Experts to discuss US space plan


Experts to discuss US space plan

At Stanford University on Tuesday, 50 space experts and advocates from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, industry, academia and advocacy groups are gathering to ask whether the United States is on the right track in its plans to reach the Moon by 2020, build a long-term lunar base there and eventually send humans to Mars.

I wonder if NASA will ever send humans on Mars. They say they would like to get back to the moon in 2020. Lunar base could be a great project if they make it, but it will not be before few decades. I hope I'll see men on Mars in my lifetime. :)



Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

Numenorean7 said:

I wonder if NASA will ever send humans on Mars. They say they would like to get back to the moon in 2020. Lunar base could be a great project if they make it, but it will not be before few decades. I hope I'll see men on Mars in my lifetime. :)

not sure bout Mars my guess is no
I would like to be able to prove they went to the moon the first time.
just to many questions


Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

About the moon, they made a video to debunk all those saying it was fake.
They talked about the dust, how it was moving when the astronauts were walking and moving, and also about the US flag's movements. The flag was not moving, except when someone was moving it. It's normal then, since there's no wind on the moon.

In my opinion, it must be real. What a fraud if it isn't ! :eek:



Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

yeh theres no shortage of vids for anything these days. also the movie tech of the day was not quite what we have today, so the vids from back then aren't much help in the true or not true fite.
but my question is
why can't we get a pic of the landing site on the moon from one of the super scopes we have on earth. show the rover, the flag, all of the stuff we were spose to have left there.
put all this did go, did not, crap down hard, once and for all, seems fairly simple to me. but hey I don't wear shirts so??????


Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

kc wildman said:
yeh theres no shortage of vids for anything these days. also the movie tech of the day was not quite what we have today, so the vids from back then aren't much help in the true or not true fite.
but my question is
why can't we get a pic of the landing site on the moon from one of the super scopes we have on earth. show the rover, the flag, all of the stuff we were spose to have left there.
put all this did go, did not, crap down hard, once and for all, seems fairly simple to me. but hey I don't wear shirts so??????
Also, why does it take so long to get back to the moon ? It's been a while since the last time got there.



Junior Member
Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

My thoughts on the subject, think of it like this in the 60's every penny the space agency got was for maned flights in orbit and eventually to the moon. These days most of their money is spent on science vessels and satellites and by today's standards their not getting the money they used to in the 60s where the mentality was we have to beat the Russians. It's just not like that anymore, sharing resources and being nice to each other just made the space program go dormant.

The only reason we want to go to the moon now is because china is saying they are going to. If only the cold war never ended Space would be very different I think, we would always try to stay one step in front of the competition, but now there is none. Plus the shuttles we have, their not made for planetary landing and subsequence takeoff, they need to build something entirely different now. Ohh and safer... cause god forbid someone dies. People die every day but if astronauts die... there goes maned space flight for 3 years. It's ridiculous. Poor Arther C. Clark he never got to see his dream realized. And now I'm betting neither will I.


Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

The quest for helium 3 could bring the US to the moon. That's one of China's main objectives. Helium 3 could be used as a fusion power source.


Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

Numenorean7 said:
The quest for helium 3 could bring the US to the moon. That's one of China's main objectives. Helium 3 could be used as a fusion power source.
or maybe, just maybe, we don't have to go to the moon. maybe the men on the moon now,:eek: cause aint there spose to be all kinds of buildings or the like on the darkside/backside of the moon??????will come here and land at the spaceport Japan has built. :eek: the pics. are all over the net. it looks wierd too, an airport terminal without runways. anyway I thought helium3 was extracted from water?????is that correct????? aaahhhh hell, I'll go look it up and then talk shit:D


Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

I think that helium 3 is gathered the moon's surface, looks like there's helium 3 everywhere on the moon. They say there are some huge amounts of it there. It also can create a lot of energy.

The Moon's surface contains helium-3 at concentrations on the order of 0.01 ppm. A number of people, starting with Gerald Kulcinski in 1986, have proposed to explore the moon, mine lunar regolith and using the helium-3 for fusion. Because of the low concentrations of helium-3, any mining equipment would need to process large amounts of regolith, and some proposals have suggested that helium-3 extraction be piggybacked onto a larger mining and development operation.
Cosmochemist and geochemist Ouyang Ziyuan from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is now in charge of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program has already stated on many occasions that one of the main goals of the program would be the mining of helium-3, from where "each year three space shuttle missions could bring enough fuel for all human beings across the world."
In January 2006 the Russian space company RKK Energiya announced that it considers lunar helium-3 a potential economic resource to be mined by 2020, if funding can be found.
Mining gas giants for Helium-3 has also been proposed. The British Interplanetary Society's hypothetical Project Daedalus interstellar probe design was fueled by Helium-3 mines on the planet Jupiter, for example. Jupiter's high gravity makes this a less energetically favorable operation than extracting Helium-3 from the other gas giants of the solar system, however.
Helium-3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm not sure about moon bases. I haven't seen any recent pics, but the older pics I seen looked pretty fake.



Re: Experts to Discuss U.S. Space Plan

WOW thanks 7
don't know where I got the idea that it came from water,
wiki says tritium decay,lithume and some type of crust/mantel/dirt anyway guess the race is on for the h.3 fields of the moon
I googled spaceport pics and there is a shit load of them all over the world hell they even got one planed for new Mexico.
yeh all the old pics I saw of the (RUINS/BUILDINGS/DOMES ON THE MOON) looked fishy to me too but hey when chine gets there we shall see what they find. bet it won't be an American flag or the rover
