Best Paranormal Movie Ever

oh yeh I loved wtr wld to......... but maybe Godzilla 1985????? come on some body has to like Godzilla . oh no there goes tokyo don't go Godzilla zilla zilla history's showed us time and agin how nature cleans up the folly of man Godzilla
I liked Waterworld. People were panning Kevin Costner and the movie because they don't like him in Hollywood. That was all. Same thing happened with the Postman. That was not a bad movie.

I happen to like Thunderdome quite a lot. The other sequels, no.
HHAAAYYEEEE!!!!!!!! zilla well i have to say this at the threat of serious but wuppin so please be nice
Harry potter all of them, twilite all of them,
there yuc that was awfull sorry guys my daughter made me do it
I didn't have the balls to watch any of those Twilight movies. I know a few people who did, I think they still happen to have nightmares about it every now and then.

Harry Potter movies are pretty cool though, I gotta say I enjoy them.
i have watched some of the twilight and there not to bad for a vamp. and wlf. flic they are graphic thow. potter i never watched yet but i never much like the witch thing.
They may not know much about good movies but I'm pretty sure they are able to appreciate movies in general much more than I do. Sometimes I'd like to enjoy movies as much as I did when I was younger.

People are too critical and nit-picky nowadays, just take a look at forums talking about movies like IMDB forums. All you see is a bunch of people bitching everything you can manage to imagine and even more. Ah.. the Internet.

Did some of you guys see Battle: Los Angeles? I heard it was pretty cool, but still not a masterpiece, pretty much like Skyline. What do you think?
