Does President Trump have a Time Machine?

sciencetists have prove since the industrial age began global warming is changing more then natural corrilating will co2 increases per square foo in atmosphere. sciencetists prove co2 refracts light back towards earth.
sources againsted?
"carbon dioxide 20% " "The Causes of Climate Change"
" Humans have increased atmospheric CO2 concentration by more than a third since the Industrial Revolution began. This is the most important long-lived "forcing" of climate change. "
"carbon dioxide 20% " "The Causes of Climate Change"
" Humans have increased atmospheric CO2 concentration by more than a third since the Industrial Revolution began. This is the most important long-lived "forcing" of climate change. "
"In its Fifth Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world under the auspices of the United Nations, concluded there's a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed our planet.

The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 400 parts per million in the last 150 years. The panel also concluded there's a better than 95 percent probability that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have caused much of the observed increase in Earth's temperatures over the past 50 years.

@dimension-1hacker - I don't think CO2 (carbon dioxide) is the cause either. If it is, they might as well limit us or stop us from breathing. We breathe in oxygen, but we breathe out CO2. Likewise, I think that trees depend on CO2 for survival. It's the opposite with trees; they take in CO2 for survival, and emit oxygen into the atmosphere.

What you are reading is just more leftist propaganda from the mainstream media, which is an arm of the Democrat Party; and most of today's mainstream Democrats are socialists if not communists. Socialists and communists censor the truth if it doesn't fit their agenda.
@dimension-1hacker - I don't think CO2 (carbon dioxide) is the cause either. If it is, they might as well limit us or stop us from breathing. We breathe in oxygen, but we breathe out CO2. Likewise, I think that trees depend on CO2 for survival. It's the opposite with trees; they take in CO2 for survival, and emit oxygen into the atmosphere.

What you are reading is just more leftist propaganda from the mainstream media, which is an arm of the Democrat Party; and most of today's mainstream Democrats are socialists if not communists. Socialists and communists censor the truth if it doesn't fit their agenda.
I agree that is a possibility, but why are you relying on science to determine which science is propoganda? By definition without relying on .gov and edu sources to determine which sites spew right of left propoganda, you are calling all science propoganda.

Also people emit small amounts of co2, nothing that can't be negated by trees.
A large portion of science is just propaganda. We had just one wild fire in California last year that produced more CO2 than all the cars combined in the US last year. There are thousands of wildfires across the planet. Those facts combined show it is mother nature producing the majority of the CO2 in the atmosphere. And there is no science that will show CO2 reflects heat back downward. That is just pure bullshit.
A large portion of science is just propaganda. We had just one wild fire in California last year that produced more CO2 than all the cars combined in the US last year. There are thousands of wildfires across the planet. Those facts combined show it is mother nature producing the majority of the CO2 in the atmosphere. And there is no science that will show CO2 reflects heat back downward. That is just pure bullshit.
Co2 absorbs then reradiates infared radiation back towards earth. Detailed in the site, x person experiments, jar with co2 is warmest compared to others with oxygen. I don't understand exact science, but got info from edu and .gov sites. edu sitehttp
Co2 absorbs then reradiates infared radiation back towards earth. Detailed in the site, x person experiments, jar with co2 is warmest compared to others with oxygen. I don't understand exact science, but got info from edu and .gov sites. edu sitehttp
In 2018 humans released 32billion metric tons. Wildfires, 2 produced 5.5m. 2o-30 percent of co2 emotions 2017. correct me if wrong
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