Ask a Time Traveler anything


Active Member
Repent or else:cautious:

I was just trying to get him to realize that since they like to use kin he is more
Than likely going to be someone's pick in the future. Especially since he would
Be familiar with the program. But I guess he doesn't want to talk anymore about it.
That's the thing though its all fine and good when it doesn't happen to you.
I was just trying to get him to think. Maybe I offended him. I don't know.


Senior Member
IS there an inherent right to privacy embedded into the constitution?

Should the states hold free legislative reign over any and all mind altering intoxicating substances from a state to state basis?

Do you use stealth 1.2.1 or tor to protect your privacy?

Do you remember the Maine?

Why is the electric statue of Tesla remain dark?

NDAA2012 Gives the US military to indefinitely detain US citizens with out a trial or US constitutional rights, True or False?


Active Member
How can you ask if they belief in rights of privacy when they don't even believe you
Have a God given right to remain in your own body?
They think it is perfectly ok to steal every one of your rights away including tossing you out of your own body and putting
Someone else in it for up to a year. You have No choice over this nor can you fight them.
You have absolutely no control over what they do while in your body.
They sleep with your wife and father your children.
And then let you come back after a year all to benefit themselves.


Repent or else:cautious:
Mr Timetraveler, your world sounds satanic! My belief in heaven or hell will never waiver! Their has to be judgment on evil people or governments. If he is Jewish Pam, then he should know this! We seek truth! This government tells us to take shots kids dont want! I told them no more for my kid! One think I will say! John Titor said all of this will be gone. The new world idiots will be defeated by 2020.

Between John Titor and Al Bielek there are simmilarities! But no one can put their hands on FACT!
Guess there will be a lot of false prophets in our time period! At least nobody is giving up any good news!

Any repentance in the future time traveler???


Active Member
Forcing you out of your own body and letting someone else have it to do what they will with it
would be breaking ever constitutional,civil, human and Godly right you would ever have on this Earth.
It's one of the reasons it is hard for me to believe him because even a demon does not have the
Ability to just take over anyone they want. There do exist angels to protect mankind . I am curious
How they would bypass this. He didn't seem to want to talk much about angels but some of mankind
Would be well protected.


Senior Member
How can you ask if they belief in rights of privacy when they don't even believe you
Have a God given right to remain in your own body?
They think it is perfectly ok to steal every one of your rights away including tossing you out of your own body and putting
Someone else in it for up to a year. You have No choice over this nor can you fight them.
You have absolutely no control over what they do while in your body.
They sleep with your wife and father your children.
And then let you come back after a year all to benefit themselves.


Those were just off the top of my head questions.....


Forcing you out of your own body and letting someone else have it to do what they will with it
would be breaking ever constitutional,civil, human and Godly right you would ever have on this Earth.
It's one of the reasons it is hard for me to believe him because even a demon does not have the
Ability to just take over anyone they want. There do exist angels to protect mankind . I am curious
How they would bypass this. He didn't seem to want to talk much about angels but some of mankind
Would be well protected.
This as well as your other posts brings up this point.
All the more reason Time Travel is not and will not be possible. I have given reasons of a physical nature why no one can TT, including this guy, but there are Spiritual reasons also. Now is as good a time as any to get into some of them. Why would God allow TT? He wouldn't simply because if you could TT you would be as all knowing as God. Pamela you asked this TTer when you would die. Unless you are on death row, you don't know the day you will die. Only God does. For this TTer to know and to tell you makes God wrong.
Some believe Titor spoke as if the Rapture had happened in his time. In some people's eyes Titor has been elevated to the stature of Prophet. Again why would God allow anyone to go back in time and tell people when the Rapture will happen. He has withheld that information even from His own Son.
TT would allow the traveler to take the life of someone they know was still alive in the future, thus changing God's plan for that person. The many time line hypothesis ( I use that term for a reason) doesn't account for this. Multiple time lines are themselves an attempt to remove God from the equation. If everything that can happen will happen then what need is there for Salvation. We cannot be held accountable for our actions.
There have been many prophets throughout history. None have claimed to be from another time. They all claim to have had a vision of the future. Not to have been there or be from there.
This guy seems nice enough, Titor seemed nice enough, but neither is/was from the future. Neither is/was a TTer.
There is more to this position on TT but this should suffice for now.


Active Member
Time travelers are not all knowing. Have you not heard? The whole reason God made
Parrallel universes is because of timetravelers. They can never really know what
Is happening either ! Lol. I think there is room for time traveling in God's plan.
But I do believe there are forces out there that watch over it.
