can i travel back in time and change my decision?


New Member
I think we are all here for this very reason. Some mistakes can be fixed in the future but sadly most of them are irreparable. Time travel would certainly give all of us a real second chance, though in an alternative timeline. I wouldn't mind leaving this one forever in exchange for liberation from regrets


Junior Member
Also, keep in mind that you would have only two ways of even travelling back at all. In the first case, you would have to pass through —or eventually arrive from— a time portal which had already existed prior to or during whatever event you desired to change. If you built a time machine, it would only be able to modulate time backward to the point at which you had turned it on. There's nothing that says you couldn't make successive jumps through two or more portals that exist contemporaneously, without the need for a single constant machine and enabling redundancy. However, you would still encounter the limit of not being able to travel to a point before the final time portal in the sequence of travelling backwards had been turned on. Large gaps in quantum mechanic's current theories regarding causality do arguably go either way, but based on the mathematics of Einstein this would be the case.

The second way would be to go incomprehensibly fast. So fast you arrive at a point in space-time before you departed, again and again until you arrive back in time. This is theoretically "easy" to do if you can modulate your time as you move, but if you can't then it's all but impossible obviously. This is also based on Einstein's GTR which I consider the prevailing theory in regards to time. There are still arguments to the contrary and non-supporting observations that I think have good merit, such is science.


I know this is going to sound crazy. Well, here we go. I bought at an electronics store a PC that was max expensive. It was $2,000 and it did not work for me. OK, so I decided to return it ,but they said no. Actually, they did not even request a 15% restocking fee, but simple said - no. That too many people were returning items, so they did not allow returns any more. Well, I was angry. Then I thought about using my HDR to go back one day and give myself a warning.

I am still on the fence about the HDR, but you are a credible member so it makes me wonder and very curious.
I have not written it off.

Many of us, including @Einstein, have experienced changes like this. Einstein plays with time travel, but I do not.

In your opinion, could your using your HDR (or someone else), change the timeline for everyone?

We're coming to a consciousness issue. Is everyone experiencing the same timeline change or does it only exist in your consciousness?
You said your friends noticed the changes, too. Could I notice changes as well, all because of your action? What would happen if 50 people decided to make changes? And how are we all remembering the previous timeline?

Thinking out loud... some are rhetorical questions, but feel free to give your thoughts!! :)


Junior Member
Yes I agree with classical fan and sanic hotdog , life is a learning place to make mistakes in and correct them as you continue your journey through life and as far as any mistakes you made ten years ago ,just believe never existed / never happened and move on up your spiritual path


Senior Member
can anyone show me how to go back in time a few days ago and possibly save my cat who passed away on jyly 2 this year
No sorry bud, losing a kitty sucks. I know but we are where we are and eventually all things go back whence they came. My condolences.


Junior Member
Yes, maybe.Chronokenis is one way. You can do it through subliminals to target your subconscious which travels faster than the speed of light.None of this is overnight though and no guarantee it will work for all.



Junior Member
Yes, maybe.Chronokenis is one way. You can do it through subliminals to target your subconscious which travels faster than the speed of light.None of this is over night though.

Yep it takes from 2 weeks to about 6 months if not a year to develop it
