HDR proof


New Member
well normally I share with people that are already somewhat knowledable, even a little bit. The rest of the 'skeptics' cannot be convinced with any evidence(unfortunately). So do you have some nugget of technical information about free energy, time travel or otherwise to share in exchange?

If not then guess the only thing you could exchange would be cash...hmm let's see how much is time travel proof worth again? a hundred kazbillion?

Firesale! one kazbillion dollars.

lol, this is like the way a child get's around a playground dare.

You not providing evidence isn't about proving us wrong. If you don't supply evidence then that makes you an obvious troll or scammer. Everyone should see this message to show how much of a scam artist you are. Literally asking for money.

You should be absolutely banned from this site.


THE member
Right, because I'm always online. Next time, give people more than nine minutes to respond. No, I don't have anything to share because I've not found anything worthwhile to share. Why should that be a prerequisite to posting proof? And the whole "skeptic" nonsense is exactly that - nonsense. As I've stated numerous times previously, I believe time travel is possible but I don't believe anyone here has that ability.

>Prove me wrong.


Senior Member
lol, this is like the way a child get's around a playground dare.

You not providing evidence isn't about proving us wrong. If you don't supply evidence then that makes you an obvious troll or scammer. Everyone should see this message to show how much of a scam artist you are. Literally asking for money.

You should be absolutely banned from this site.

I like that reply here two seconds and asking for a ban.

Wonder who you might be, let me look:)


Senior Member
never mind.

A way a witches way a day, see the lot the you have been given.

Your on para know, may to see many to encounter and welcome:)
