Ever seen a ghost?

Have you ever seen a ghost?

  • I see dead people

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Nope

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

oh well... the pic is too well framed.
The lady and the ghost are centered in the shot.
Perhaps the photo has been cropped.
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

I have seen shadow people and face apparitions in mirrors a long time ago. Last winter at an apartment there was an apparition of what appeared to be a small furry creature with big fangs. It was all not a onetime sighting but, happened many times. It was spooky and gave me the chills but never frightens me so far as to jump and dive somewhere far from.

Again a long time ago, there were numerous voices that would cry in the hallway at night and that was very scary to me but than I had a fever, so it could have been a hallucination. I was sure it wasn't anyone in the household.

Those things happened a number of times except the voices, which only occurred once. It was the most haunted house I've ever lived in, besides the apartment.

Now when I was around 8, I remember this creepy building that to this day still scares the bejeesus out of me. Vividly there was a demonic face made of fire that chased me away from the building. I remember riding my bicycle very fast.

I've got a picture of me with what appears to be a golden wing pointed directed at me...

Today, or most recently I should say (related to ghosts), is one night just outside and in front of my house was a shadow being that made a very spooky howl, like it was a werewolf or demon or something... Inside the house there is frequent orbs and flashes of light.

Lastly, there has been a recent (but rare) apparition of a lady's face that wore a blue mask around her head and face... Freaky deaky!
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

I'd be wondering if, after seeing your first couple of hundred dead people, do you see "people" among the dead any longer?

Re: Ever seen a ghost?

Numenorean7 said:
Ever seen This pic ?
We see the ghost pretty clearly, the pic's quality isn't that bad for an old one.


Please, don't call it a fake to early ! ;)

Sorry Num it's obvious that's it's faked. Why isn't the woman centered in the pic? Makes ya wonder...
Re: Ever seen a ghost?

Chip said:
Sorry Num it's obvious that's it's faked. Why isn't the woman centered in the pic? Makes ya wonder...

I copied that picture and uploaded it on my paint shop pro. I did take a good look at the 'ghost' and the lady. I can tell the 'lady' sitting there, has been 'added' to the picture by interlacing pixels. The trees in the background, etc.. is all real and the man in the picture too???... That 'ghost' there looks real as heck.. but the woman isnt. Can only tell by looking at it very closely and comparing it with the background.
You want a short answer? or a long, drawn-out dialogue? I have seen "ghosts" and knew what they were and i have seen "ghosts" but did not actually know I was looking at a "ghost" at the time. Some "ghosts" have a great "stealth system" combined with their "ectoplasm" LMAO.
Firs, define "ghost", as based on all my readings and experiences, there are several "types' of "paranormal life forces" that get lumped under the headings of "ghost". Have I seen deceased persons that I knew and recognized, yes, for years, didn't ask for "ability", I just have always have had "something". That's why I enjoyed taking an active part in battlefield reennactments, because I knew I was always going torun into "somethhing", that based on common sense and a firm grip on reality, should not have been there bbut showed up anyway, and it wasn't juust me who had instances happeen to them. Photos, well, some lucky folks cad do that with a camera, I have never had much success and "ghosts" seldom pose for pictures unless one happens to be in the areaa when "they" decide to make their presence known. I am always questionable about "ghost photos".
I never seen a ghost in my entire life, maybe one time but my GF saw the ghost not me. People say they see something in the corner of their eye or it feels like someone is following them or it feels like someones staring at me. I personally think that's all in our imagination. Walking at a dark scary place and not thinking of ghost you'll never get scared. Our brain often tricks us and our imagination sums it all up! In my opinion being scared of something is just in the mind.
