I don’t have time to read some fictional hoax. When did John Titor realize who he was? When the previous version of himself showed up when he was a child. But that child grew up to be the new version of John which the old version changed the course of his own previous timeline by meeting his younger self.
Another analogy is Jesus going to Jerusalem at Passover to commit suicide because so many said he did or would back in the Old Testament. The miracle is the annunciation explaining things. At the end he told Judas where he could be found so Judas could “Do what you have come to do” spoken by Jesus. That is a self fulfilling act. Just because other men say you are going to do something does not mean they have control over your actions. These forums are the Old Testament. But they could not reveal what would happen in the so called New Testament of John Titor.
In the fictional love story of Time Cop where he saves his wife, if I could fulfill who I am and go back to 2000 like I do in the future, and save my wife then I really do not want to wait til 2036.
John has an uncanny way of putting various time travel related stuff around me and probably others. But the universe outside my existence or presence theoretically does not exist…we theoretically accept that it does.
Since he visited 2000 and disclosed, would it alter the events leading to the replication of the Kerr when he said it would? Maybe 2025 is a good year for it? @Marlin Pohlman ?
Definitely. I’m trying to prove it was. His story results in a nuclear war. If it’s not fake then I guess we have one some time. Maybe sooner than later. Like before Inauguration Day.
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