DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Not just Egyptians G100. The traveling computer & CD's Hoax travels ALL over Gods creation and back. Bout the only one not involved was the cat in that box. You should see what he done did to Smith of the mormon fame.

You never know, G100, maybe it's time for the Hippy Dippy Debunker...
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

I think we're all smoking something. At least I know I am. But I guess that does make walking away slowly easier right?
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

If I could travel through time I would do so once a month and always go to the same location at the same time. That way I could have a party with the several other me's and actually have a real intellectual conversation for once. Needless to say I would "fit in" quite well. I could say aloud that I was in group of really great guys (and not be lying). That'd be Sweet! Where can I get one of those HDR thingy M'bobs?
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Are you sure that would not be like putting matter and anti matter together, more than one of you at the same sitting?

What would the universe do with all that humility in one locality at the same moment in time?
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Excellent questions! I'll ask the others when I get there. I have a feeling there will be foul words exchanged.
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

Not if you remember to bring more than one pc of gum. Look what happened to that poor guy in Blazing Saddles.
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

"all right!!!

Nobody move or the group of dudes owning all the humility in their family gets it!!!"
Re: DOOPArts: documented-out-of-place artifacts

UPDATE 24th July 2010

Due to many comments and questions regarding the given example* of ‘Egyptian Hieroglyphs depict Computer Technology’, more information is now provided before you attempt the on-line DOOPArt evaluation.

* An Explanation of the specific 6 glyphs and their Context is given.

See ‘Explanation and Context of these Egyptian glyphs’ link via :
