Antigravity Experiments?


Senior Member
Can you quote Tesla stating the above?
Do you have reason to believe that a man who thought radio waves wouldn't work for communication and ridiculed both General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics knew anything at all about space?
makes me go hmmm :rolleyes:

classic harte
wasn't tt brown, was NASA.
the skeptical claim is there's no way to create a pure vacuum and lower pressure air is much easier to ionize. requires much lower voltage to create the ion wind in that situation. NASA in the last 20yrs showed there was still a thrust and wasn't related to the ion wind, still though was significantly weaker. Was a lifter mounted on a horizontal pivot. Turned a little bit.

I agree it exists. Trick is how did TT brown get significantly greater results in his specific experiment of a stack of glass and metal plates. It weighed 300lbs, flew up into the air when energized with high voltage, high frequency AC. Then he never discussed it again but of course he was under a Naval research contract. From then on he only researched his simple asymmetric capacitor plate experiments.

Tesla himself said the 'space' between two capacitor plates becomes 'rigid' when the capacitor is charged-discharged with high frequency oscillation.

Makes ya go hmm :coffee::unsure:

(of course, simple voltage is required to make ormus, but i'm sure that's not related, hehe)

Einstein would be of help here. He would know the answer with his Tesla coil.
I tried looking up anything like that. I found no evidence suggesting Tesla said such a thing


Temporal Engineer
I tried looking up anything like that. I found no evidence suggesting Tesla said such a thing

There has been an ongoing censorship of Tesla for quite some time now. You can't even find a video of him either. Yet he is the man credited with bringing in the industrial revolution. He has quite a few patents under his name. Apparently there are people in power that would rather you remain stupid than have knowledge about Tesla's great achievements.
There has been an ongoing censorship of Tesla for quite some time now. You can't even find a video of him either. Yet he is the man credited with bringing in the industrial revolution. He has quite a few patents under his name. Apparently there are people in power that would rather you remain stupid than have knowledge about Tesla's great achievements.
I’m skeptical
There has been an ongoing censorship of Tesla for quite some time now. You can't even find a video of him either. Yet he is the man credited with bringing in the industrial revolution. He has quite a few patents under his name. Apparently there are people in power that would rather you remain stupid than have knowledge about Tesla's great achievements.

Do you at least have evidence capacitors warp space, like warp mechanics 101 by nasa?
