Antigravity Experiments?


Senior Member
Would you say that by using extremely high voltage with extremely low current, the capacitor plates would still be shorted out on the lifter?
You might recall the wonderful stage appearances Tesla made when he walked between all those high voltage low current flashes...His audiences wondered why in hell he wasn't burnt into a crisp :eek:;)..
Tesla made his skin glow bright red like a neon sign.
Nobody knows how he did it.
air doesn't glow red when ionized.
the currents of neon signs is lethal.
wasn't any electrical arcs either. just bright glow.
so technically to eliminate the ion wind effect..shouldn't it not be tested in a low pressure or near vacuum(no such thing as a pure vacuum) but rather in a high pressure atmosphere? higher pressure means higher the voltage to ionize the gas.

Just like how fluorescent bulbs are always low pressure gas atmospheres for maximum ionization

Or hell use a solid dielectric material, no ionization at all. Aluminum oxide comes to mind like used in electric stove heating elements. Then put the whole thing on a pivot.

yay, done.
basically create an electret...if it's electrogravity don't need any propellant like ions.
Well, they’re trying to see if it would work in space


Senior Member
no they're not...they're trying to isolate any ion wind effect from suspected electrogravity
nasa already uses ion wind propulsion in space
satellites and such


Temporal Engineer
Would you say that by using extremely high voltage with extremely low current, the capacitor plates would still be shorted out on the lifter?
You might recall the wonderful stage appearances Tesla made when he walked between all those high voltage low current flashes...His audiences wondered why in hell he wasn't burnt into a crisp :eek:;)..

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. The air gap acts like a dielectric material. At critical breakdown voltage the dielectric air becomes a conductor. The conductor uses up all the voltage. No voltage is left on the plates to produce the lift phenomena. And as a side note, there is no ion propulsion motor that can produce enough thrust to overcome the objects weight on the surface of the earth.


Senior Member
I don't know why people dismiss and/or overlook the work of T T Brown and his anti-gravity methods...Yes its true that certain "governmental agencies" said that all his work simply proved that it was an "ion wind" which was propelling the movement of his flying disks and had nothing at all to do with actual anti-gravity...Yeah Right! :fp::LOL:

T T Browns anti-gravity work consisted of a dielectric material (Ceramic or glass as an example) that had a massive amount of voltage applied to it....You might recall during World War 2 the Nazi Fly Trap, that was believed to be a concrete construction that held a large flying disk which was being electrically charged up with a massive amount of voltage coming from a nearby Electrical Power Station...Below is a picture of the Fly Trap..

View attachment 9329
From what I understand this was a killing machine of anything living.


Senior Member
Are there any antigravity field experiments? Not like electrogravitics, I mean a way to create a field that repels mass? Thanks
From what I understand, is a buried giant meteorite is able to modulate gravity mystery effects, then this process may be adapted to industry and proto-types of an artificial gravity array produced. From what I've heard, which was already mentioned in the threads, other attempts were made to generate other attempts at artificial gravity. Thanks Dan Def > An ARRAY means a construction which broadcast, or send a simulation of a certain gravity wave value, which in a way effect normal every day objects within a prescribed area. So with this array constituted, then it would be possible to fine tune one's gravity wave, this in order to simulate the force of gravity on Earth.*This style of gravity generating array, could be employed to afford a space station in any shape, that could enjoy a standard gravity pull as one would experience on Earth. "Cheers". Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills (


Senior Member
Are there any antigravity field experiments? Not like electrogravitics, I mean a way to create a field that repels mass? Thanks
On a past vacation in Sandusky Ohio, our vacation troupe wandered into a gravity tourist display. At first we thought that it was all a rook, a show to just collect people cash. But once we went through the exhibit, we all started to gape in awe and ask ourselves, "How on Earth is this possible"? The kid that chaperoned us through had performed this take probably in the hundreds of times and was socially lack luster as a dried bar of soap.
Had a good time, there. There were cheese factories and stops of all kinds around that area. Places you could buy a good lakes vintage Catawba wine. Had a riot there, when we were there the economy was booming.

Sandusky is a romantic area vested with considerable historic lore about its past. Sandusky, Ohio - Wikipedia Around the Region 10457
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Senior Member
Tesla himself said the 'space' between two capacitor plates becomes 'rigid' when the capacitor is charged-discharged with high frequency oscillation.

Makes ya go hmm :coffee::unsure:
Can you quote Tesla stating the above?
Do you have reason to believe that a man who thought radio waves wouldn't work for communication and ridiculed both General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics knew anything at all about space?
makes me go hmmm :rolleyes:

