Astral Time Travelling.....

Astral Time Travelling.....

I have a few different catagories of "believing". Time Travel I "want" to believe. Time Slips I "know" I believe. Astral Travel I "know" I believe.

A decade or so ago, after reading one Whitley Strieber's Communion books, I decided to try to have an OBE acccording to a method he had talked about. I don't really remember those details but I do remember what I did. I went to my room and lay on the bed with my eyes closed. I mentally expressed an intent to leave my body, relaxed my body and began a deep rythmic breathing exercise I learned some years before when I was practicing yoga. Very soon, I mean almost immediately, I felt myself rise and leave the confines of my body. I "opened" my eyes and I saw a white rugged terrain. Puzzled, I looked to the right. I realized I was looking, from just inches away, at the bevel in the ceiling of my bedroom. I looked down and there I was, lying on the bed. This so startled me that I was immediately sucked back to my body. Whoosh - Bamm - LOL - rough landing. Whoa. It's REAL!

So - I "know" it can be done. I have never attempted it again.

From the edge or maybe a little beyond . . .

Snow Fire Watches
Astral Time Travelling.....

You can save a lot of TIME if you
take a bath before you use the HDR.

The bath helps you to relax - banish all fear,
and imagine yourself as a balloon, your silver cord is the string.
Astral Time Travelling.....

I think whether or not they actually work Eric is a very individual thing. Some people swear they have travelled with it, other say nothing happened. I think it all falls down to using it correctly and believing. I have heard that astral type travelling is much more likely and actual physical travel is rare. A good person to speak to about this would be Opmmur.

Astral Time Travelling.....

Good Point Anoah,

Relaxation and visualisation are the keys IMHO. OBE's are one of the first steps to our Birth Right as Soul. Many times during the dream state we are using one of the higher bodies to travel to the higher planes. Any type of emotional upheval like fear will send us right back to the physical boby and sometimes the shock of reentering the body may almost be painful. Within the physical body we have a body that coresponds to a specific higher plane. If I am not mistaken, the higher planes after the Physical Plane are Astral , Causal, Etheric, Mental and finally just above the major division is the Soul Plane. (At the Soul Plane level, we actualy have no body to speak of as it is almost like a point of awareness) We all have the inherent ability to travel to all these higher planes, we just need to be taught what to look out for and the basic laws that rule each plane. Each has its own specific sound which may be used as a sign post or marker. IMHO, it is very important to find a guide that has been before you and knows the ropes so to speak, it will make your travels way more beneficial as that guide may speak the language, know the particular Laws that govern that plane and has the knowledge of the traps and pitfalls that may be there.

On the Causal Plane you may be able to find the Akashic Records for your self. Each and every single moment, emotion, experience, ect... is here in something like a repository, which is recorded from every single incarnation that you have experienced. And, is much different from the Museums that are on the Astral which contain all inventions ever created here as well as one for sciences, art..... That is of course if I havent confused the location of them.

Legend has it that during the Golden Age, some millions of years ago, a young child / Soul was taught OBE's via the hole in the top of their skull before it closed up.
Astral Time Travelling.....

Originally posted by Anoah@Jun 23 2004, 05:10 PM
I think whether or not they actually work Eric is a very individual thing. ?Some people swear they have travelled with it, other say nothing happened. ?I think it all falls down to using it correctly and believing. ?I have heard that astral type travelling is much more likely and actual physical travel is rare. ?A good person to speak to about this would be Opmmur.

Oh thanks :) i will PM him about it
Well in that case i think its worth buying one i have been practicing and traveling astraly for about 3 years now i find it is a simple thing to do and its very comon with me i try to do it at least once a week. Even thought i know many of the dreams we have acure from astral travel actuly its the majority of dreams that does i think becouse many dreams also acures from deep momories and mixed pictures so to speak if you catch my drift ;)

But as i heard them say at the monroe institute in virginia the OBEs center :)

"Why not go beyond"
Astral Time Travelling.....

Originally posted by erikstalhammar+Jun 25 2004, 04:37 AM--><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-Anoah@Jun 23 2004, 05:10 PM
I think whether or not they actually work Eric is a very individual thing. Some people swear they have travelled with it, other say nothing happened. I think it all falls down to using it correctly and believing. I have heard that astral type travelling is much more likely and actual physical travel is rare. A good person to speak to about this would be Opmmur.

Oh thanks :) i will PM him about it
Well in that case i think its worth buying one i have been practicing and traveling astraly for about 3 years now i find it is a simple thing to do and its very comon with me i try to do it at least once a week. Even thought i know many of the dreams we have acure from astral travel actuly its the majority of dreams that does i think becouse many dreams also acures from deep momories and mixed pictures so to speak if you catch my drift ;)

But as i heard them say at the monroe institute in virginia the OBEs center :)

"Why not go beyond"

Guide as in spiritual guide? :unsure:
Astral Time Travelling.....

Yes. Someone that can teach both on the outer AND the inner. Beware astral entities posing as "guides" or Masters. They just love stunts like that.
