Sounds quite right in many cases.The way I see it, if it's not blind, then it's not faith.
Sounds quite right in many cases.The way I see it, if it's not blind, then it's not faith.
good point thereThe way I see it, if it's not blind, then it's not faith.
That also is a very good point. It; like so many other things in the Bible; is a mystery that unvails itself as you go deeper in understanding through study and comtemplation. Seems like the more dedication you give it; the more logic starts to become aligned with scripture. I guess It started out as a "blind" type of faith; then I became CONVINCED at some point. Again; that old saying "The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed; and the New Testament is the Old Testament REVEALED" becomes relevant.good point there
the BIBLE do say
that faith is the substance of things not seen
and to call those things that be not as though they are
hhhhuuuuummmm I thought it was a completed work after the book of REV. what ells needs to be added???
it kinda sums up the whole topic of where we are going and how we get there
Humble, indeed.I believe that the one who created all the universe is fully able to protect HIS word from all who would damage it but thats JMHO
The one from the bible sounds like he would enjoy pulling the legs off a spider and pouring salt on a slug.I believe in a god just fine without the bible.. but it's not the one from the bible.