Does the American left violate the Anti-Nazi laws?

Does the American left violate the Anti-Nazi laws?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

alpha centauri

Active Member
Rashida Tlaib, one of the Democratic members of Congress, wants to suppress pro-Israel voices because they are "not progressive" according to her.

The majority of Palestinians voted the terror organization Hamas in their last election.After that, the elections were abolished and the party Fatah, who lost the election rules. Palestine is one of the least progressive countries but she does not mention that, because it is her own identity. And her identity is far more systemically and institutionally discriminating than nearly all other identities in the world. I posted a map about which identities are the most racist and has the least human rights.

America" which is ruled by the identity "white" according to her, is an identity with the least racism and the most human rights.

If she does this to Israel , she will also have to ban her religion Islam because of Mohammed. He had far more oppressing laws than Israel has now and he definitely was not progressive. He discriminated other religions, women, LGBTQ, minorities etc.. and Mohammed also had slaves, which she also does not criticize.

Some of the laws of the QUran show that Allah did send an angel to speak with Mohammed, especially the slavery parts. And she does not criticize him (because she supports his deeds).
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Senior Member
The link is a bing search and your link also point out that this is a conspiracy theory.

It is not even officially proven that space forces exist or that extraterrestrials exist.

What site from the link is correct, in your opinion?
Just gave the sources it's your prerogative to choose to believe or not believe.

alpha centauri

Active Member
Just gave the sources it's your prerogative to choose to believe or not believe.
I live in Germany. I know some of the theories. I pretty sure that those UFos exist.
I have hoped that you have a specific site, because every site is different in the search.


Senior Member
I live in Germany. I know some of the theories. I pretty sure that those UFos exist.
I have hoped that you have a specific site, because every site is different in the search.
You will either apply yourself to the search or not. My role here is not your step-parent. If your'e interested, then you go after the subject matter yourself.

HdrUserFor Manifesting

Junior Member
The reason why the left does this cause their life is boring and want to bring others down
I sometimes look at videos how life is in the US and the left or the Democrats claim to be antiracist, antisexist etc. but always distinguish between race, sex etc. and discriminate based on that characteristics:

There are two examples, there are more on this channel:

Now, America helped to defeat the Nazis and established laws in West Germany (At least I think there are inspired by America, Britain and France):

Some of them also claim: You cannot be racist, if you are Black, because they have less power, you cannot be sexist, if you are a women, because they have less power etc... The definitions already are disciminating. And those people, who claim this, seem to be accepted as part of society while other discrimination by race and sex is justifiably forbidden.

Arent they violating their own laws (that they established) with this approach

alpha centauri

Active Member
You will either apply yourself to the search or not. My role here is not your step-parent. If your'e interested, then you go after the subject matter yourself.

I already know these theories. Why should I search for it again?

You wanted me to search for it.but I am not interested in searching it again.

If you have something specific, I would discuss it.

I wanted to know what you want to discuss but obviously you dont know either what is correct. So there is no further discussion then.

That was your post:
There's other forms of Nazis & they're still active. They have a job in a space fleet that protects Earth.

I had a family member that fought in World War Two and won the bronze star. When I met a repatriated Nazi at a fast burger joint, I had to put that anger aside and simply accept him.

We didn't kill of all the Nazis at the end of world war two. We gave them jobs and many of them are still active in society. nazi space fleet - Search

alpha centauri

Active Member
Especially if the more richer they are the more entitled they are

True. The theories also do not make sense. The theories are self-righteous and should deflect the fact that they are the one who are privileged according to their own theories.

Let us assume power is discriminating. That is what they are saying:

If power is discriminating, only the people in power will be able to discriminate and not men, straights or whites in general.

A powerless person will always have less privilege than a powerful person. otherwise they would all have the same amount of power.

There are different factor that increase the probability for privilege and one factor can be being a male or being a female depending on the circumstances.

But if you have power, it does not matter how you got the power. In that case, you are definitely more privileged than people without power.

They try to turn it around and they say that they have power but are discriminated, especially those politicians and celebrities.

That is very disingenuous. They would be honest if they said that they are systemically, institutionally and structurally discriminating all people below them for having more power. And they dont want to balance that power, because dont care about discrimination through power if they are affected and they would lose their own power in that process and they want to keep it.

One example.:

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alpha centauri

Active Member
There are racists everywhere, but saying that all leftists hate white men is just another layer of generalization, with no more right to judge using prejudice than the racists.

Person A is a minority of group E.
Person B has prejudice about group E and belongs to group F.
Person C has prejudice about group F because of person B and belongs to group G.
Person D has prejudice about group G because of person C.
Everyone is pointing fingers at others prejudice while doing the exact same thing themselves.
I did not say that in the text that all leftists hate white men, just to be clear.

But lets assume I would say all leftists hate white men and Democrats are systemically and institutionally misanthrophic.

According to their own logic, I could not insult them or be misanthropic against them, while saying that, because I have less power and insults and misanthropy are defined by power (because they are negative characteristics ). ONly they can be insulting and misantrhopic against me. I could say what I want to them and insult them how I want.

IN that case, I would always fight against misanthropy and I would always fight against insulting behaviour, while saying that. In contrast only Demcrats can be misanthropic and insulting.

The reason is the power dynamic. I have less power so I cannot have negative characteristics.

That is how disingenuous and bigoted these definition about sexism and racism are.
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