Assume the Position.

If I somehow stepped into the role of John Titor intentionally as an experiment or unintentionally as the result of something beyond my control what should I do next?

We all know of a guy that used to take on the role of Titor, but he doesn't post here anymore. He didn't really have the intention of being a fraud, but he role played to deal with mental issues, and to this day I still engage him occasionally. It's how he deals with stress.
We all know of a guy that used to take on the role of Titor, but he doesn't post here anymore. He didn't really have the intention of being a fraud, but he role played to deal with mental issues, and to this day I still engage him occasionally. It's how he deals with stress.
Sorry. It’s an alt avatar. Still me. 😁 just kidding.
Sorry. It’s an alt avatar. Still me. 😁 just kidding.
Who was the man that showed up at Art Bells' then online BBS asking for electronic parts to fix his time machine. Have these records been scrubbed? Many of the astute watching this escaped unfold early on, knew that there had to be a series of e-boards, like three to five of them to adjust the track of the twin black hole simulations that allow time travel possible, but who was this person or what was his i.p.

Is that information available for did they erase this too, like they eventually did to Art? Hondo Rast shooting at Art's home, I should say, or somehow don't have full story here?

*No' it's like sitting in a hot room using the GE204.All anyone has to do is to monitor the controls as they're on automatic and the machine will find term to target and land itself. Because of the rapid-fire field of the artificially produced Kerrs a body really can't do anything to control something, this is all computer controlled. This is why when they envisioned the 204 in future tense, it was off the shelf items as a post nuclear war practice of making the task completed by what supplies you have. Everyone knows that!
