
Junior Member
Re: HDRkid II

Numenorean7 said:
Didn't Starlord used to call him Jenifer ? I'll need to truly read the whole HDRKid thread post per post soon, I didn't have the time to do so yet. That's a monster of a thread, 1300 posts. I did read most of it when TPN existed, and it was pretty awesome.

I remember reading it, I didn't know anything about the HDR, I liked to see how the kid managed to always ignore what everybody were telling him (sometimes insults and such), and posting new stuff every day. He also used to answer Frog's questions. These are nice memories I have from this thread, that was back in 2005.

What are your memories ?

HA ha oh yes, Frog. His/her only believer. I remember that there was controversy surrounding the identity of HDRkid. Yes Starlord referred to her as Jenny, because Darby did some sluething and apparently came up with that she was posting from Seattle area and that HDRkid was this woman. He had found a site online I believe that was HDRkids...a blog, really. And it was this woman. But I don't know if there was any definitave proof.

That was the other thing. HDRkid was NEVER defensive. His/her self control was ridiculous. No matter how many personal questions, attacks-this person avoided and evaded questioning and scrutiny as if it didn't exsist. Leaving more than one person completely frustrated (including myself.) Really passive-agressive stuff if you ask me.

Then a debate raged as people questioned the safety of the HDR unit, and how it was that HDRkid was willing to pander this to kids. People thought Frog was a kid but I believe that he finally admitted that he was in fact, 32 or something along those lines. Nevertheless, the ethics and the morals of not only charging for parts or information, but even encouraging anyone buy something that could in fact, melt their brains, seemed irresponsible of HDRkid. And of course, the kid had no defense, and just kept on posting-but the HDRkid of that day, posted nothing but GLOOM and DOOM. There was never any good futures-and most of the futures were taken from things that you could find on the net, but not necessarily in the MSM. For example, kid made a prediction about Coke Blaque-a couple weeks before it was on the shelves. SO the general public may not have been aware of it, but do enough googling and you can find a million things like that.

And finally I remember such a rukus because HDRkid went wild with the predictions surrounding bird flu. That essentially it would kill us all. I remember HDRkid had an avatar of a monster truck-(another reason I felt he was a he) with the big ass wheels on it. I found a pic online of a monster truck-that was being pulled with ropes by birds. I used it as my avatar for a long time while posting on that thread!!:p


Junior Member
Re: HDRkid II

hdrkid said:
Hi Risata:

I am me.

Here is a picture of my HDR unit. Taken today Monday June 22, 2009 :)


No disrespct HDRkid, but, that thing looks like the Atari of HDR units. Really? I mean is that a crystal in the well above the "witness" tag? And what does witness mean? At least the labeling on the "electromagnet" seems modern-the other labeling looks like what we used as kids in the 70's with the ABC wheel. That thing looks way too simple to be able to send anybody anywhere.
Explain again-in layman's terms-the mechanics of that thing. What's "rubbing" plate? You rub your head on that? Or what?


Re: HDRkid II

HDRKid, I'd like to hear you about Men in Black. Have you ever encountered Time Cops or such since you began using the HDR ?

I remember that you talked about ordinary cops circling your house a few years ago, I did read that in the old thread, but they didn't come to stop you from using the HDR, or to prevent you from using time travel.

Did you ever see real MiB chasing you ?



Senior Member
Re: HDRkid II

Hi Risata:

This is a real HDR. BTW a movie is coming out called The Time Travellers Wife.

Hi Numenorean7:

OK years ago a friend yelled when I was in the library. "Hey, its one of the men in black" and sure enough running up the stairs was a man all dressed in black. He look like those pictures of a bad guy.

Speaking of the HDR. Steven Gibbs says that MIB are time cops sent to protect the time line from tampering.

The HDR has been cover in main stream media, like Aage Nost was on BBC using an HDR.

Time Trip | Watch Free Documentary Online


Re: HDRkid II

HDRKid, you just teasing us with that episode lol

What happened, was tje MiB running toward somebody, trying to catch you or another person in the library ? Wait, did he vanished, like... *pouf!* ?

I've read some stuff about The Time Traveler's Wife, it might be a good movie.



Active Member
Re: HDRkid II

Risata said:
No disrespct HDRkid, but, that thing looks like the Atari of HDR units. Really? I mean is that a crystal in the well above the "witness" tag? And what does witness mean? At least the labeling on the "electromagnet" seems modern-the other labeling looks like what we used as kids in the 70's with the ABC wheel. That thing looks way too simple to be able to send anybody anywhere.
Explain again-in layman's terms-the mechanics of that thing. What's "rubbing" plate? You rub your head on that? Or what?

I do happen to know the answers to these questions, even though it seems HDRKid avoided them.
The answers are not very satisfying, any more satisfying than x-ray glasses sent off for through the mail. Or maybe no more satisfying than the scientific verifiability of newspaper horoscope readings.
To begin with, this unit does look vert simular to one that was in my possession, many many years ago. I did not buy it, but it was put in my care for a small time period to conduct experiments. At least HDRkid's unit is labeled, mine had no such labels, that I recall, but the parts were diagramed in the "instruction manual". I use the term instruction manual very loosely here. True you were suppose to be able to use the unit from reading the instructions, but:
1) They inspired the confidence and authority of a wino bum on the streets telling you about demons invading his privacy at night.
2) They had the clarity of a technical manual written in Chinese that was translated badly into English.
3) They explained the inner working and mechanics of the product as good as Billy Mays explains the chemical properties of Orange glow.

