Einstien's Question for time travelers


Temporal Engineer
I take it that you are an uneducated joker. Manmade global warming and man made climate change are beyond our capabilities. It's a political hoax.


New Member
You are purposefully acting ignorant. So be it, I won't be interacting with you anymore. And as you are the type to want the last word I will let you have it. There are more educated minds to explore than yours. And if you truly believe its a hoax by politicians why did the worlds temperature increase by 1° on September 12th, 2001? Only a day after all flights were grounded? And you dare say mankind does not affect its habitat. Much better minds indeed.


Temporal Engineer
The average temperature of the earth has remained constant since 1998. If you wanted facts, how about the fact that sunspot activity seems to correlate exactly with temperature increases. Unfortunately mankind can't take credit for that.


Temporal Engineer

I did notice that the graph showing constant average temperature since 1998 was missing. It was there last year. Perhaps it was removed due to political pressure.

Of course an educated person would know that mankind conquered the effects of climate change long ago. Don't we have temperature controlled climates in our housing?


New Member
I did notice that the graph showing constant average temperature since 1998 was missing. It was there last year. Perhaps it was removed due to political pressure.

Of course an educated person would know that mankind conquered the effects of climate change long ago. Don't we have temperature controlled climates in our housing?

This, This, This, This, and This prove you wrong. And an educated person would be able to tell that although temperatures seem to drop or rise at random, it is in fact not random. And here is the biggest punchline; an educated person also knows when to fold. Have fun with your AI controlled exploding drones.


Temporal Engineer
This, This, This, This, and This prove you wrong. And an educated person would be able to tell that although temperatures seem to drop or rise at random, it is in fact not random. And here is the biggest punchline; an educated person also knows when to fold. Have fun with your AI controlled exploding drones.

I studied all of this a few months back. Greenhouse gas effect is bunk science. Why? No greenhouse encapsulates the earth. Nothing in the atmosphere reflects the heat back to the earth. CO2 is a heat conductor. It will lose heat rapidly at night time with no heat source. Of course no one pays attention to the weather forecasters either. High pressure zones will attract higher temperatures. But no mechanism is in place to cause the atmospheric pressure to steadily increase. In fact air pressure at sea level has been constant in every source of data to date. It's almost as if the amount of atmosphere the earth contains is constant. Any excess just blows off into space.

By the way 4 out of 5 of your links support my position of no global warming. Which does debunk any attempt to claim previous warming was caused by hydrocarbon and CO2 emmisions by cars. The emissions still continue to climb. But the temperature doesn't.


Senior Member
edited for grammatical clarity

He smokes weed and gives you 42 as a joke answer and you claim he is a real Time Traveler, because you state his answer was sufficient due to your own bias. Take me as a joke if you will but in time you will understand that you cannot have "zero divergence" because onething must be lost for another to be obtained. You will understand when you lose the ego. I will give you this one fact and time will show that I am indeed correct; by 2020 the average temperature of the world will rise by almost 2° and two types of hidden technology will be revealed to your world that will make your efforts fruitless. One tech will be a show of military might, the other will become as common as a household appliance. America does love its pairings after all.
So, the "J" does stand for joke then.



Senior Member
You are purposefully acting ignorant. So be it, I won't be interacting with you anymore. And as you are the type to want the last word I will let you have it. There are more educated minds to explore than yours. And if you truly believe its a hoax by politicians why did the worlds temperature increase by 1° on September 12th, 2001?
Because it didn't.
Only a day after all flights were grounded? And you dare say mankind does not affect its habitat. Much better minds indeed.

