, but couldn't because they came to Earth espousing, they knew everything about anything, which of course in this case they didn't

On top of that they were trying to run a confidence game, which is most sat systems if execution and or jail. I got slammed physically and mentally from them pulling this stunt and if I had the right lawyer among ETs, I could have sued the living Hell out of them.

One of the complications from them traveling through time, was me turning into a vampire, or which I think it was either the vamp hemiarches or the Army bio-weapons people had the right anti-turn stop injection or bite to stop me from becoming a full vamp. I would not have been able to live in a house like that, but would have ended up some sorry assed denizen, living in the wilds or a big concrete round culvert, as a result of her erasing my resistance to the David Hatcher Childress said plagues.

I learned a whole lot about time travel, weather I liked it or not.
Cool; So you don't own am HDR.
Cool; So you don't own am HDR.
I had a time vortex activator. Which was a pyramid, with that timer Gibbs specified. I had barrowed this from a friend but never used it. I was such a mess after what I had gone through twice, that I was not sure as to whether I would be competent or not?

Right across the road from me is a cow pasture and hayfield. In Summer as Gibbs indicated, the midges swarm over the vortex spots. All I had to do yet, was to load the pyramid with copper windings, which I had more of, locate one of those vortexes and I could have jumped. I didn't because I'm thinking that my body was thinking I had enough.

Her time traveling really screwed me up. At times I will look at the clock on the wall and the second hand is going backwards. My other big disaster was seeing a space movie to where I was the warlord involved. He talks to his father via hologram, and they don't tell you that in the movie script. When I had seen this movie on a week day matinee, when he's talking to his father, I could remember his body odor.

This warlord was tremendously important to not only that civilization then, but to this society now. I know this sounds weird, but after seeing this movie, I tried to look for my father the emperor. He doesn't exist, died thousands of years ago.

I had seen the movie first and like thousands of others, had flashbacks. What I'm wondering, is if these two events aren't related somehow?

When I was linked with Semjase, I was bed ridden as what I was going through, was the process of everything in her getting transcribed to into me. When I came out of this period of three days of deathlike sleeps, I had trouble in figuring out who I was. People driving cars for a while appeared to me to be apes with clothes on that looked mean. No wonder I'm fu*ked upped. Thanks for listening, I had to tell someone.

*When I time traveled with Semjase, this was the time I was bedridden. When I made the jump, I was dressed in a T-shirt & underwear. I was taking aspirin along with white bread and water. On the way from the kitchen to get back in bed, is when I feel to my knees and was back in prehistoric times. I was kneeling in a jungle which I could smell along with the thick air. I could hear animal sounds off in the distance and feel the foliage right in front of me.

There was some part of me that time traveled with her that in some way got back in time. I sensed they were off some yards from me, but really could not discern the distance. This was like two minutes, and then I was back in this time. My eyes were closed, but I could see through my eyelids. Yeah Billy and Semjase did time travel, but I bet they didn't know we were linked till later. Like I said part of her, or actually all she knew was downloaded into me because of the twin's alignment contract in biological genetics and I was at the same time being downloaded into her.

They didn't just make a little mistake; it was more like a grand swan dive, that turned into a belly flop, in front of everyone. What I have just told you here, pulls together a lot of loose ends about the Billy Meier Pleiadeans landings mystery.
like to see the exact side view of the rubbing coil to gett a better view of how flat it really is
It's supposed to be "flat" against the underside of the rubbing plate.

Steve had trouble keeping the coil flat; it would always "cone",
no matter how much tape he used, or how he taped it.

This was one reason Steve was trying a copper screen in place of the coil.

I'll take a picture, but it is "coned".
I had a time vortex activator. Which was a pyramid, with that timer Gibbs specified. I had barrowed this from a friend but never used it. I was such a mess after what I had gone through twice, that I was not sure as to whether I would be competent or not?

Right across the road from me is a cow pasture and hayfield. In Summer as Gibbs indicated, the midges swarm over the vortex spots. All I had to do yet, was to load the pyramid with copper windings, which I had more of, locate one of those vortexes and I could have jumped. I didn't because I'm thinking that my body was thinking I had enough.

Her time traveling really screwed me up. At times I will look at the clock on the wall and the second hand is going backwards. My other big disaster was seeing a space movie to where I was the warlord involved. He talks to his father via hologram, and they don't tell you that in the movie script. When I had seen this movie on a week day matinee, when he's talking to his father, I could remember his body odor.

This warlord was tremendously important to not only that civilization then, but to this society now. I know this sounds weird, but after seeing this movie, I tried to look for my father the emperor. He doesn't exist, died thousands of years ago.

I had seen the movie first and like thousands of others, had flashbacks. What I'm wondering, is if these two events aren't related somehow?

When I was linked with Semjase, I was bed ridden as what I was going through, was the process of everything in her getting transcribed to into me. When I came out of this period of three days of deathlike sleeps, I had trouble in figuring out who I was. People driving cars for a while appeared to me to be apes with clothes on that looked mean. No wonder I'm fu*ked upped. Thanks for listening, I had to tell someone.

*When I time traveled with Semjase, this was the time I was bedridden. When I made the jump, I was dressed in a T-shirt & underwear. I was taking aspirin along with white bread and water. On the way from the kitchen to get back in bed, is when I feel to my knees and was back in prehistoric times. I was kneeling in a jungle which I could smell along with the thick air. I could hear animal sounds off in the distance and feel the foliage right in front of me.

There was some part of me that time traveled with her that in some way got back in time. I sensed they were off some yards from me, but really could not discern the distance. This was like two minutes, and then I was back in this time. My eyes were closed, but I could see through my eyelids. Yeah Billy and Semjase did time travel, but I bet they didn't know we were linked till later. Like I said part of her, or actually all she knew was downloaded into me because of the twin's alignment contract in biological genetics and I was at the same time being downloaded into her.

They didn't just make a little mistake; it was more like a grand swan dive, that turned into a belly flop, in front of everyone. What I have just told you here, pulls together a lot of loose ends about the Billy Meier Pleiadeans landings mystery.
Cool, So you got a TVA.
But, the TVA is by James Catterall, not Gibbs.
Cool anyway,
Time Vortex Activator
What happens when you use an HDR is a part of you is sent to a destination. The question is in reference to another version of a person being made, is temporarily where is that stored? Is there an aether-stance version of oneself held in the rubbing plate wishing well parts of an HRD, of is this a facsimile kept in components, such as capacitors, timers etc?
Thanks, Interesting theory; I hadn't thought of that before.
Almost like the movie "Tron".

Popular HDR theory is that your "conscious" jumps into a "counterpart" on a parallel timeline;
which one does normally throughout life in order to keep you on the timeline"
with the most advantageous outcome or goal.

Using the HDR, the "effects" supposedly "wears off" in 7 hours,
returning you to (or close to) the timeline you left.

This is all hypothetical theory; so no one knows for sure;

except Steven L. Gibbs.
