Are you a Prepper?

walt willis

Senior Member
Very good info. Now the question I have is "did he use more then just one wave frequency?
An EMP and a CME will have different waves of energy where some may resonate with the size of the cage.
Need a better standard for his testing.
I'll share more latter.

walt willis

Senior Member

If this continues as a giant riff between the left and right, we should think about what reaction we may see if Obama is impeached.

If both houses of congress are controlled by the right they may go for impeachment.

Fasten your seatbelts folks!

walt willis

Senior Member
We all must follow our spirit and if yours tells you your time is up, then so be it.
My spirit is Irish and just wants a bit of the hair of the dogs that bit us.
You may pass on into the next world in peace and I will stand and kick butt.
There is not shame if you decide to give up and get on the FEMA train like a good little girl.
Now I know not to go to the FEMA camps to save you from the ovens.
The choice is simple...Live on your knees or die on your feet!
We are not all made to fight as we have seen in WWII when they came for the Jews.
History will repeat itself and many will go along to get along...Not me!

ole timer

Junior Member
yep..I sure is a prepper I have a bug out bag (Plastic Trunk) ready to go at a moments notice if need be.
Always have extra gasoline, propane bottles, kerosene. Pretty all we require to get by for a week or so.
Good thread...

ole timer

Junior Member
You all don't get it. Is not about getting ready to survive. Is about getting ready spiritually ... No one thinks about that. We worry about the wrong thing. We have a life time to wake up end get ready but we busy living here for a short term and we are to worried to lose this place
Yep ..OT thinks you are on to something there friend.....we all have enough to worry about besides Prepping.
I am more worried that my grandbabys are getting thru the day and not getting hurt, or becoming sick.


You guys make me feel like I'm the only one who's absolutely not prepared. I don't have any extra stuff, or bug out bags, or weapons, etc.

Although I should probably make sure I have a minimum amount of emergency goods, should I consider to actually make a bug out bag?
