Bending the rules of dreams


Senior Member
Whenever wondering if I'm dreaming, I try flying, which does not work in reality or future visions. Walking in a future vision drains real energy from full balance physics. But to preserve energy from doing balance calculations in simplified dreams, the feeling of falling in any direction creates an opposing force to stabilize. Then I just think about the feeling of falling down to fly up or falling backwards to rotate forward. Often having fun in dreams by lying down on the floor like a log and doing pushups without any arms touching the floor.

Can also change people's noses into metallic bird beaks by imagining it happen, which usually piss off the characters. A dream is supposed to be a self-defence training simulation or psychiatric session and taken seriously, so using powers to cheat in nightmares do not make them go away.

Know any other exploits I can try in dreams?


Senior Member
I sit in my mind facing the ocean staring at the point of water meeting sky in the distance. For about 15 mins i build up the scene around me sand, water, etc.

Then imagining up and down the beach deserted sands behind me i vison a far as can be seen high dunes. My goal is to imagine a scene triggering a dream, a vivid dream it has worked many times.

So after the initial 15 or so minutes i imagine myself walking up the dunes and over searching for the doorway further out, with the intention of entering and give or that a while get into the dream itself.


Senior Member
I sit in my mind facing the ocean staring at the point of water meeting sky in the distance. For about 15 mins i build up the scene around me sand, water, etc.

Then imagining up and down the beach deserted sands behind me i vison a far as can be seen high dunes. My goal is to imagine a scene triggering a dream, a vivid dream it has worked many times.

So after the initial 15 or so minutes i imagine myself walking up the dunes and over searching for the doorway further out, with the intention of entering and give or that a while get into the dream itself.
I keep revisiting a fictional world of two big cities and trains going between them. Can find my way there among the stores of all things I desire to buy, using fictional bus lines. If you go into a basement of a regular house, you might end up at the tenth floor of a hospital and have to remember such shortcuts.


Senior Member
I once cut a deal with a pack of werewolves in my backyard by pointing out that this was just a dream anyway. Once they saw my point, they agreed to leave me alone.
It was very empowering.

As a student, I convinced my subconscious during meditation that not being attracted to ginger girls was only a mental block created by societal peer pressure, and that long term evolutional gains should only consider universal beauty. Then the block was entirely removed and I started flirting with lots of girls who where not used to getting attention.


Senior Member
As a student, I convinced my subconscious during meditation that not being attracted to ginger girls was only a mental block created by societal peer pressure, and that long term evolutional gains should only consider universal beauty. Then the block was entirely removed and I started flirting with lots of girls who where not used to getting attention.
Ah a ladies man hehehes


Senior Member
As a student, I convinced my subconscious during meditation that not being attracted to ginger girls was only a mental block created by societal peer pressure, and that long term evolutional gains should only consider universal beauty. Then the block was entirely removed and I started flirting with lots of girls who where not used to getting attention.
Personally, I've always been hot for redheads.
Take my first wife, (please.)



Junior Member
As a student, I convinced my subconscious during meditation that not being attracted to ginger girls was only a mental block created by societal peer pressure, and that long term evolutional gains should only consider universal beauty. Then the block was entirely removed and I started flirting with lots of girls who where not used to getting attention.
After my last ex i probably should try this, No joke.
