Debate Car murderers


Active Member
Treat the car like a bull in a bull fight. Make sure you move towards something that he couldn't avoid and would wreck the car. Having something that could scratch the side of the car to mark it might help (and collect paint samples). Then there would be no excuse when the police come out. That's a dangerous game that needs to be stopped.


Senior Member
When you say that, do you mean that it happens because of cars running on autopilot? Like a Tesla?

Or do you mean that someone is actually driving the car and attempting to run over people?

That's nuts, man. I wonder what's the process behind this. Are they getting paid or something?
Num 7 said > When you say that, do you mean that it happens because of cars running on autopilot? Like a Tesla? /
Lamdo answers> The Tesla malfunction might have been due to an AI burp. AI isn't real well understood on this planet yet.


Senior Member
Num 7 said > When you say that, do you mean that it happens because of cars running on autopilot? Like a Tesla? /
Lamdo answers> The Tesla malfunction might have been due to an AI burp. AI isn't real well understood on this planet yet.
If that man was a robot under human flesh, it must have escaped from a game.


Senior Member
Are the Authorities even going to try to catch these perps
or is it common practice to let a Psycho Mad Max Wannabe roam free?

It used to be like that here where I reside as late as the early nineties.
This is what happens when the police is understaffed from recruits not passing the education and old cops quitting when overwhelmed. No time to catch rapists and thieves due to the amount of heavy drugs and weapons, so the difficult to prove cases are just dropped.


Senior Member
This is what happens when the police is understaffed from recruits not passing the education and old cops quitting when overwhelmed. No time to catch rapists and thieves due to the amount of heavy drugs and weapons, so the difficult to prove cases are just dropped.
This thread is like trying to ride a giant swan, when all the time this bird dwarfs a person.