Enough with the analogies, let me directing answer your questions.

"is that a crystal in the well above the "witness" tag? "
Yes. How a crystal can "act as a witness" is part of the WTF! factor of the manual.

"And what does witness mean?"
This is part of what seems to be lost in the translation from Chinese to English. But seriously, it is never really explained in the manual. There seems to be an entire "science" of psionics that may explain it. I must warn you though, psionics covers such theories as being given a picture of a sick person; the psionic practicer can cure the person by putting a glass of water over the picture. My memory might not be exact on that, but something along those lines anyways.

"That thing looks way too simple to be able to send anybody anywhere."
It certainly never sent me anywhere. But I was strongly advised against using it in that manner by the person who loaned it to me. Plus there was an entire issue of trying to find "energy portals" in the Lake Arrowhead, Big Bear mountain region of San Bernardino California. The energy portals was another WFT factor in the manual. I did describe the parts to an electrical engineer and he said the inner parts were way simplistic and he would be able to build his own with radio shack parts for far less.

"Explain again-in layman's terms-the mechanics of that thing."
I will explain the electro mechanics that I do know, just based on the wiring. I will then give the junky theory stuff they give you in the manual. The electrical engineer/ psych major who I described the parts to noticed something amiss in his calculations of the circuit flow. There was not enough of a resistor. Then he realized, the persons body is acting as a resistor. Now a resistor in layman's terms is the light of a light bulb or the red hot glowing part of a toaster. Yes, that doesn't inspire much confidence does it? Your body is taking the place of something that slows down electrons and gives off heat, much as the heating plates are the resistor of an electric oven.

Next the head band, the touch the tummy electro-magnet, and the rubbing plate. Coils of wires in electric circuits are called inductors. The layman terms of inductors are magnets. So you are putting your brain in a magnet. You are putting a magnet to your belly, for some odd reason. And you are waiting for your finger to "stick" to an electromagnet. Now the one that gets hot is the electromagnet on your belly. That thing is big. The telephone cord headband is no big deal, besides making you look very silly for trying this thing out.

Then there are the dials. Those are voltage potential changers, also called pots. In layman's terms those are simular to the dial of dimmers on lights. The higher the voltage the more electric juice you are pumping through... likely your body.

So those are the electrical parts I know about and can describe in layman's terms. I will now proceed to the manual descriptions and its wino like theories.

1. You are to pray to God.
Yes, this is actually in the manual and considered part of the steps to using the device.
2. The crystal is suppose to be cleansed spiritually.
Sure there are some good Wicca techniques about doing this, but how much confidence is this inspiring in an electronics device?
3. There was this thing about positive energy vortex and negative energy vortex, and not to use a negative energy vortex. Exact locations or what to look for to find a vortex of either type were not included.
4. I remember some technique where I was suppose to be counting and turning the dials first before I even used the devise. I believe visualizing the different areas of the body for a count of something like 20 each section. Here is were the stupid tummy toucher got hot.
5. Finally you then must have a clear image in your head of the time and place you want to go to. If you are not on one of those energy portal things, you are not going to go physically; but you can go astrally. And besides time travel your HDR can also be used to heal you physically and spiritually, or so the manual rambles on about as one of the other reasons you can feel good about your purchase.
6. Now to do this time travel, physical or astrol, depending on your location in relation to energy portal and weather you flipped the middle switch or not; you clearly picture in your head where and when you want to go and rub your finger on the rubbing plate. In a clock wise manner, NEVER IN A COUNTER CLOCKWISE (more WTF factor). Then you turn the knobs (you know the ones they pump in more voltage) until you hit the right frequency (those would be different from what this has) and your finger will stick. And then you flip one or both switches.

And of coarse belief is claimed to be an important part of using this in the manual. I hope this answers your questions. I know on a certain level the answers are not satisfactory, there is no good reason why this things should work or why anyone would try it. But on another level I tried to be as honest and direct about answering the questions as I could.​


Senior Member
Re: HDRkid II

Hi Phoenix:

Long time no see.

Glad the forum is back up.

I get hacked a lot, because in this arena you get a lot of haters. :)



Re: HDRkid II

Welcome back HDRKid, it's good to see you again! It's been a while.
It seems that PHPBB sites get hacked a lot, maybe you should consider moving your site to another free forum software like SMF, or MyBB. Just an advice.

What's up with the HDR and such, anything new ? I was wondering if Steven Gibbs is going to release some kind of "HDR version 2" or such ?

I look forward to see you around more :)



Senior Member
Re: HDRkid II

"MiB running toward somebody"

I saw him running up the stairs. He was scary. Actually more so than some of the holloween goth guys. The skin looked like dead or something.

Future will be exciting. OK in the future instead of being seafarers, we shall become chronofarers. People will go on time trips, the way we now hop on cruise ships. Therefore temporal excursions will be max common.

When a giggling debunker asks "Why don't I see any time travellers?" The answer is simple. Sad to report, but our time line has high rates of pollution and crime. They go to places that are nice. :)
