Have you ever traveled when you were asleep?


Re: Have you ever traveled when you were asleep?

Really ? Did this kind of things ever happened to you before ? Some people use to start dreaming before some important events happening to them, or stuff like that. What's your opinion about this, do you think these dreams could mean something ?

I've heard someone once say "if you dream about the same thing 3 nights in a row, it's gonna happen!". I once had 3 dreams in a row about the same thing, and some of the things depicted in the dreams became true. If you ask me, it's a pure coincidence, but anyway, it makes you think about it a lot. I'm not one of those who pay attention to dreams, or spend a lot of time trying to figure out some meaning to them, but sometimes, some dreams happen to be pretty special, and totally unlike the others.



Re: Have you ever traveled when you were asleep?

sorry to short you like that:(
no. mostly be for they have always been kinda normal,no snakes ,things falling from the sky, movie shit on the sky, just day to day places and things for my life. these dreams I have shared all occured over a few months about six yrs ago.


Re: Have you ever traveled when you were asleep?

Numenorean7 said:
Really ? Did this kind of things ever happened to you before ? Some people use to start dreaming before some important events happening to them, or stuff like that. What's your opinion about this, do you think these dreams could mean something ?

I've heard someone once say "if you dream about the same thing 3 nights in a row, it's gonna happen!". I once had 3 dreams in a row about the same thing, and some of the things depicted in the dreams became true. If you ask me, it's a pure coincidence, but anyway, it makes you think about it a lot. I'm not one of those who pay attention to dreams, or spend a lot of time trying to figure out some meaning to them, but sometimes, some dreams happen to be pretty special, and totally unlike the others.

the dreams started when I was young about 14-16 there abouts I was still riding a peddel bike.
there have never been any dreams I have had that I did not watch play out shortly after haveing them. if I remember a dream it happens, and the ones I remember I cannot forget ever. but there have been times when I would not dream for 1-2 yrs but never more than 3 with no dreams at all.
I am very sure they mean something, and I am very sure they are exactly accurate. I don't know how or when, but the things,places,people and events that I have seen asleep I will see awake.


Re: Have you ever traveled when you were asleep?

What are the time frames for those events/things to take place in real life ? Do you have an idea about it?


Re: Have you ever traveled when you were asleep?

it has never been more than 2 yrs befor they replay infront of me. untill now .
also I have never givin them any thought. now I can't seem to get them out of my head I am very un nerved by this .
after some thought, I am not sure I should have done a good thing by telling my dreams to people .it has never been a happy ending in the past. but this is not the past and I know it is not the end. it must be diffrant this time .
edit time 12:52 am 10-13-08


Re: Have you ever traveled when you were asleep?

ok guys just last week I had another dream and this time I was at the gastation and realy pissed off cause I waited two hours and could only get two gallons of reg. gas 87 octane. but the real kicker was the price twelve dollars for two gallons. just a tip buy some jerry cans and fillem up put in some stable if yah want but get some stocked now.
