Has anyone honestly ever preformed any form of "magic" that had results?


Junior Member
What you said about the fortune telling reminded me of a while back I had a dream I was standing in a subway ( like the underground things not the food ) and, I felt a really strong wind push a baby stroller onto the tacks and, I had jumped down to get it. Which was a strange dream in general since I don't normally remember them ( although I am starting to now ) and, the next day when I went to look up the news I happen to come across a article that described everything that was in my dream. The article can be found at Delroy Simmonds saves 9-month-old Daniel Zamara on NYC subway tracks - UPI.com if you want to read it but, it was strange.

Lol@ "like the underground things, not the food". :D
I was just curious if anyone had any real results from any type of "magic" regardless of what it is so long as you could honestly say it's true.
I've done lots of things that could be considered "magic". One of my favorite forms is poetry. I wrote a lot of poems during my teenage and college years, and after reading through them years later, I was often amazed to see that the events I "made up" at the time had actually taken place. Like they had been predictions of hard things I would go through.

Another of my favorites is party planning with a theme. Everyone knows the theme, but no one knows the intent you put into it. The more people there are to unknowingly fuel its intent, the stronger the effect.

My favorite example of this was called "The Day of Truth", which I'd created in order to open myself up to any particular messages from the world at large that I'd been too thick to receive. All guests were informed upon arrival that no lies were allowed inside the grounds, and must be left at the door. Post-its were provided for this purpose.

During and after this party, I got two extremely clear messages that changed my life. One was related to my method of communicating with people in general, as I tended to be too impatient when making new friends and moved too fast. The other was related to my choice in women, which was unhealthy to say the least.

Both of these messages coming within days of one another completely transformed my way of dealing with people. I can honestly say my relationships are much more balanced and healthier because of them.

There are as many different kinds of magic as there are people. Most people have a Hollywood image of magic, which brings me to your second point.

The way I see it is that if magic exists it's information that has been lost over the long amount of time just like fighting styles and, other stuff like that. After a while information regarding them or their exists is lost.
Magic has never been lost and never will be. Certain recorded methods and rituals have been destroyed or simply lost in time, but the magic was never really "in" them.

If you want to experience magic, listen to the laugh of a child, to a grandmother singing a newborn to sleep. Lie on the beach with closed eyes, and feel the tide surge up around you and drift back into the sea as the sparkles of sunlight dance behind your eyelids.

This is what magic is: the world astounding you with its infinite renewal and mystery.
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Junior Member
I've done lots of things that could be considered "magic". One of my favorite forms is poetry. I wrote a lot of poems during my teenage and college years, and after reading through them years later, I was often amazed to see that the events I "made up" at the time had actually taken place. Like they had been predictions of hard things I would go through.

Oh my goodness, that gave me goosebumps. I have had this exact experience occur to me numerous times in my life. Still unsure as to whether it is a psychic trait or the act of me writing the stories caused the events to happen.

*By the way, I've tried to research this phenomena but was never able to find any accounts of it. Have you, by any chance? I am so excited to actually hear that someone else has had this happen to them! :D
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Still unsure as to whether it is a psychic trait or the act of me writing the stories caused the events to happen.
I've pretty much given up on this line of thinking, as it's impossible to answer it to my satisfaction. It's sort of like telling someone they'll die of a heart attack at a specific time on a specific day, and when the day comes he's so terrified that you might be right, that he actually dies.

How can you prove that it wouldn't have happened if you'd never made the prediction?

Something interesting often happens when I write poetry. In the beginning stanzas I think of what to write, try to figure out what sounds good, what have you.

Then, gradually, something beyond my rational mind starts to take over. The poem writes itself, or something or someone writes through me. It becomes zero effort to find the next words.

Reading it later, I can see the process unfolding, and in my older poems I've noticed that the first stanza or two are pretty crappy compared to the rest. I've gotten a lot better, so the divide isn't always perceptible these days.

I can think of three major possible explanations. Either a part of me is able to access and recount future events; or the fact of writing out subconscious processes makes me experience them later in the physical world; or given enough time I'm bound to experience something similar enough to my poem that I can say "Aha!" and pat myself on the back for my prophetic abilities.

Honestly, all three explanations are plausible to me, so I just don't worry about the why's or how's anymore. However, I think it's much more interesting to believe that a part of me (call it a spirit guide or higher power if you prefer) is aware of where my path is leading, and helps me to emotionally prepare for certain events by giving me something to digest in advance.

When I was confused and struggling with these kinds of logical dilemmas, it helped me to realize that not only are there no effects without causes, but there are also no causes without effects. The future defines the past just as much as the past defines the future.

Divination and evocation are one and the same. They are both connections, and the particularity of connections is that they go both ways. This is why it's often recommended to learn to emotionally detach from what you're seeing or invoking, in order not to get tangled up in the storyline and risk hurting yourself in the process.

I don't know if I've answered your question. I've never researched prophetic poetry in particular, but have tried to gain a general understanding of the process as a whole.


Active Member


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
As for the prophetic poetry, in my opinion it's most likely self-fulfilling, like Elem stated as a possibilty...But who knows? Test it! Write about something a little unusual that might happen in a typical everyday scenario and see if it comes to pass! :)
p.s: In my experience, the best kind of creative writing is the kind that just flows from you without even thinking about it... ;)
