Re: HDRkid II

By Elizabeth Landau
CNN.com Health Writer/Producer

Do you judge the ethics of a situation based on a person's intention or the outcome of the situation? It turns out that magnetic stimulation can actually change the way you decide, according to a new study.
Researchers led by Liane Young at Massachusetts Institute of Technology started with previous studies showing that there's a relationship between moral judgment and a part of the brain called the right temporoparietal junction. This region is located between the temporal and parietal lobes on the brain's right side. People with high activity in this region have been shown to be more likely to use intention in deciding morality, rather than just looking at the outcomes of a situation.
In the new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers temporarily interrupted brain activity in participants with a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation. This basically induces an electric current in the brain, Young said. This allowed researchers to see if disrupted activity in the right temporoparietal junction had any effect on moral judgment, she said. This was a small study involving 20 undergraduates.
The researchers found that this actually made participants more likely to decide morality based on outcomes, rather than intentions. Participants tended to find it morally permissible in cases when the agent in the example has a bad intention but causes a neutral outcome, Young said.
Researchers used the example of a person, Grace, who puts a powder in her friend's coffee. In one variant, Grace thinks the powder is toxic, and her friend dies - this is a negative intention with a negative outcome. In another, she thinks the powder is toxic, but her friend is fine - a negative intention with a neutral outcome.
"It seems to be the case that if certain parts of the brain are damaged, moral judgments will look different," Young said.
The downside of the study is that it shows a somewhat modest effect, said Dr. Gregory Berns, director of the Center for Neuropolicy at Emory University. Also, scenarios such as the poison powder example are complicated and not entirely realistic. "People will answer these questions often times in a way that is socially expected of them," he said. "The only way to sort that out is when you’re in the situation."
Still, this is interesting research, although it is difficult to pin down which part of the brain is really responsible for morality at present, Berns said.
Young's group's subsequent research will look at the role of this particular brain region in assessing cultural taboos such as forbidden foods, incest, and purity.
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Posted by: Elizabeth Landau - CNN.com Health Writer/Producer
Filed under: Psychology

kid posted:

"Here is more evidence being used to "prove" HDR works via a magnetically induced hallucination. Rather than make fun of the people presenting it, I would rather investigate the evidence and see if they are wrong."

Thats what you got out of reading that???? the magical magnet works via a magnetically induced hallucination??? Try reading it another few times.

The article is about morality / moral judgment and a part of the brain called the right temporoparietal junction being stimulated electromagnetically "researchers temporarily interrupted brain activity in participants with a technique called transcranial magnetic stimulation. This basically induces an electric current in the brain, Young said. This allowed researchers to see if disrupted activity in the right temporoparietal junction had any effect on moral judgment, she said. This was a small study involving 20 undergraduates."

"The researchers found that this actually made participants more likely to decide morality based on outcomes, rather than intentions. Participants tended to find it morally permissible in cases when the agent in the example has a bad intention but causes a neutral outcome, Young said.
Researchers used the example of a person, Grace, who puts a powder in her friend's coffee. In one variant, Grace thinks the powder is toxic, and her friend dies - this is a negative intention with a negative outcome. In another, she thinks the powder is toxic, but her friend is fine - a negative intention with a neutral outcome."

There is no "evidence" what so ever showing anything remotely similar to gibbs plaything and what this article is about. Hallucinations???

What hallucinations are you referring to? No one is experiencing any kind of hallucination in this article.

There are no hallucinations in this article. Where EXACTLY do you see this article talking about hallucinations?

I moved some posts to keep this thread clean: http://paranormalis.com/showthread.php/4083

I think HDRKid wanted to show that an electromagnetic field can affect your brain. There's a way it can affect your morality and judgement like they explain in the article. There would be another way, the HDR's way, which might help you go astral.

As sensitive as the human brain is, being sensitive enough to register changes due to parts per millions of certain chemicals, as well as signals running on both chemical and electrical messages, Either way, someone is alluding to the presence of Hallucinations. That terminology does not bode well for a kind of theory.

Being out of the physical plane brings up all sorts of worms from the tipped over can.

I'll deal with the obvious one first, I'd like to see the explanation from kid & company how a physical object, a camera you are proposing to travel with, gains an astral body.

To Starlord:

You said "I'll deal with the obvious one first, I'd like to see the explanation from kid & company how a physical object, a camera you are proposing to travel with, gains an astral body."

I am not saying that about the camera. The idea is to say that the HDR induces an altered state of consciousness. By showing strange paranormal events related to the HDR I plan to show that the effects it generates are physical in our universe.

There is a reason why gold continues to go higher every year. While I cannot precisely predict the exact date for you, there will be a new crash that is worse. Right now even as main stream media is claiming that we are emerging from the great recession, well I am predicting that we will fall further and sink deeper in the mire.

Sadly, many older citizens will face a reality that is both dim and grim. With their pensions evaporating and savings gone, many will wake up to a new america. A truly tragic time for seniors.

Expect our gov to run hot the printing press. I predict inflation in energy prices as we move into a sea of green. Not green technology, but one of little green pieces of paper. :cool:


If the shit hits the fan and China pulls a fast one which could go both ways, it will affect the price of EVERYTHING.

Predicting that Gold will "go up" cost more is a no brainer. Every body and their financial brother-sister-cousin-brick laying grounds keeper.
Here's the most basic explination:
"Typically gold rises in times of crisis. Gold is accepted all around the world and if people fear that governments and/or their currency may become bankrupt they want their money in a 'safe haven' i.e. gold.

A second and perhaps more pertinent reason at this time is the fact that the dollar has been losing value. For example in 2001 the Euro was worth 85 cents. Now it is worth about $1.26. Gold is typically bought and sold in dollars. So it takes more dollars to buy gold now than it did before since the value of the dollar has gone down. Since it takes more dollars to buy gold now due to the dollar's lesser value - that's what make is more expensive."

Key watch word, financial crisis. The fact of the matter is as it's been explained, it's the dollar having less buying power. This information was available since the first snowball left the mountain top.

This was back in 2007: "
Why gold's going straight to $1,000


This in Feb 2008
GOLD [FONT=Times New Roman, Times]- HOW HIGH WILL IT GO?[/FONT]


as anyone can plainly see if you do the research, moving in a temporal direction to find this information is unnecessary. Same goes for the prognostications regarding geriatrics, it's common knowledge.

I got this from the mainpage:
Steven Gibbs is working on a HDR that is new. This is the HDR unit 2010 model which will have numberless knobs as feature one.

I gotta say that I'd be pretty disappointed if the key feature of a time machine was the fact that its knobs where numberless... I mean, how far downhill can it go after that?

The destructions manual has gotta be an hysterical read:


1: Pull numberless knobs.


The manufacturers of this HDR device cannot accept any liability for injury or loss of life if you do not flip, pull or twist the knobs in the order specified in this instruction manual.

Speaking of a large box of frogs, On Gibb's site you will find:

"Since Aliens or ET's are trying to block this information from reaching the public, I have taken the liberty of including two different websites"

Yes, I can see how that would slow down Aliens and Et's. Obviously, none of them own computers or have access to the internet, what with all their attention being aimed at Gibbs.

I'm still waiting for the kid to answer my earlier post:

"Moving along, is this your site, does this site belong to you?

http://hdrkid.tblog.com "
