I've not personally used the Bible much in my lifetime as any particular source of inspiration, having become aware early in life that while there is truth in it, there is a lot that should be discarded. Like many Christians, I believe the OT is mostly null and void and serves mostly as a historical document other than a few books like Isaiah, Pslams etc. As for the NT, so much is left out (if we had all that Jesus taught it would have to be put in to many books; separate teaching for disciples, parables for the masses etc) and the a lot misinterpreted (Elijah not JTB come again according to more or less all Christians, denial of reincarnation) etc etc.
It seems to me that labelling Christians as blind believers is short sighted but rather that they are just like Jesus said- too unenlightened/unaware to understand anything, so they claim the Bible as their only source yet do not know they don't understand it.